The Claws That Catch

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The sun rises slowly and Jack slowly and groggily waves his arm around to try and get his alarm clock and shut it off. Once he turns it off though he realizes that he can't move.

"It's not sleep paralysis because I can move my arm just fine..." Jack says in his head, and then he turns his head to see none other than Miia, who has taken to sleeping in his bed and wrapping her lower body around him. "Miia... What are you doing in my bed?"

"I couldn't warm up, so I decided to warm up with you." Miia says. "Give it five more degrees and I'll get up." She mumbles, pulling Jack close.

"At least she's not trying to strangle me..." Jack says in his head. "Might as well let her..."

"You're so warm..." Miia says as she begins tightening her coils.

"Uh oh!" Jack shouts in his head as he realizes she's getting tighter. "Ah hey, Miia, not so tight!" He says, patting Miia to try and get her attention. Not seeing where he's patting, he eventually grabs ahold of something and Miia's eyes jolt open. "Huh? What did I just..." Jack trails off as he realizes he just grabbed the tip of Miia's tail.

"Oh Jack, not so rough..." Miia says, starting to breathe heavily. "I'm super sensitive there!"

"Ah! Sorry!" Jack quickly replies, letting go.

"It's all right, you probably didn't know." Miia chuckles as she continues to warm up. Jack looks at the clock and sees that it's only eight in the morning so he decides to let Miia continue, but the two are suddenly jolted to their senses as Christine comes rushing in, looking like she's seen a ghost.

"Jack!" Christine shouts. "Gabriella's missing!"

"What?!" Jack and Miia shout as they quickly get out of bed. The three then rush into Gabriella's bedroom where there was clear evidence of a struggle as the window is smashed and Gabriella's bed is a mess and littered with blue feathers. Meanwhile with Gabriella...

"Hey! What are you doing with me?" Gabriella asks her captor, a harpy girl with short blue hair, orange eyes, blue wings and typical bird talons. She wears a simple black top and short shorts and she flies around seemingly without any goal in mind. "Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Papi! The happy Papi harpy! Or is it the other way around?" The harpy known as Papi replies. "I don't really know why I carried you off like that honestly."

"She doesn't know why?!" Gabriella asks in her head as Papi lands, setting Gabriella on her feet. "Okay first off, aren't you supposed to be with a host family?"

"Yeah but..." Papi trails off after taking three steps. Her eyes then become dizzy spirals for a few seconds before they return to normal. "Wait who are you?" Gabriella then facepalms.

"Now you don't even know who I am?! Birdbrain!" Gabriella shouts in her head.

"Can we get some ice cream? I'm hungry." Papi asks Gabriella.

"I'm sorry... But I don't have any money on me." Gabriella replies. "You kinda took me when I was still sleeping." She adds, making a point as she is still in her pajamas. Eventually Gabriella hears something and she turns to see Jack, Christine and Miia.

"Gabby!" Christine shouts as Gabriella rushes to them.

"Oh I'm so glad you guys found me!" Gabriella says as she hugs Christine tight and Miia stares down the harpy that kidnapped her.

"Alright birdbrain what's the funny business making off with my host like that?!" Miia shouts.

"Who are you calling a birdbrain?!" Papi shouts back, taking flight and readying her talons. "I dare you to call me that again!"

"Says the one that kidnapped my best friend's little sister!" Jack shouts, standing alongside Miia.

"Oh wow!" Miia says in her head. "Are we like some sort of dream team or something?" And then Miia gets lost in her imagination as she imagines herself and Jack, clad in armor and facing off with a horde of harpies, talons stained with blood and yearning for their heads. They then raise their swords and prepare for what could be a bloodbath of epic proportions-

"Earth to Miia?" Jack asks, noticing that Miia is standing there in a daze.

"Oh, sorry about that." Miia says sheepishly. "Where's Papi?"

"She's... Flying?" Jack trails off as he notices that Papi is not flying above them, but instead playing around in the fountain. "Oh dear god."

"Birdbrain!" Jack, Miia, Christine and Gabriella all shout in their heads as Papi stops playing and notices the four staring at her.

"What?" Papi asks as a crowd forms, but the crowd isn't around Papi, but instead it's around a tree where a little girl has gotten stuck up on one of the branches. "I'll save her!" Papi shouts as she gets out of the fountain and attempts to fly, only for her to fall to the ground. "Oh wait... My wings are too wet."

"Let me handle this!" Miia says as she slithers over to the tree. "Don't worry little girl, I'll save you!" And with that she slithers up the trunk to the branch where the girl is clinging on. "Don't worry, I'll have you out of there before you know it!"

"Be careful up there!" Jack calls out as Miia reaches the little girl.

"All right, grab on!" Miia says, and the little girl grabs on, but suddenly Miia loses her grip and the child starts falling. "Oh no!"

"I gotcha!" Papi shouts as she moves in and catches the child before realizing she's falling herself. About to possibly seal her fate Papi screws her eyes shut as she falls possibly many feet from above before hearing a strange noise.

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