The Art Of Passion

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"Wow, this is surprisingly good." Christine chuckles as she and the other girls eat up. Miia and her mother had whipped up a truly traditional lamian cuisine consisting of rice mixed with hard boiled eggs and meat along with a special sauce that Miss Lamia managed to concoct using the various ingredients in the kitchen.

"It's just a huge mass of flavors, I honestly can't get enough of this!" Mero says. "So many conflicting flavors, yet they just all work out in the end!"

"I'm glad you guys enjoy the food. Has Miia cooked for you yet?" Miss Lamia asks.

"With Jack's guidance yes. The first time she made rice porridge she managed to knock us out with it." Cerea chuckles.

"Yeah I helped her out a lot um..." Jack trails off as he realizes that he doesn't even know Miss Lamia's real name.

"Please, don't hesitate to call me Vicky. I apologize for not saying that when we first met!" Miss Lamia, now known as Vicky, replies. Once everyone has had their fill Vicky then brings out a bottle that looks like a sake bottle. "Our village is famous for the tea that we make, drink up!"

"Of course." Christine says. "I haven't had this tea before, should be interesting."

"Sorry, I don't really drink tea." Jack replies.

"You don't?" Vicky asks. "I'm so surprised, you looked like the kind of person who would drink tea."

"Too strong for me." Jack replies as everyone else drinks. Miia is about to pick up her cup when suddenly Vicky stops her. Miia looks at her mother quizzically for a few seconds.

"What's with this?" Miia asks.

"It's not really for you to drink." Vicky replies, starting to gain a sinister grin. "It's a shame that you wouldn't drink any, but I can't force." Suddenly, the other girls drop to the floor one by one, paralyzed and unable to move.

"What did you do to them?!" Jack and Miia shout.

"Oh, nothing." Vicky giggles innocently. "Just mixed in a mild neurotoxin. In a few hours they should be back to normal. Snakes are known for their venom after all." She adds with a wink.

"Why?" Jack asks.

"Why to secure you for ourselves!" Vicky replies before turning to Miia. "Have you already forgotten? Once we get him to marry you, it'll be perfect! He'll make the perfect husband for all of the lamias back at our village! Now that the rivals are out of the picture, go for it Miia! Take him!" Jack can only look at Vicky in shock before Miia acts.

"Take THIS!" Miia shouts as she picks up Suu and throws the slime at Vicky, stunning her!

"What the?!" Vicky shouts as Jack and Miia bolt!

"Whew! I don't think she'll be able to find us here." Jack says as he and Miia rest against a wall, a good few miles away from home. "That was exhausting... But why did she go and do all of this?"

"Well... I'm sorry for all that's happened." Miia replies somberly. "It's something I've never really told anyone, but it's the reason I'm here."

"Well, what is it?" Jack asks.

"Lamias are an all-female race, so we have no guys to get in bed with, no men to have children with. It's why we seek human men to do the job." Miia explains. "Before the whole law came into effect we would trick men into our village and then we'd keep him as mom quoted, a "communal husband" for the whole village to have sex with. Now that the law is in effect we can't do that. Now we have someone go as a representative to legally bring back to our village."

"So that means... You're a representative?" Jack asks, and suddenly Miia shouts out of agony. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that... I'm literally here just for sex... That I'm just looking for a man to fuck..." Miia rambles. "Someone could say I'm just dating you so that I can drag you back and be a slave, you're going to hate me aren't you?! You're going to break up with me aren't you?! Please tell me! Just give it to me cold, I don't care!" She then screws her eyes shut as Jack raises his hand, thinking he's going to slap her, but instead Jack gently puts a hand on her shoulder and pulls the lamia in for a hug.

"How could I hate you if you had no other choice?" Jack asks. "It's not like you can't just outright disobey your family like that."

"...Jack?" Miia asks. "You... Don't hate me for that?"

"Tradition is near impossible to sidetrack from you know?" Jack replies. "There are things that we don't want to do but we have to do them anyway, and I know that firsthand."

"Jack..." Miia says. "Thank you."

"I wouldn't be a good man without compassion." Jack replies as the two part and lock eyes. Unfortunately Miia reacts too late and she gets clocked up top the head by Vicky. Miia is stunned as she collapses to the ground for a few moments, leaving her mother with nothing in the way between her and Jack.

"I'm so glad that you're so understanding." Vicky says seductively as she wraps her tail around Jack's waist, trapping his arms and preventing him from escaping. "Now to let the fun begin~"

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