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Vicky plays coy, sensually rubbing her hand on Jack's crotch, and it's not long before the familiar tent forms in his pants.

"Now to really get things going~" Vicky giggles seductively as she wastes no time in undoing the button on Jack's pants and fishing her hand into his underwear before pulling out his little man.

"Her hand feels so soft..." Jack says in his head. "Wait what am I doing?! I have to resist!"

"Snakes are very, very stubborn you know? Once they find prey, they don't let off until they've had their fill." Vicky says as she begins jerking him off. "Does my hand feel good? Maybe I'll throw in a little extra~" She adds as she gently blows into Jack's ear and gently nips before sticking her long tongue in just a little bit. "You like that, don't you?" Vicky suddenly gets cut off by a blast of freezing cold steam and Vicky quickly lets go as she rolls along the ground and Jack tucks his little man back into his underwear before zipping his pants back up.

"Miia thank god! What was that?" Jack asks.

"It's cold spray." Miia replies. "At least that should stop her, for now. Come on!"

"Ow gosh darn it!" Vicky shouts. "I'm blinded!" Eventually she manages to get up and readjust herself. "Looks like they got away again, but I'm not so easily put off. Time to activate my pit vision!" And with that Vicky's eyes glow and she sees a trail that the two left behind. She follows this trail all the way to a storage unit and she whips out a strange metallic sphere littered with holes. "This should put him in the mood..."

"Do you think we lost her?" Jack asks.

"Knowing my mom, probably not." Miia replies. "I don't think she quite understands does she? I only want you to myself darling."

"Well it's not going to matter. No matter what chemicals she throws at me I will not bend to her desires." Jack says until he smells something strange. "You smell that? Smells like... Burning incense..." It's then that he starts breathing heavily and looks at Miia with hungry eyes.

"Uh oh!" Miia shouts as Vicky emerges from behind Jack.

"This should release his primal instinct!" Vicky chuckles. "This is the most powerful aphrodisiac that we lamias can create! The more hate he has towards us the more lust will grow! Now let him take you!" Jack looks like he's completely succumbed, stumbling towards Miia in a trancelike fashion, until he grabs a giant jug of water and dumps it all over himself. "What?! Impossible!"

"You just said it didn't you? The more I hate lamias, the lustier I get." Jack says as he recollects himself. "I don't hate lamias, so how is that going to work on me?"

"Huh?!" Vicky asks.

"Vicky, Miia told me a bit about you girls." Jack begins. "There are no males to mate with, and I get that, I can even understand why you would go out of your way to trap a man for the village."

"That's correct..." Vicky says, shocked.

"But I'm not going to let myself do anything while I'm high on something. I want to be in my right mind when I do something!" Jack continues. "Miia is a wonderful girl, it's the reason I became her boyfriend, and there are so many things I could list off! Yes you want me to get married to her at some point, and yes I plan on doing that, but can you at least give us some time first?"

"Darling..." Miia trails off.

"Well...." Vicky also trails off. "You really do have my daughter's best interests at heart... I can definitely see why she fell for you now, if before didn't say anything..." For a second Vicky seems completely off guard, and Jack slowly backs away until suddenly Vicky's tail shoots out and grabs him.

"Whoa!" Jack shouts as he gets pulled into Vicky's chest.

"What the?!" Miia shouts.

"We came this far! Why don't you take him?" Vicky giggles.

"Mama! Seriously!" Miia shouts.

"If you're not going to do it, then I guess I'll do it instead. As long as one of us can bring him back to the village." Vicky says seductively. "I don't think you've had sex with Miia before have you? The law prohibits that kind of stuff, but we lamias tend not to care about the law."

"Vicky... Let go!" Jack says, struggling to escape, with little to no success.

"Yes my daughter is very pretty, but perhaps I've been the one for you all along?" Vicky teases as she starts rubbing Jack's crotch with her hand again. This time she rubs his length rougher and starts massaging his sack with her other hand- all through his pants with the intent of bringing him over the edge. "I've had a lot of experience with sex as you can tell, I can always teach you~" Suddenly, Vicky realizes that it's getting cold and she lets go. "Huh?! Where are we for it to be so chilly?! Wait... This is a refrigerated store unit! We cold blooded people can't handle this low of a temperature!"

"Darling... Do something! Fast!" Miia says before she collapses along with her mother!

"Crap!" Jack says. "I gotta get them somewhere warm, and quick!" And with that he begins dragging the unconscious lamias out of the unit, intent on finding somewhere, anywhere to warm them up.

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