Master Of One

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Christine later found herself back at home with Jack and company with bandages lining her abdomen from the slash she took, sitting up on the couch and talking with Miss Smith.

"Well as it turns out I'm just fine, the sword turned out to be not real." Christine chuckles.

"Well would we let her carry a real one?" Miss Smith chuckles back. "So what happened?"

"She wanted me to help her chase down a kidnapper. He was on a motorcycle." Christine says.

"Wait... You didn't mount her did you?" Miss Smith asks, suddenly turning serious.

"I had no choice." Christine replies.

"Well, according to centaur tradition, only masters and those they devote their lives to can ride them. It's almost like violating them if a mere commoner does it." Miss Smith says, and Christine goes pale. "I mean there are some circumstances where they'll temporarily abandon the tradition but otherwise they stick with it very strictly. I'm sure the young lady got an excuse. All right I gotta go. Seeya." And with that Miss Smith hangs up. With Centorea waiting just outside the entrance to the living room Christine slowly and cautiously turns to the centaur.

"Centorea... I am so, so sorry." Christine begins. "I didn't realize that you took this stuff so seriously so please, don't think of me as a bad person!"

"No..." Centorea mumbles. "First off, please call me Cerea. I reserve that name for those I am close to. And second, I should be the one apologizing."

"Hm?" Christine asks.

"I dragged you into that whole matter, yet you still put your life on the line to defend me when I thought you wouldn't." Cerea replies. "And because of that, I am in debt to you and your selflessness."

"Please, I don't deserve that." Christine says.

"We centaurs are allowed to roam until we run into our masters, and from this day on, I shall recognize you as my master!" Cerea says valiantly as she clasps Christine's hand. "From here on I shall become your servant, your guardian knight, I am sworn to you." She continues, pulling Christine's hand onto her chest.

"Wow... They're soft..." Christine says in her head. "Wait what am I saying get your mind out of the gutter Christine!"

"Huh? Christine? What's going on?" Jack asks.

"I am Centorea Shianus. Are you perhaps friends? Related to this young lady?" Cerea asks right back.

"She's my big sister." Gabriella replies. "And Jack is like a brother to us."

"Then I extend this, please just refer to me as Cerea." Cerea says. "May I get to know everyone here?"

"Well to start off I'm Christine, if you wish to refer to me as such." Christine replies. "That's Jack, my little sister Gabriella, and these are our two homestays Miia and Papi."

"So wait you brought another girl home?" Miia asks.

"I think she's only interested in me." Christine chuckles.

"I guess I'll let it slide then, as long as she doesn't start getting attracted to my darling here." Miia giggles.

"Are you two dating?" Cerea asks.

"Yes!" Miia quickly replies. Jack on the other hand takes longer to respond.

"Are you sure about that?" Cerea asks again.

"Don't tell me you're after my darling too!" Miia whines.

"I haven't even gotten to know Jack formally, tis how you treat other women who merely banter with Jack?" Cerea asks yet again.

"Aheh..." Miia chuckles awkwardly as she lets off.

"Seriously though you do need to calm down a little bit." Jack says. "Anyways anything you prefer? It's around that time for dinner."

"Do you do salads?" Cerea asks.

"That's my specialty. I'll whip one up for you." Christine replies as she joins Jack and Miia in the kitchen. "What were you guys doing while I was gone?"

"We got caught up in a heated competition with Gabby and Papi." Jack chuckles. "Four controllers meant four different people to stir up chaos with, and that excitebots game turned out to be more intense than either of us thought."

"Then the two decided that wasn't enough competition and they decided to see who was the crack shot out of all four of us." Miia adds. "And THEN they decided to do a fighting game. Safe to say we were kinda tired out afterwards."

"That sure sounds like a lot." Christine chuckles as the three continue to cook dinner. That's when Christine leans over and whispers into Jack's ear. "Hey Jack, do you like Miia?" Jack suddenly goes stiff, and Miia notices.

"Darling? Is something wrong?" Miia asks, but Jack quickly plays it off as he continues cooking. The lamia then returns to whatever she was helping cook as Jack leans in to whisper to Christine.

"Yeah, I kinda do." Jack whispers back. Satisfied with her answer Christine and Jack return to cooking.

"Hello! How's everything going- wait why is Centorea here?" A familiar voice calls out, and Jack immediately recognizes who that voice belongs to and begins cooking up another dish specifically for her much to Miia's amusement.

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