Tender Love

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All of Jack's training paid off fairly well as he was able to carry not just Miia, but her mother at the same time out of the storage unit. He had wrapped their tails around him so they wouldn't drag and cause road rash, and he was able to carry both lamias to a nearby onsen where the people working there gladly let him in. There the two lamias quickly warmed up in the heated pools, and when they regained their senses they found Jack looking at them worriedly.

"Are you two all right?" Jack asks.

"What happened?" Vicky mumbles. "Last thing I remember was trying to catch you..."

"We found ourselves in a cold storage unit and you two fainted." Jack replies. "It's a miracle I was able to get you in here."

"Wait, you carried us all the way here darling?!" Miia asks in surprise. "I underestimate your strength sometimes!"

"And I underestimate my own as well." Jack chuckles. "I'll let you two warm up, I need someone to massage these overworked muscles." He chuckles some more as he heads off to another part of the onsen where he gets a massage. "Ugh..." Meanwhile with Miia and Vicky...

"Are you okay mama?" Miia asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry about little ol' me." Vicky giggles. "I guess it seems like you two really are destined for one another."

"Really?" Miia asks.

"He said it himself as he realized it, that incense only works if he hates lamias, and his reaction was more than enough proof that he doesn't." Vicky replies. "Why else did he date you?"

"You make a good point." Miia chuckles.

"How about this, we'll look for another male to make our communal husband, that okay? You can have Jack all to yourself then."

"Thank you so much mama." Miia says as mother and daughter share a hug. "You're so understanding."

"I wouldn't be a good mom if I weren't, now would I?" Vicky giggles.

Eventually Jack and the lamias headed back home, and much to their surprise not much time had passed- the whole incident only lasted part of the afternoon and everyone was recovering fairly well.

"What the hell was that?" Christine asks as the three arrive.

"We got everything settled." Jack replies. "Miia's mother promises not to do something like this again."

"I swear." Vicky says.

"Good for you." Rachnera mumbles. "At least I was able to even watch over everyone else. You're not the only one who can poison people." She says as she shows off her skull decoration on her abdomen. "And because of that I'm kinda resistant to it."

"So what was all of that about?" Gabriella asks.

"Well, long story short Miia was actually sent here to find a communal husband for everyone back at the village because of her mother here." Jack explains. "But she understands that Miia only wants me for herself so her mother's going to find someone else, if you'll let me explain in full detail..." And with that he drags the girls off to the side leaving Miia and Vicky to relax on the couches.

"So where am I going to be staying for the moment? Until I head back home?" Vicky asks.

"I'll sleep with darling, you can have my room." Miia replies.

"I guess that should work." Vicky says. "What do you say mister darling?"

"I guess that'll work." Jack replies. "I don't mind having Miia in my room." Miia instantly shoots her mother, and everyone else, a sly grin.

"What was that just now?" Cerea asks. "I don't like that look on your face..."

"I'm going to have darling all to myself, and nothing's going to stop me." Miia giggles.

"That's what you were grinning about?" Cerea asks. "You know we wouldn't even try because he's dating you right? It would be absolutely uncouth of us to try and steal your darling from you."

"Yeah, they do make a point." Jack says, and Miia chuckles awkwardly as the day continues to fly by. The residents continue to get to know Vicky better in spite of the fact that she basically poisoned them, but because of that fact, they keep Vicky out of the kitchen in fear that she's going to pull the poison again as a sick prank.

"This is unnecessary!" Vicky whines as she finds herself hanging a few feet above the ground, tied up with webbing.

"I don't want you pulling any funny stuff and spiking our dinner." Rachnera says. Eventually Miia slithers in to see what happened and demands her mother be untied, and as night passes everyone is fast asleep, save for Vicky.

"I understand you want mister darling to yourself, but I'm just too cold right now..." Vicky mumbles as she gets out of Miia's bed and sneaks into Jack's bedroom.

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