From Torch To Torch

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"God that was a pain in the ass!" Jack grumbles as he returns home, and Miia looks at him with confusion.

"What happened?" Miia asks.

"The martial arts studio I always taught at has become a joke." Jack replies. "Nobody ever listens anymore, all they want to learn is how to kill people."

"That's a little extreme darling." Miia says.

"Well, I decided to quit. I can't possibly be with a group of misfits like them." Jack replies. "At the very least Christine still brings home the most money."

"I'm sure there are other opportunities out there for you." Christine says.

"It's also getting late, you should go and take a shower and try to calm down a little bit." Miia replies as Jack does so. "Does he have it hard?"

"When he was in America it was even worse." Christine says. "Sometimes he would end up going so hard that the kids would compare him to a drill sergeant, but he was only doing his job."

"Wow." Miia mumbles as she watches Suu replicate many of the moves that Jack had taught the girls. "At least Suu seems to enjoy this."

"At least." Christine chuckles. "But Jack's never had it easy when it came to teaching martial arts. In his eyes we are the perfect students."

The morning after, Jack woke up much later than normal and when he walked out into the living room everyone was grouped around the TV, showing some sort of hostage situation being streamed on the news.

"Whoa... What's going on?" Jack asks.

"Apparently a bunch of orcs took a whole manga store hostage. They've got a group of extraspecies on the police force to deal with them." Gabriella says as the camera focuses on a group of extraspecies officers clad in orange armor, along with a certain agent among them.

"Is that Miss Smith leading them?" Jack asks.

"It sure looks like it, can't really mistake that hair." Christine replies. "Apparently they're called "Monster Ops Neutralization" or MON for short."

"It seems like I missed out on all the action." Jack chuckles as he gets a good look at the MON officers. One of them sports short, fiery red hair and one yellow and one green eye. Perhaps the most interesting feature about her is the fact that she has bullet holes where it would normally be fatal and there are stitches lining the girl's face. In her hands are a pair of SMGs, presumably used to take down some of the extraspecies terrorists.

"Wait is that a zombie?" Gabriella asks.

"Looks like it." Jack replies. "And judging by the holes, looks like she completed the job." The next extraspecies officer that the girls focus on is a girl with a purple bob that matches her single, large purple eye, and in her hands is a sniper rifle.

"Who is she?" Gabriella asks again.

"I think they call her species monoeyes." Miia replies. "As if her single eye didn't give it away." The third extraspecies officer doesn't wear any armor, relying on her long white hair to cover herself up and her yellow eyes look like they could pierce anyone's mental defenses to bring out the worst secrets they could be hiding. "I'm not really sure who she is supposed to be though..." The last officer sports tan skin, blonde hair and red eyes and she is much taller than the other officers. Instead of a traditional gun she carries twin riot shields and a battering ram is secured on her back.

"I think she's an ogre." Jack says, answering the question Gabriella probably had.

"She's pretty for an ogre." Gabriella replies.

"I'm sure she would appreciate that." Jack chuckles as the news report finishes. "I'm probably expecting Miss Smith to show up at my house with the whole team to introduce them or something, I've come to expect her to drop by more often than I normally think." He laughs, and he jinxes it as knocks can be heard coming from the door, and when Miia opens it, none other than Miss Smith and the MON squad are waiting.

"I assume you saw the news report?" Miss Smith asks. "Why don't I introduce the squad? Or maybe I'll have them introduce themselves."

"Sure thing boss!" The redheaded zombie replies. "Well, I'm Zombina. Some friends call me Bina but I guess I don't mind if strangers call me it. Did you see the bullet holes?"

"Any normal human would have been dead!" Gabriella says.

"Well, that's kinda the advantage of being undead." Zombina chuckles.

"I'm Doppel." The white haired girl says. "I'm a doppelganger and I serve as a distraction of some sorts. Being able to take many different forms at will really helps." She adds as she transforms into a perfect copy of Jack before reassuming her base form.

"I'm Tionishia." The tall girl says. "But you can just call me Tio. Yes I'm an ogre."

"You look very beautiful for one." Gabriella says.

"Aww thank you!" Tio replies, blushing. "Well I bash down doors whenever they need to be bashed down and I protect my team if bullets start flying at them."

"And I'm Manako." The monoeye says. "As you could probably tell I'm a monoeye, and I am the sniper of the group. I'm not a big fan of crowds, nor am I the best at hand to hand combat."

"You know, maybe I can offer that kind of training to you girls." Jack replies.

"Can you?" Miss Smith asks.

"Being a renowned martial artist has it's perks." Jack replies. "Think we can work something out?"

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