Memories To Behold

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In the end Jack, Miia and Mero returned home feeling more than satisified, and because the identity bands were property of the Spyscape museum the trio instead opted to get custom "IDs" complete with their mugshots and codes to give them access to their complete spy profile linked with the museum.

"Now this should be interesting." Jack chuckles.

"I really enjoyed our time together." Miia says, losing herself in Jack's eyes. "And how long was that?"

"Well it's around noon." Jack replies. "Shall we get something to eat?"

"I guess we shall. I hope the girls back home are doing well." Mero says as the trio continue to walk around Akibahara. Eventually they run into a certain group of MON officers and the leader of the pack accidentally breaks the stitches on her hand high fiving Jack, much to Miia's shock.

"Oh... Sorry to scare ya." Zombina says as she picks up her hand and looks to Jack. "You wouldn't mind sewing it back on for me?"

"I guess. I leave a lot of the tailoring to Christine, Gabriella and Rachnee, but I think I've learned enough to help you out there." Jack replies as he sews Zombina's hand back on.

"What are you guys doing out here?" Zombina asks.

"Oh I'm out on a date with Miia." Jack replies.

"Are ya?" Zombina chuckles. "How's it going so far?"

"We've already checked out the Spyscape museum and got custom identities." Jack chuckles back as he and the girls show off their spy IDs.

"Ooh that's cool!" Tio says as she looks at them. "Are they real?"

"Well according to the people there this is an actual profile." Jack replies. "Have you been there before?"

"Quite a few times actually." Doppel says. "It didn't quite inspire us to join MON but it definitely helped a little bit." Before the conversation can continue any further a dreadfully familiar face spots them, and Jack instantly glares at him.

"Who's that?" Manako asks.

"Someone who hates extraspecies apparently, and for some reason he specifically targets lamias like Miia." Jack replies. "I don't know what's his deal."

"EW! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew EW!" The forfive lookalike chants. "You're on a date with that snake girl? How do you even do it? Oh wait you probably can't! Hahahahaha!!!"

"I oughta knock that hat right off your stupid head!" Miia yells, threatening to smack the jerk with her tail.

"Don't you think losing your car was bad enough?" Jack asks. "Just get lost and I won't have to make you lose something else."

"I had insurance, don't worry." The forfive lookalike replies. "And it wasn't that bad either, just some flood damage. Otherwise she works just like a charm."

"Sounds like you treat that truck better than you treat women." Jack mumbles.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" The forfive lookalike suddenly screams. "YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT FOR INSULTING MY BABY LIKE THAT!"

"See what I mean?" Jack asks as the forfive lookalike starts charging, attempting to cream Jack in the face. Unfortunately the most that happens is Jack swiftly dodges out of the way and instead of connecting with his face the forfive lookalike punches a glass window to pieces, covering his hand in bloody shards and setting off burglar alarms. The resulting noise however is so loud that everyone covers their ears.

"Oh my god!" Miia shouts as everyone makes a break for it and the forfive lookalike gets arrested.

"You cannot arrest me! I am white!" The forfive lookalike screams as Jack and company manage to reach his home.

"Well that was some damn good reflexes." Zombina chuckles.

"How else was I able to win a lot of tournaments?" Jack says. "The only reason I lost was because either I was clearly outmatched or I got injured."

"Still that was so much fun." Miia says as she and Jack find themselves waiting just outside the front porch, and Christine and company peek through the windows at what is about to happen.

"So... Um..." Jack begins stuttering again as he starts turning red.

"What is it?" Miia asks.

"Well... Is it official? Are we dating?" Jack asks. Miia then looks away and Jack's pride plummets before he realizes that she's blushing just as hard, if not even harder than he is. Eventually the two lock eyes before finally they share a long kiss, their first kiss, and Mero and the MON officers clap for the new couple as they part.

"Congratulations you two!" Zombina and Tio say.

"I hope you two are happy together, and maybe you two will become the first candidates for that new amendment that the government is planning for the exchange bill." Manako and Doppel chuckle.

"I think Miss Smith would be head over heels for that." Jack chuckles. "Let me get to know Miia better first."

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