Fish Out Of Water

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Not even a few days passed since Suu unofficially moved in with Jack and company, and when the doors swing open, Miia is greeted with Miss Smith and Jack, who is carrying a girl in his arms.

"Hey guys... Looks like we have another resident..." Jack says sheepishly. A vein pops up on Miia's forehead as the other girls look in shock.

"You brought home ANOTHER GIRL?!" Everyone save for Suu screams.

"It's not what it looks like!" Jack says. "Didn't the construction workers that came by earlier say anything?"

A few hours earlier

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Miia asks as a bunch of construction workers suddenly walk into the house. "Darling, what's all this?"

"We've been given the order to help expand the house." The foreman says. "We'll be adding a few extra rooms and expanding the basement."

"Is this for current residents?" Jack asks.

"And then some." The foreman replies.

"I guess I'll go out and buy some groceries while you guys work on this." Jack says as he walks out and heads to the local supermarket to see if there was anything he needed. Unfortunately the exact foods he needed were out of stock, and as such he walked out of the market empty handed. He was about to head straight home when suddenly he hears a cry for help.

"I can't stop! Someone help me!" A regal sounding voice yells and a girl in a wheelchair can be seen in the distance. With no way to stop herself she finds herself about to run straight into a pole and she screws her eyes shut. She hits the pole full force and she is sent flying off of her wheelchair, but instead of hitting the hard concrete, she feels something soft and when she opens her eyes it's revealed that Jack reacted just in time, catching her before she could hit the ground.

"Gotcha!" Jack says as he stabilizes himself. "I managed to catch you just in time. Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you yes!" The girl replies. She has cotton candy pink hair and ocean blue eyes and most noticeably of all she has ears shaped like fins and her hands are webbed. She also dresses like a gothic lolita and her skirt completely hides her lower body. "Are you perhaps the prince that has come to swoop me away?"

"I'm certainly no prince but I have morals I abide by." Jack says. "May I get to know your name?"

"I'm Meroune Lorelei, but you can just call me Mero." The girl replies as she looks to her wheelchair, or rather what's left of it.

"Ooh... I don't think you're going to be using that any time soon." Jack says. "How about this? I'll let you stay at my house until they can get you a new one?" Then someone comes running and panting, and her outfit is unmistakable. "Miss Smith?"

"Oh thank god you saved her!" Miss Smith says. "I was wondering where she went! You can't just roll off like that!"

"I just wanted to explore my new hometown." Mero replies. "He just saved me."

"Jack? I shouldn't be surprised." Miss Smith chuckles. "You actually just saved your new homestay."

"Wait... Mero's going to live with us too?" Jack asks. "Oh lord Miia is going to strangle me thinking I brought another girl home for the fun of it!"

"You, Christine and Gabriella are just too good of a host family." Miss Smith laughs.

Present Time

"Well, if you'll introduce yourself." Miss Smith says.

"Well, I'm Meroune Lorelei. You may call me Mero." Mero says to the other girls. "And I'm a mermaid." She adds as she lifts up her skirt to reveal her tail. "It is a pleasure to meet you all."

"She speaks so regally..." Cerea says. "Like a princess or a queen."

"So where is her room?" Jack asks. "I'm sure the foreman made a note of it."

"Oh that? Follow me." Christine and Cerea reply as they lead Jack and Mero down the hall to a large room that has a pool in the middle. "Well, this is your room Mero."

"Many thanks for leading me here." Mero says as Jack carefully sets her into the pool and she strips herself down to a bikini and exposes her gills a few seconds after. Miia slithers in just in time to see Mero rise out of the pool in a bikini top and her jaw drops.

"She's even bigger than me?!" Miia shouts in her head. "I have to make sure darling stays with me! We haven't even gone out on an official date yet!"

"Hm? Did you say something Miia?" Jack asks.

"Oh nothing!" Miia replies. "I'm just surprised that we have another homestay!"

"I know it's my room but it is still a pool so I don't mind if you guys take a dip!" Mero says.

"We appreciate that offer." Christine and Gabriella chuckle, oblivious to the fact that Miia has been hissing to herself.

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