Hold Tight

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"Ow... That definitely hurt more than I thought..." Jack mumbles as Miss Smith bandages his hand.

"It's a miracle that your entire hand didn't just break right there, that was one hell of a punch you threw." Miss Smith says. "That and there was that mark on your cheek, what happened?"

"She was about to hit that guy earlier and I stepped in to take the blow. Let's just say I fell and that should settle it." Jack replies. "What's going to happen with that guy?"

"Oh we already settled it out of court, he shouldn't bug you again." Miss Smith says. "If he should try again though, I guess I won't mind if you cream him again. It's not like you're a deadly weapon."

"Sometimes I feel like that is the case, especially when I watch him train and teach." Christine replies. "He once managed to smash through a concrete slab, though he never really tried again afterwards."

"I mean it IS a concrete slab, so it's going to hurt." Miss Smith says. "No matter how much Jack would try to brush it off."

"And what makes you say that? Have you broken one before?" Gabriella asks.

"I tried once... Let's just say I wasn't able to write at all for a few days." Miss Smith replies. "You can come in if you'd like Miia, you're not in trouble." And with that the lamia slithers in, looking at Jack worriedly.

"Are you going to be all right?" Miia asks.

"Believe me, I've had worse." Jack replies. "I'm just worried about you, if YOU'RE alright."

"Me? Why me?" Miia asks again. "I've never gotten this from anyone else other than you..."

"Miia..." Jack trails off, not sure what to say.

"I've always gotten those awful stares when they see I'm part snake." Miia says. "But when you took me in, even though Miss Smith admitted that she wasn't sure if she had the right address, you always smiled, always looked out for me."

"That's because you're more than just a lamia." Jack says, putting his good hand on her shoulder. "You're still a girl, and nobody can mess with a girl like that and get away with it. It's a part of my morals. It wouldn't matter if you were a human or extraspecies, I will not hesitate to step in and defend."

"Oh Jack..." Miia says, starting to get lost in his eyes. "You're just too kind!"

"That's just who he is." Christine chuckles.

"Really?" Miss Smith asks. "Enlighten me, I'm curious about him now."

"Well, for a start he has helped me out of some tight situations, especially some involving a crazy ex-boyfriend." Christine replies. "He was the one that stepped in and fought for me when nobody else would, and I hear from the girls he's interacted with about how friendly and protective he is."

"Those with impure tendencies would think twice before trying to mess with me." Jack says. "And my martial arts background only reinforces that." Jack fails to notice that Miia is completely lost in his eyes, and he only notices when Miia pounces on Jack and traps him in a tight embrace, coiling her entire lower body around him as she does so. "-AH! Miia!"

"Don't ever change." Miia says. "You're just too precious!"

"Whoa..." Gabriella says in surprise.

"Aheh... Thanks Miia..." Jack chuckles.

"You know, are you dating anyone?" Miia asks, loosening her coils a little bit.

"No, not really." Jack replies. "I've come out of some terrible relationships where the girls practically turned me into a welcome mat." Miia looks at Jack quizzically, but when she turns to Christine, the look on her face says all.

"Did something happen with your exes?" Miia asks.

"When he said the girls turned him into a welcome mat he wasn't kidding, these girls took advantage of him and well..." Christine trails off. "It's a miracle he's even alive today."

"What do you mean by THAT?" Miss Smith asks. "Are you saying the girls nearly killed him?"

"No, most of the time when he was dating a girl before, the girl claimed that they had broken up with their ex when in reality they were still dating them. By the time Jack found out, it was too late and the "ex" always beat him bloody." Christine replies. "And often times the girl would join in as well."

"I was about to say..." Miss Smith says. "He's a renowned martial artist, he should have been able to fend off the guy just fine."

"I refuse to hit a lady." Jack replies. "I find it very hard to make exceptions."

"I'm so sorry..." Miia says. "I mean in my eyes you look like the perfect guy, it's a shame that you get treated like this." She mumbles, gently squeezing Jack with her coils before letting him go.

"Well that was certainly quite the rollercoaster..." Miss Smith says. "Do you mind at all if I join you guys for dinner? That was a rough case."

"Sure, never hurts to unwind." Jack replies. "I'll be making chow mein for dinner."

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