Maternal Presence

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A few days had passed since Jack and Miia officially started dating, and Miia could always be found with her darling whenever they had the free time.

"It's kinda cute." Christine chuckles as Jack and Miia relax on the couch, all cuddled up.

"I just wonder if Miss Smith got word. They did run into MON after all and knowing Zombina, she's probably going to say something to her." Rachnee says.

"So, anything you wanna do?" Jack asks Miia. "As much as I enjoy being in your arms, we gotta do something."

"Hmm... Wanna go out for a walk?" Miia replies. "It's a beautiful day outside."

"It couldn't hurt." Jack chuckles as the two head out.

"I wonder what happened to that rude peasant." Mero mumbles.

"What do you mean?" Cerea asks. "Did someone try to ruin their date?"

"Well, long story short there was this rude person, he looked like he was from America where they don't have any extraspecies." Mero replies. "He was spouting all sorts of rude words and insults, but Jack managed to trick him into punching and breaking a window and setting off an alarm that had him arrested."

"Now THAT was smart of my boss." Papi chuckles. "He didn't even have to lay a single finger on him! Hey Suu, wanna play a game?"

"Sure! What kind of game?" Suu asks, and Papi leads the slime over to the Wii again. Eventually there are knocks on the door and Gabriella opens it to see none other than Miss Smith.

"Have I already missed out? Where are Jack and Christine?" Miss Smith asks.

"Oh, they're out on a walk together." Gabriella replies.

"They just started dating." Christine adds.

"Well isn't that sweet." Miss Smith chuckles. "Don't mind if I stick around for a little bit, I gotta deliver a letter to Miia." Almost as if on cue Jack and Miia return from their walk and are somewhat surprised to see Miss Smith in the house.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asks.

"Just the lamia I was looking for!" Miss Smith replies. "I got a letter for you."

"A letter for me?" Miia asks as the agent hands the letter over and Miia opens it. As she reads the letter though she shudders, something that Jack notices.

"Something wrong?" Jack asks.

"So my mother is coming to visit." Miia replies. "Apparently word about me gets around fast back home and she wants to come and see how my relationship is coming along."

"Are you sure you didn't say anything to her mom about the fact that we could be the first candidates for the marriage amendment?" Jack asks, glaring at Miss Smith.

"I swear I didn't say anything!" Miss Smith replies, quickly putting her hands up in the air.

"I guess I'll believe you this time." Jack says.

"What do you mean this time?" Miss Smith asks.

"You promised to take care of me while I was sick and then you conked out like the engine on a lemon." Jack replies. "You didn't even wake up until that whole thing with Suu."

"He has you there." Gabriella says.

"So is there anything we should prepare for?" Jack asks Miia.

"Well, I was pretty close to mom but even I didn't quite understand her sometimes." Miia replies. "I'm not really sure if I can really say anything to help you prepare for her arrival. She's going to be coming to visit tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Miss Smith asks. "Well I guess I can give you a bit of a break from instructing the officers."

"Thanks." Jack replies. "At least they're better than those idiots I worked with back at that studio."

"A little harsh but go off." Miss Smith says.

"You know, this is farther than Jack has ever gotten in his relationships." Suu blurts out.

"Suu! You're not supposed to say stuff like that! Just how deep did you read into Jack's mind?!" Gabriella shouts, trying to cover Suu's mouth, but instead Gabriella's head gets stuck inside Suu and her screams turn into blubbers and gurgles.

"Gabby!" Christine shouts as she pulls Gabriella out. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry." Gabriella replies. "I'm just upset that she decided to blurt that out. Don't do that again okay Suu?"

"I'm sorry." Suu says. "I won't do it again." And with that the whole household mentally prepares themselves for tomorrow when Miia's mother arrives, and in the bedroom Jack and Miia are having a little time to themselves.

"Are you still in touch with your parents?" Miia asks. "I'm sorry if that sounds a little privy."

"No, I'm not." Jack replies. "To me they don't exist anymore. You would cringe and wonder how I'm even here as of today. It was my martial arts that literally saved my life."

"Well I guess we can go ahead and skip that portion." Miia chuckles.

"Not that you could. They're actually long gone." Jack replies.

"I see." Miia says. "At least you won't have to worry about them anymore."

"Things are going to get a little interesting when your mother arrives." Jack chuckles.

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