Slithering Into Action

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Standing before Jack and Christine was a girl. Her eyes shined like amber and her red hair reaches down to her waist, adorned with two hairclips. Perhaps what makes the girl stand out the most are the scales on her cheeks and her lower body being that of a snake. The girl in question wears a black top paired with a green skirt and a pink denim jacket. In her hands is a fairly large briefcase and her tail idly moves about on it's own.

"Hello, I'm Miia, and I will be staying with you." The snake girl replies.

"While we were never notified of this exchange program, we shall welcome her into our home." Jack says, and Miss Smith beams with delight.

"At least I won't have to worry about the whole address issue." Miss Smith chuckles. "If you ever need anything you know who to talk to, all of you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be going. See you!" And with that Miss Smith takes her leave as Miia slithers into the living room.

"Wow, this place is so big." Miia says as she takes in her new surroundings. Gabriella then sees Miia for the first time, and she looks at her warily.

"Umm... Christine? Who is that?" Gabriella asks.

"Oh her? Don't worry, she's not going to hurt you." Christine replies. "She's a foreign exchange student." That's when Miia turns her attention to Gabriella, who quickly hides behind Christine. "I'm so sorry Miia."

"Oh no, it's alright." Miia says. "I'm kinda used to getting those looks. Anyways what are your names?"

"Well, I'm Jack." Jack replies, shaking hands with Miia. "And that's Christine."

"Heyyo." Christine says.

"And who's the girl that's hiding behind you?" Miia asks.

"Oh that's Gabriella, my little sister." Christine replies. "I dearly apologize for her behavior. She can be a bit... Eccentric at times. Come on Gabby, say hi." And with that Gabriella slowly peeks her head out to see Miia smiling at her.

"Hi there!" Miia says cheerfully. "Don't worry, I may be a snake but I don't bite." Eventually Gabriella completely emerges from behind her big sister and shakes her hand. "You're Gabriella?"

"Yep." Gabriella replies more confidently as Miia continues exploring the house with Jack. As Jack continues with the tour though, Miia begins to shiver.

"Miia? Are you okay?" Jack asks.

"It's a little chilly." Miia replies. That's when Jack realizes and facepalms.

"Silly me how could I forget?! You're still a snake. Forgive me, let me turn up the heater. Even with that jacket it must be a little cold huh?" Jack says as he turns up the heat just enough that Miia isn't uncomfortable.

"Thanks." Miia replies. "So where's my room?"

"We're getting to that." Jack chuckles as he leads Miia to an empty bedroom. The bed has been placed smack dab in a corner, a big bookshelf is placed in the other corner, and there is a lot of empty space.

"This feels so empty though." Miia asks.

"Now now don't look at it like that." Jack chuckles. "Think of it like a blank canvas of some sorts."

"A blank canvas?" Miia asks.

"Christine tells me this all the time. She tells me that life is like a canvas and you paint your story onto it." Jack replies. "Sure it's only a bed and bookshelf right now, but as time goes, you'll eventually have more stuff in here that makes you, well you. Then you'll look back and think "Wow, I really have come a long way!" I know I've said that quite a few times."

"That's a nice way to think of it." Miia chuckles as the tour finishes with the basement. Once Jack and Miia head back upstairs though, Miia's stomach starts rumbling.

"Sounds like someone ate light before they got here." Jack chuckles. "Any preferences?"

"Anything with eggs suits me well enough. A giant omelette sounds absolutely delightful right now." Miia chuckles back.

"It's around that time for lunch as well, might as well start cooking." Jack says as he heads into the kitchen, leaving Miia with the sisters.

"So what do you guys do here?" Miia asks.

"Oh we recently moved here." Christine replies. "From America."

"All the way overseas?" Miia asks. "Wow. What made you come here?"

"Jack and I have always been curious about how life is in Japan, so we decided to move here." Christine replies.

"That's interesting. Did your jobs carry over?" Miia asks.

"I don't really have a job as of now, so I've been staying home and watching over the house." Gabriella replies. "My sister is a really good artist though."

"I couldn't really secure a job though because they kept fighting over me." Christine says sheepishly. "Jack and I are VERY well known for what we do, at least among humans. I'm not sure if extraspecies like you have heard about us."

"If I did know about you two I would have mentioned something. Not even Miss Smith knew about you guys." Miia replies. "Guess only certain people know."

"I guess." Christine replies.

"What does Jack do that makes him so well known?" Miia asks.

"Alright ladies, lunch is ready!" Jack's voice chirps.

"Now's your chance." Christine chuckles.

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