Pervs, Pricks and Paparazzi Oh My!

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"This place looks so cool!" Gabriella says as she looks around.

"I haven't been here before Gabriella, I don't blame you!" Miia chuckles. "And look at that! They have a whole bunch of extraspecies working here!"

"Well, let's try not to get TOO overwhelmed all right?" Jack chuckles back. "Where do you guys wanna start?"

"Let's go to that arcade!" Miia says excitedly. "It looks like they even cater to all species!"

"Sure looks like it, let's head on in!" Jack chuckles as the four head inside the arcade. "This is nothing like the arcades we have in America, this place is cool!" He chuckles some more as he looks at the various games. "Fortunately we have the money we need." He says as he whips out a bunch of bills and pays for a bunch of tokens. He then splits them off evenly before heading upstairs to where the fun stuff is. Among the countless pod arcade games and whatnot, a certain arcade game catches Jack's eye as he practically gravitates towards what appears to be some sort of punching game.

"I knew you would go for those games first." Christine laughs as she, Gabriella and Miia follow Jack. The game is called "Sonic Blast Heroes" and there is a punching bag complete with glove.

"Does he like those kinds of games?" Miia asks.

"When we were in America he would always challenge other people to go up against him with the punching machines they had there." Christine replies as Jack selects a multiplayer mode and selects the situation.

"Let's beat up a T-Rex!" Jack chuckles. "All four of us can take swings at that thing."

"Then let's do it!" Gabriella says as Jack takes first swing. He hits the punching bag with all he has and the T-Rex on the screen goes flying, taking out whatever windows are in it's way before projecting some insanely large newtonian reading.

"Whoa... Could I possibly beat that?" Miia asks herself as she slithers up and takes a mighty swing at the bag. The T-Rex once again goes flying, smashing whatever windows it runs into, and much to Jack's surprise Miia has scored an even higher newtonian reading than he did!

"You're one tough cookie." Jack chuckles as Miia slithers aside to let Christine and Gabriella take swings. While they don't score as high, the four are amused nonetheless as the game ends and they head over to a different arcade cabinet. This one was called "Mazan: Flash of The Blade", a game where one used a sword to slash up various demons and whatnot, and this caught Gabriella's eye.

"We'll take turns!" Gabriella says as she slots in a token and takes up the blade. Unfortunately the demon swordsmen prove harder than normal and Gabriella is trounced halfway into the first level, and she quickly slots in a token before handing the blade to Miia.

"All right, you're going down you numbskulls!" Miia shouts as she starts slashing away at the various skeleton samurai charging at her. She proves to be a formidable swordfighter, but at the same time Miia has attracted a crowd as humans begin to gather around to see a lamia for the first time.

"Huh? What's going on?" Jack asks as people simply watch in awe.

"Hm? What is it?" Miia asks as she clears a level and looks to see the crowd of people looking at her. "...If you're going to just stare, at least say something!"

"I don't think they've seen a lamia before, but I have my doubts." Jack mumbles as he continues to look at the people staring at her before realizing many of them are American, tourists on top of that. Suddenly Jack hears Miia yelp and he turns to see one of the tourists grope Miia's chest from behind and he immediately springs into action. "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU PERVERT!" Jack screams as he wrestles the man away from Miia before slamming him onto the ground. "Come on Miia, let's go."

"Ah, right." Miia says. With the experience ruined, Jack, Miia, Christine and Gabriella rush out of the arcade, and it's not long before other tourists begin to stare. "Uuuuuuuuu..."

"Wait, is that snake girl dating that guy?!" A heavy voice laughs and Jack's eyes land on the source- the accent was near impossible to make out, but his appearance stood out. With his oversized tee, poor fitting jeans and the bright red hat covering his slicked blond hair, he could have been mistaken for President Forfive had he been in a business suit. "I gotta tweet this! This will definitely make headlines back in America!"

"Oh no it's not!" Miia shouts as she goes to smack the Forfive lookalike with her tail, only for Jack to jump in the way and take the hit for him. Miia and Gabriella look in shock as Christine quickly rushes over.

"Jack! Are you alright?!" Christine asks, horrified.

"Come on, we need to get out of here, we need to get somewhere safe!" Jack replies as he gets up and quickly escorts Miia away from the crowd.

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