Tragic Memories

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When Suu reads Jack's mind while he tries to nap, she sees many emotions and many memories fly by, flickering like little lights, but there are a select few things that Suu can pick out that disturb her and make her whole body shudder.

"Worry... Fear... Stress..." Suu reads emotions and other things off as she sees them, but there's one word that really stands out- it practically jumps out at Suu in big letters, and it does not go away for a few minutes... "D-D-Depression..."

"Hmm? Suu?" Jack mumbles as he wakes up. "What are you doing with your antenna on my head?"

"I'm reading your mind." Suu says. "I wanted to see how you got sick... And I got more than I wanted... Master, why did you hide this from us?"

"Hide what from you girls?" Jack asks.

"I need to do this first though, this should cure you." Suu replies as she mounts Jack and slips one of her breasts out of her raincoat before pressing it to Jack's mouth. In a manner similar to breastfeeding Suu uses her own body to filter out whatever was making Jack sick, passing some of his fluids through her and cleansing them before filtering them back into his system, and before Jack knows it, he's feeling much better than normal.

"Suu... Thanks." Jack chuckles. "Hey guys! Suu cured me!"

"She did?" Christine asks as everyone walks into the bedroom along with a more awake Miss Smith.

"What did she do?" Miss Smith asks.

"I'm not really sure if you want to know." Jack chuckles awkwardly but Suu does not smile, her worried frown still remains.

"What's wrong Suu?" Miia asks. Suu then proeeds to use two of her three antennae, placing one on Jack's head and one and Miia's.

"Close your eyes." Suu says.

"Wait did Suu just talk on her own?" Papi asks, and Suu nods in response as Miia closes her eyes and a series of memories flash by like a film reel.

"Oh my goodness..." Miia says in shock, eyes still closed as she sees a memory of Jack getting abused by his parents. Another memory flashes by, this time one of him getting bullied all throughout high school, and other memories flash by and then come the words that Suu managed to pick out. "Worry... Fear... Stress... Men?"

"He never really got along with men as a whole..." Christine says, not wanting to say any more. The girls can only stand there in shock as Miia continues to see the horror that is Jack's tragic past. Finally the word that Suu hesitated to say pops up, and Miia opens her eyes in shock.

"What happened? What did you see?" Papi asks.

"I saw... Depression..." Miia replies jarringly, and Suu retracts her antennae.

"That's why I got so worried about master..." Suu says. "His safety matters to me just as much as you."

"He was hiding this from us the whole time..." Miia trails off, not sure what else to say.

"He had it so much worse than we thought..." Rachnee says, realizing she can speak. "And I thought I had it bad with my first host family..."

"I... I'm so sorry." Miss Smith says. "Not even I knew you were dealing with that..."

"He acted like he was just going to throw his life away a few times- had we not been there for him he probably would have done it." Christine replies.

"They were the ones that stopped me... It's why I cherish them so much, why I see them like sisters." Jack says. "Well... I guess thanks to Suu, you now know. I tried not to let it affect my daily life so you girls wouldn't have to worry about me, but it looks like the cat's outta the bag..."

"If you let us know... We could have helped you." Miia says. "Depression is not something you can battle alone, especially with such a horrible past like that. You didn't have to hide it from us like that darling..." She adds as she slowly slithers over and gently hugs Jack.

"Thanks Miia... I needed that." Jack replies as he returns the hug.

"Do try and stay strong, not just for your sake, but for us." Rachnee says. "Honey, if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask us."

"At least he's not cutting or harming himself..." Miss Smith says. "Will you still be able to teach?"

"Of course." Jack replies. "Martial arts is one of the few things I'm best at, I won't let something like depression affect it."

"I'm a little doubtful of that..." Miss Smith mumbles, remembering when Jack quit teaching at the local studio because nobody was "up to par" with him and how everyone there were swines in his eyes, and how his depression may have had a role. "But just remember, we're all here for you."

"Thanks guys..." Jack says.

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