The Final Nail

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A few days after Lala moved in, paranormal activity in the house got much quieter.

"Well what do you know? Looks like most of the activity has stopped." Jack chuckles.

"What activity?" Lala asks.

"We've had some ghosts messing around with us as of late." Jack replies. "And ever since you moved in we haven't had that much trouble."

"Ghosts you say?" Lala asks. "The long forgotten spirits that have yet to move on? How they arn for whatever they last wanted before their untimely deaths?"

"You wouldn't happen to be one of those weird kids when you were young, were you?" Jack asks, snapping the dullahan out of her rant. "I know I was."

"What- well, since you've said that, I guess I can relate to you mortal." Lala replies.

"Stop calling me mortal, I have a name you know?" Jack says. "It's Jack. Have the others not introduced themselves to you yet?"

"I seem to host an aura that is much too frightful for them to approach me properly. As a god of death I see no other reason as to why they wouldn't want to come near me." Lala replies.

"Yep... She's definitely one of those weird kids..." Jack mumbles in his head.

"Darling!" Miia's voice calls out.

"What the?! Miia?!" Jack shouts.

"That doesn't sound very pleasant!" Lala says. "Let's make haste!" And with that Jack and Lala rush to the source of Miia's voice and they throw open the door to Miia's room to see that Miia's own blanket is trying to choke her!

"What in the?!" Jack shouts as he tries to untangle the blanket but it doesn't do much as Miia struggles to get the part that's wrapped around her neck. "Miia!"

"Stand back!" Lala shouts as she whips out her scythe and with a few carefully placed slashes she manages to slice away at the blanket until finally it's in tatters and Miia can breathe. That's when the other girls emerge.

"What happened?!" Christine asks.

"The spirits of the dead are not at rest here." Lala replies. "I can sense a paranormal entity that has strayed far from it's resting place, but I cannot detect it's presence!"

"We have to draw the spirit out somehow..." Jack mumbles. "Girls! Stand back! I don't want you in the fray of this."

"Master..." Mero trails off as Jack, Miia and Lala carefully look around Miia's room, but they don't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Jack, you have to pull a risky move to draw out this spirit..." Lala says. "You must act as a vessel. Only then will I be able to see it!"

"I see..." Jack mumbles. "There's nothing more I can do, so let's do it!" And with that he allows the spirit to enter his body. It's then he realizes who's possessing him. "The spirit... It's my dad?!" That's the last thing Jack says before he falls to the ground, and Lala brings out her scythe.

"Spirit, you are no longer welcome here! Leave now or I shall banish you!" Lala shouts, but her words are futile as Jack stands up and it's revealed that his eyes have gone all white. He then charges at Lala, trying furiously to knock her out, and the dullahan is quick to back off. "I can't get a hold on the spirit like this! Someone must hold him in place!"

"I got it!" Miia shouts as she quickly wraps her tail around Jack and unleashes her snake kung fu, striking a series of pressure points that Jack had taught her before putting him in a chokehold.

"Excellent! Now I can get a clear shot on the spirit!" Lala shouts back as she performs another series of slashes, this time just above the air around Jack and Miia's heads. For a few brief moments something seems to materialize and fade out, revealing the spirit of a person who looks like an older version of Jack, and he screams as he phases out of existence, banished to the afterlife. When Jack finally opens his eyes they are back to normal and Miia hugs him.

"Darling! I'm so glad you're okay!" Miia says.

"I'm just glad that we don't have to worry about that whole ghost thing anymore." Jack chuckles. "We owe you one Lala."

"I'm glad that we don't have to see that ugly ghost again!" Papi says.

"Yay for Lala!" Suu cheers, and the dullahan turns away to hide a blush, not having heard something like that directed at her before.

"Finally that paranormal... Thing has been ridden from our home, we can't thank you enough." Cerea says.

"It's only the duty of a dullahan to send those who linger to where they need to be after all." Lala replies. "Now I shall head back to my room. If you need me, I will be downstairs." And just like that Lala leaves Miia's room as if nothing had happened.

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