A Pro-Gamer Move?

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A few days after Christine, Jack and Gabriella moved into their new home in Japan the trio quickly acquainted themselves with their new neighbors and the local shops so they knew where to buy stuff. Fortunately for them their community was a very friendly one and they quickly made lots of friends as they usually took afternoon strolls to kill time if they had too much.

"This place is the best I could ask for." Jack chuckles. "And we're next to the electric town, Akibahara."

"When can we go there? I really want to go there!" Gabriella says excitedly.

"We have to find a jobs you know?" Jack chuckles. "We can't just move here and expect not to have to worry about money. Think they do stuff for artists here?"

"When it comes to art, I'm the one they go to. We're pretty well known so I can only expect our jobs to come quickly." Christine says, and it's not long before one of their neighbors drops off flyers for a martial arts school and an art studio nearby. "What did I say?"

"Let's take these opportunities while we can." Jack replies.

"I'll help Christine." Gabriella says.

"As much as you want to I don't think you'll really get paid for that kind of stuff." Christine replies. "You'll probably be staying home."

"Alright, that's okay." Gabriella says as she follows Jack to the local martial arts school. There the place is already very busy, but as soon as Jack enters, the whole place grinds to a halt.

"By the stars, are you Jack?" The master asks.

"The one and only." Jack replies.

"Japan has heard many stories about you, what made you move here?" The master asks.

"Curious and wanted to experience life here." Jack replies.

"Well it is an honor to have you here." The master says. "But would you care for a test of your skills?"

"I rarely miss a day of training." Jack replies. "Shall we do this like they do in the movies?"

"Let's." The master says. "My students, attack!" And with that the karatekas attack! The white, yellow and orange belts attack first, eager to land their first hits with the skills they have just learned, but Jack having practiced for years on end simply sweeps them to the ground without a second thought. The green belts then advance on him in large numbers, trying to swarm him, but the refined martial artist unleashes a whirlwind of spinning kicks, clearing the area around him. Finally a large group of red belts charge at him arrogantly. They constantly swing at Jack, leaving themselves wide open to attack and allowing Jack to stun them before bringing them to the ground. When it's all over the master's entire class has been either knocked onto their backs, thrown onto their stomachs, or in some other weird position, and the master claps. "You really are like the legends say."

"Me, a legend? I don't deserve that." Jack chuckles. "But if you ever need someone to help as an instructor, I'm your man."

"I appreciate that, and I will take up that offer." The master replies as the two shake hands. "This class is about to end though. That flyer your friend is carrying has the schedule, and I'll make sure your time and pay are worth it."

"See you tomorrow then." Jack says as he and Gabriella leave. When the two get back to their house Christine is already waiting for them with an awkward smile on her face.

"They were fighting over me..." Christine chuckles. "How am I supposed to get a jig going now?"

"Well that's awkward." Jack chuckles as the three relax on the couches. "Apparently the master there knew of me."

"That's cool." Christine says, but suddenly the three are brought on high alert as they hear loud knocks on the door. "Huh?" And with that Christine opens the door. Immediately Christine is greeted by a woman with long black hair, and she dresses like a government agent, complete with sunglasses. Just outside the driveway is a fairly large truck that resembles a modified moving truck. "Are you looking for us?"

"Ah yes." The government agent replies. "I'm Kuroko Smith, but you can just call me Miss Smith. I'm here in accordance with the interspecies exchange program."

"Interspecies exchange program?" Jack asks as he walks over, curious.

"So you know about yokai, manticores and all of those other mythical creatures right? Well they're real and they would like to integrate into human life, and one of the ways we do this is by allowing some of them to stay with human hosts like an exchange student." Miss Smith replies.

"But we were never notified about this?" Jack asks, confused. "Are you sure you have the right address?"

"Unfortunately I don't have it on me right now, and it would be too much of a hassle to go back for it." Miss Smith replies. "Being a government agent has it's troubles. Anyways, allow me to introduce your new guest." She says as she steps off to the side.

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