Metal Gear Lamia

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"So this is the musuem you've taken me to?" Miia asks. The musuem looks very bland, easily blending in with the surrounding buildings, and Mero looks at Jack quizzically.

"Oh wait... There's a little flag just right there... Spyscape?" Mero asks, focusing her attention on the little flag.

"That's the name of the museum. Might not look very convincing at first but just wait until you head inside, it's like no other." Jack chuckles as he opens the door and lets the two in. Immediately they're greeted by a doorman who welcomes them into the museum as soon as Jack pays. The trio then receives identity bands before they enter an interesting room with many buttons to press, and the three hear a voice come online.

"Welcome to the Spyscape espionage museum." The voice says. "How many people are here right now? Please scan your identity bands."

"Let's do that..." Jack says as he and the girls comply.

"What species are you?" A list of various species pops up and Jack and company pick their correct species. "Here at Spyscape you will be put through a series of tests, adapted as necessary to fit your needs, and you will see just what you could become if you went down the line of espionage. Best of luck to you, fledgling spies." And with a few more words on the info that spies can carry the other doors open to reveal part museum, part "training facility" stunning Miia.

"This place looks awesome already!" Miia says. "I shouldn't have underestimated you!"

"Now go ahead and take a look around and prepare yourselves for the spy challenges. These will help you in building your profile if you were to be an actual spy." A watchman chuckles. Everyone gets their look and answer a few questionnaires before they prepare for their first challenge, supervised by a computer.

"Welcome to the encryption challenge." The computerized voice says. "Here you will challenge yourself to encrypt and decrypt various symbols in a mock code breaker scenario. Select the appropriate symbols that make up the one presented before you, good luck." The three take turn performing the challenge, with Jack and Mero tying in score and Miia just a little behind.

"You three are doing pretty well." The watchman chuckles. "You may proceed to the next part of the museum. Study up, get a questionnaire done and prepare for your next challenge."

"All right." Jack chuckles as he and the girls look around and answer some questions before taking on the next challenge.

"Welcome to the deception challenge." The computerized voice says. "Here you will challenge yourself to see if you can detect when someone is lying, and how good you are at getting away with lies." For the first part of the challenge, the computer reads their faces and then proceeds to tell them to either lie or say the truth. With a stoic face Jack manages to pass off lies fairly well and Miia just manages as well but Mero completely flubs that part. The second part involves a series of people and they try to see if they're lying. Mero passes with flying colors with Jack just behind and Miia coming around last.

"That was tough." Miia chuckles as they head onto the next section. Immediately they are greeted by a series of cameras and views of various cameras all around different locations in the museum. Here there is nothing to admire- the whole room is the challenge, with the museum portion just beyond.

"Welcome to the surveillance challenge." A more human sounding voice says. "Here you have been given a series of live camera feeds to look through. I will call out various things to find, sounding a bell if you can correctly identify which camera feed it is in. Do take turns, good luck." That challenge sees Jack and Mero passing with flying colors and Miia just behind, and the museum portion awaits them. Finally a watchman greets them as they finish the questionnaire and he leads them to a series of doors.

"Here is our final special ops challenge." The watchman says. "Here you will be navigating through a series of lasers trying to hit as many buttons as you can. For the mermaid we have a water filled course and for the lamia we have a more jungle themed course with many places to utilize your snake tactics." All three pass with flying colors and the final portion of the museum leads the trio to a debriefing room where all of the information from the various challenges they performed gives them a role in the world of espionage.

"Let's see what we get." Jack says as he scans his identity band and information flies by before he's given a role. "I'm a spec-ops officer."

"Nice." Miia chuckles as she scans her band and gets her role. "I'm a surveillance officer."

"Let's see what I get." Mero says as she scans her band. "I'm a tech ops officer."

"So we've all got officer roles." Jack chuckles as everyone heads to the gift shop to see what they want before leaving. "At least we can band together."

"Yes indeed darling." Miia chuckles back.

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