More Recovery

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When Papi opens her eyes, the little girl is still safe in her arms, but she's still alive, able to move.

"What happened?" Papi mumbles as she looks down to see that Jack cushioned her fall.

"No need to thank me..." Jack whimpers as Papi gets up and Miia comes down from the tree.

"Phew! At least she's safe!" Miia chuckles before looking to see Jack. "Darling!"

"Darling?" Gabriella and Christine ask as Miia carefully gets Jack back on his feet.

"Are you okay?!" Miia asks.

"My leg... Ow!" Jack grumbles as he suddenly gives out and collapses onto one knee. Miia quickly breaks his fall as Miss Smith emerges.

"What happened here?!" Miss Smith asks. "Oh Papi, did you fly off again?"

"I didn't like my host family! They were mean!" Papi replies.

"She saved this little girl at least." Christine says. "Jack kinda tried to cushion her fall though and well... Miia's looking over him now."

"How's he doing?" Miss Smith asks.

"I think trying to take the brunt of the fall broke his leg!" Miia replies.

"All right, let's get him to a hospital first, then we can deal with whatever's going on here." Miss Smith says as an ambulance is called.

Back at home Jack rests on the couch with his left leg in a large cast and a pair of crutches have been placed to the side for easier movement. Even with the crutches Miia still insists on helping him get around to wherever he needs to be as Miss Smith talks with Papi.

"Well, since when did Miia fall so hard for Jack? It's almost kinda cute." Miss Smith chuckles in her head. "Well, we have to find you a host family to stay with or they'll deport you. Would it be okay if you stayed with these guys?"

"They seem friendly enough, I'll stay with them, and I promise not to run away again!" Papi replies.

"Wait, we have another girl in the house?" Miia asks.

"I don't think she's exactly interested in me though..." Jack replies as he continues cooking and Miia continues to help him by providing various ingredients.

"I'm really sorry about what happened earlier." Papi says. "Can we be friends?"

"Sure!" Gabriella replies as the two shake hands and Christine chuckles to herself.

"At least they're getting along. We really need to buy a new game system though, those books are only going to keep us entertained for so long." Christine says.

"How old are you Papi? You look really young." Gabriella asks.

"She's actually around the same age as you guys." Miss Smith replies. "Harpies have smaller bodies so it's easier for them to fly."

"I see." Christine says.

"Hey Jack, how much longer are you going to be on those crutches?" Miss Smith asks.

"It'll probably be a month before I recover, I got real lucky." Jack replies.

"Just be careful all right?" Miss Smith says, allowing Jack to focus on cooking again.

"Is it just me or does Miss Smith crash by a lot?" Miia asks.

"I mean I know I wouldn't do that well as an agent of the government." Jack replies. "It would be too taxing for me. At least I'm getting paid leave and at least Christine makes a lot of money with her projects."

"Hey, that just means I get to spend more time with you darling!" Miia giggles.

"Of course." Jack chuckles as Miia gently hugs him.

"So what do you guys do around here?" Miss Smith asks Christine.

"We're getting a gaming system at some point." Christine replies. "That should do well to kill the boredom."

"That's cool." Miss Smith says.

"Hey Papi! Anything you like?" Jack calls out.

"I'll have meat! It's the best!" Papi says.

"What kind of meat? There's a lot?" Jack chuckles.

"Any kind!" Papi chuckles back.

"All right." Jack says. "Just grab any meat that you think would suit her."

"All right." Miia replies as she grabs a large ham from the fridge. She then gets to work, slicing and dicing up the big hunk of meat into something delectable, and with Jack's guidance Miia makes some delicious spiral ham for the whole group.

"Since when did Miia help cook?" Miss Smith asks.

"She once tried to make white rice porridge... Using every white ingredient available..." Jack replies as the food is set. "Safe to say Christine was knocked out on the spot."

"I could imagine..." Miss Smith says. "At least that ham looks absolutely mouthwatering." Before the agent can say anything more Papi has already taken half of it and she ravenously bites into it, and her eyes light up.

"Too good!" Papi says.

"Papi, mind your manners..." Jack mumbles.

"She's only a kid isn't she?" Miia asks.

"Nope, as old as you are." Miss Smith replies. "She's just got a smaller body so it's easier to fly."

"Oh, that makes sense." Miia chuckles. "As long as she doesn't cause too much of a ruckus things should be alright with her around."

"And with the gaming system we're planning to get, that should keep her occupied for a while." Jack chuckles back as everyone starts eating.

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