Sticky And Slimy

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A few weeks had passed by without too much activity and Jack manage to fully recover much to Miia's relief.

"Now we can start planning out a date! I've been waiting for quite a while you know!" Miia giggles as she hugs Jack.

"I try not to keep a lady waiting, it's the worst thing someone can do." Jack chuckles as he returns the hug.

"Well, you haven't really gone to your bedroom to sleep all that often now, you always sleep with him instead." Gabriella says.

"I've noticed that too." Papi adds. "Say what's your big sister doing?"

"She's cooking, but I haven't heard much cooking. What's going on?" Gabriella asks as she and Papi check up on Christine. When they walk over to see what happened they see Christine staring at a pot. "What's in the pot?"

"I don't know really." Christine replies. "It looks like water, but it's got an unnaturally blue tint to it... And it's kinda yellow too..."

"Heyyo! What's up guys? What's for lunch today?" Miss Smith asks as she ungracefully barges in.

"Miss Smith?! Why so sudden?!" Miia asks. "Couldn't you find some fast food restaurant to eat at?"

"I don't like those places, I prefer home cooked food." Miss Smith chuckles. "What's in the kitchen?" She asks as she walks in like she owns the place. That's when she sees Christine and the strange thing in the pot. "...Is that what I think it is?" She asks, lifting up her shades. Unfortunately the agent reacts too late and the thing jumps out of the pot and onto the ground where it promptly gets all over Miss Smith's pumps. "Ew! What is this?! It's almost like slime!" She complains as she tries to get out of the mess, with little to no success. That's when the thing takes shape and it becomes a blob of some sort. "It IS a slime!"

"A slime you say?" Cerea asks as she trots in, sword at the ready? "I hear those are the easiest enemies to kill, let me take a swing at it with my blade!"

"Well don't hit me with it! Hit the slime!" Miss Smith shouts. "Does this thing even know what it's doing- oh god it's going up my legs now! Quickly!" She continues to yell as she tries even harder to get herself away from the slime. Cerea takes a mighty swing at the slime, only for her blade to slice clean through and do absolutely nothing to the slime save for covering her blade with slime.

"I don't think that worked." Christine mumbles. "Let's try splashing it with water! Maybe it'll wash it away!" And with that she takes the pot that the slime was originally in and fills it with water. That's when the slime loses it's attention on Miss Smith and makes a beeline for the water. It then takes residence in the sink as it continues to take in water until finally Christine decides to turn off the faucet. The slime then jumps out of the sink and lands on the floor once again, but this time it starts shaking. "...Maybe water didn't work as planned did it?"

"Wait... What's it doing?" Gabriella asks as Jack and the others look. The slime then suddenly starts spinning around, creating a little watery tornado in the middle of the room until finally the tornado stops and it reveals the slime in a more humanoid form with green hair and yellow ends, green eyes and she is as tall as Papi.

"Well... That's new." Jack and Miss Smith mumble as the slime walks around, taking in it's new surroundings.

"So this is a slime?" Papi asks.

"That would seem like it. And to think they were only just RPG monsters." Jack replies.

"Everyone still sees them as such too. I think it's best that we as the government leave it alone, otherwise we could have a whole ton of problems on our hands." Miss Smith says. That's when the slime takes out a pot, the same one it started out in, and starts putting water in it before putting it on a stove and preparing to boil it. "How did it know that?!"

"I think it's mimicking what we've done. It's probably been observing us for as long as we've been here so I guess it's not too surprising that it learned this..." Jack replies.

"I'd have to assume that as well." Miss Smith says. "So are you girls going to keep her around or something?"

"I want to keep her!" Papi blurts out. "She can play with me and Gabby!"

"...We'll see what she does for now and then we'll decide." Christine says. "Let's just hope she doesn't cause any trouble." And with that Miss Smith decides to leave, intending on getting her fill somewhere else.

"I just hope I never run into something like THAT again." Miss Smith mumbles.

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