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One day Miia, Cerea, Papi, Suu and Mero are all relaxing in the living room, either playing games or simply napping. Their hosts are all out for the day, either working in the case of Jack and Christine or simply tagging along in the case of Gabriella. Miia's eyes then shoot open as if she's just sensed something.

"I've got a bad feeling..." Miia mumbles.

"About what?" Cera asks.

"That we might have yet another girl in the house." Miia replies.

"Another?!" Mero asks in surprise.

Many hours earlier...

"So this piece of paper has our address on it?" Jack asks Miss Smith.

"Pretty much." Miss Smith replies. "We found it at the "director's" home. Do keep an eye out." She says as she takes her leave.

"Well, let's get some groceries." Jack says. "You girls behave yourselves." And with that the trio head out. As soon as the door closes behind them though something snatches them away and they all scream, attracting Miia and company.

"What in the world just happened?!" Miia shouts as she throws open the door. The trio have vanished but the only things that remained were their phones. "They wouldn't have just left their phones behind like that..."

"Someone must have kidnapped them. We have to alert the authorities." Cerea says. Meanwhile with Jack and the sisters...

 "Ugh... What in the world just happened?" Jack mumbles as he slowly regains his senses. It's then he realizes that he's not on the ground, but rather he's hanging upside down alongside Christine and Gabriella.

"What the heck? Where are we?" Christine asks. That's when the group sees someone approaching them from the ceiling. She has short, lavender hair, six red eyes and her lower body is that of a spider. Her spider abdomen is adorned with a skull and she wears a rather skimpy looking halter top and loin cloth that do not appear to have been made commercially.

"Who are you?" Jack asks. "And why have you brought us here?"

"Well to start I'm Rachnera." The arachne girl replies. "And didn't the address say anything?"

"Actually I have another question, where is your host family?" Jack asks again.

"Didn't like that I looked too scary and sold me to that "director". It would seem that he had past experience with you guys." Rachnera replies.

"I can't even call it an experience." Jack grumbles. "He perved on our exchange students, he got what he deserved."

"Well at least you share in some of my tendencies. I'm not a very big fan of humans." Rachnera says. "They get turned on by my upper body, yet they're repulsed by my lower body. It makes me want to just want to rip them apart."

"I wouldn't go that far..." Jack says. Rachnera then chuckles to herself as she closes in on Jack, her chest practically hanging in front of his face.

"Like what you see?" Rachnera giggles as she tries to arouse Jack. Christine and Gabriella then look at Jack and realize that he's not reacting at all!

"Not even a blush!" Christine says in surprise. "Any other man would be gushing at the nose right about now!"

"I'm not one to ogle." Jack replies. "I cannot objectify a woman like that no matter what species she is."

"Are you sure you speak the truth? Or are you just trying to avoid getting dropped?" Rachnera asks. Jack then locks eyes with the arachne.

"I speak the truth. If you think otherwise, don't hesitate to bite me." Jack replies confidently. Rachnera is clearly shocked, and she smiles in response.

"Just saying that alone I think you do speak the truth." Rachne says. "I may or may not have stalked you guys before I decided to abduct you, and I've seen how wonderful you three are. Are you sure it's not because you're just doing it to avoid getting in trouble?"

"Believe me, if we were doing it to avoid getting into trouble we would have done the bare necessities." Christine replies.

"You know, I'm starting to like you guys." Rachnera chuckles as everyone hears sirens. Then her face darkens. "Are you SURE you're not just using me?"

"Look into our eyes." Jack says. "Do you see any sort of manipulation in them? I hear many spiders have excellent vision."

"You assume correctly." Racnhera replies as she stares into their eyes. Gabriella hesitates for a few seconds before locking eyes, and Rachnera chuckles. "Is the little one afraid?"

"She's a bit of an arachnophobe, but as her big sister I can keep her in check." Christine replies.

"I have morals." Jack says. "I will not harm a lady in any way, and that extends to all species, you included."

"Maybe it was a good idea to bring you guys here after all. You're not as bad as I thought you were." Rachnera replies as she cuts the threads holding them upside down and they land on their feet. "I'll go ahead and speak with them."

Present time...

The door swings open to reveal Jack, Christine, Gabriella and Rachnera.

"So... We have a new guest... Please treat her well." Jack chuckles.

"I'm Rachnera, but you can call me Rachnee if you wish." Rachnera says.

"I knew it." Miia mumbles.

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