Teenage Dream

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Despite the fact that it was revealed that Jack had a tragic past and was suffering from depression he still went about his day like the event never happened.

"Darling, are you sure there's anything we can't do for you?" Miia asks.

"I'll be fine Miia, don't worry." Jack replies. "It's not like I'm letting it affect me you know?"

"I guess..." Miia mumbles.

"But let's put that off to the side." Jack says. "You mentioned that you wanted to go out on a date with me right?"

"Wasn't it you that said it?" Miia asks before laughing and hugging Jack. "Why does that matter? I'm going out on a date with you one way or the other!"

"Anywhere specific you want to go?" Jack chuckles. "Surely you have a few places in mind?"

"We have all the money we could ever need for this date, why don't we splurge a little bit?" Miia asks.

"I don't know... Call me a cheapskate but I'm not about to splurge a whole ton of money on anything." Jack replies.

"I guess I can respect that." Miia says.

"You know, I got a job at the aquarium down in the city. If you'd like I can get you guys in for free." Mero pipes in.

"You can do that for us?" Jack asks. "Thanks!"

"I do want to see you two eventually get married after all." Mero replies happily.

"Did I just hear date?" Christine asks. "Have fun Jack."

"Thanks." Jack chuckles as he and Miia find fancier outfits. Miia decides to wear the same outfit she wore when she went to Akibahara for the first time while Jack settles on a fancy top paired with slacks, fresh new sneakers and a denim jacket. A gray flat cap sits on his head, completing the look and Miia giggles.

"If only we had the colors, we'd match!" Miia says.

"I wasn't expecting you to wear that outfit again." Jack chuckles as he and Miia wait for Mero. Once she's ready the three head out into the city where unsurprisingly they get stares from other people, but some people giggle to themselves as they notice that Jack and Miia are holding hands while Mero wheels herself along giggling to herself all the way. "It's real relaxing to go on walks like this no?"

"Yeah, it is." Miia replies.

"I would go on walks like these all the time with Christine and Gabriella whenever we were bored, just taking in our surroundings." Jack says. "Now I get to share that with you." A few more minutes of walking pass and eventually the trio reach the aquarium where workers instantly recognize Mero.

"Aren't you on break?" One of the workers asks.

"I won't mind working on my break." Mero replies. "Plus, I'd like to get these two in."

"Sure, I guess we won't mind." The worker says as the three are let in and Mero hands Jack and Miia the passes in case they get questioned.

"I don't think I've been to this aquarium before." Jack says to Miia.

"Neither have I, this should be quite the experience." Miia chuckles. "Where's the next stop? A museum?"

"There was one that struck me as interesting, I think you'd like it." Jack chuckles back.

"I'm more excited for that than this." Miia giggles as they view the various bits of marine life with Mero providing various facts about the fish that are around- while in the water with said fish.

"Talk about getting immersed with the experience." Jack chuckles.

"It's something you have to get used to." Mero says. As Jack and Miia continue taking in the new sights once again they get stares, and Miia picks out a regretfully familiar face. If his red hat wasn't enough of a giveaway, it was his blatant insult that was.

"EW! What is that snake woman doing here?" The forfive lookalike shouts, bringing attention to himself and Jack and Miia.

"Oh no, you're not about to ruin this date, not when I'm around!" Jack shouts back. "What do you have against extraspecies like her? Why are you even in Japan when you know they're here? Shouldn't you be back in America by now?"

"Says the pot calling the kettle black! You wouldn't last in America! They would have you deported!" The forfive lookalike says.

"Well guess what? I was born in America!" Jack laughs. "Get a hold of yourself before you wreck yourself." And with that he leaves the forfive lookalike fuming as security comes to take him away for the time being and Miia giggles.

"Way to show him!" Miia says.

"I learned how to deal with assholes like him." Jack replies. "Now, shall we continue on, milady?"

"We shall, darling." Miia says as the two continue looking around the aquarium, hand in hand. Eventually Mero swims over and knocks on the glass to get their attention.

"I'm going to be performing with the dolphins soon. Wanna come watch?" Mero asks.

"We're almost done here, but I guess it couldn't hurt." Jack replies.

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