Unusual Measures

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In their attempts to lose the crowds, Jack and company eventually found themselves in a place that they never thought they would end up in. In big bright letters was the name of the building, "Hotel Loveless".

"So, it's come to this huh?" Jack mumbles. "Come on, before they see us." And with that the four quickly head inside, checking out a room to hide out in with the money they got from exchanging their extra tokens for their money. The room is just big enough for all four of them and Miia whips out her phone.

"Miss Smith?" Miia asks.

"Yes? What is it Miia?" Miss Smith's voice replies.

"There's been an issue." Miia says. "I'll hand the phone over to Jack, I think he can explain it better."

"Hey Miss Smith, we just had trouble arise during our time in Akibahara." Jack replies. "We've been forced to hide out in a love hotel because the crowds are ridiculous."

"A love hotel?" Miss Smith asks, surprised. "Well, considering the circumstances I guess it's fine if you hide out in there for now. Heck I'll even provide escort so nothing too crazy happens. What happened in Akibahara that forced you to hide out in a love hotel of all places anyway?"

"American tourists were in the arcade with us, and then, probably having seen a lamia for the first time, grouped up around Miia. Then someone groped her." Jack begins. "I threw him off before he could do anything else, and then the crowd tried to follow us. That's when we were forced to hide out in here."

"I see." Miss Smith replies. "I understand what made you come in here, but we'll have to pretend for a little bit."

"Pretend?" Jack asks.

"That's all, I'll see you in a bit." Miss Smith replies before she hangs up.

"What did she say?" Miia asks.

"She said we'd have to pretend for a little bit before hanging up." Jack replies. "I'm not sure what that means tho-" He gets cut off as the door is broken down and Miia latches onto Jack out of fear.

"Freeze!" A familiar voice shouts. "This is the extraspecies protection squad! We heard reports that someone had dragged a lamia into a love hotel for lewd purposes! Stand down and nobody gets hurt!" Once the dust clears there is a woman with familiar black hair and shades, but her mouth is covered with a black scarf of some sorts and she wears a mostly yellow outfit. The scarf is moved down to reveal none other than Miss Smith, and Jack breathes a sigh of relief.

"Did you have to do this?" Jack asks.

"There was no other way to go around it." Miss Smith replies awkwardly. "The SWAT has already secured the area around the hotel, you can head back home at your own leisurely pace."

"Thanks." Jack chuckles as he and the others take their leave. As they leave the hotel though, a certain jerk in a red hat is seen just around the corner, ready to torment Miia again.

"Oh look! The snake girl was brought into a hotel by her boyfriend! Guess she couldn't keep her skirt down! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The Forfive lookalike taunts. Miia balls her hands into fists, murder in her eyes, and Miss Smith is quick to catch on.

"Miia, calm down..." Miss Smith says. "That's enough from you!"

"What is she gonna do about it though? An extraspecies can't hurt humans! I'm home free!" The Forfive lookalike laughs. "Nana na boo boo! You can't touch me!"

"She might not be able to hurt you..." Jack says, storming over to the jerk. "But I sure can! NOW GET LOST YOU SON OF A BITCH!" And with that he delivers the mother of all punches! The Forfive lookalike is sent flying out the window and he lands onto the street, nose broken beyond repair and missing many of his teeth. Jack then stands upright and holds his fist in pain, bleeding from the sheer force he put into the punch, and Miia can only look forth in shock.

"I will sue you! I will sue you! I will sue you!" The Forfive lookalike loudly chants, despite the fact that his nose is beyond broken and many of his teeth are missing, until he passes out.

"Did... Did you just...?" Miia asks, realizing she can speak.

"I think he got what he deserved." Jack grumbles as he sees a smashed phone laying next to the Forfive lookalike. "That'll teach him to mess with us... I should have gone for more than just his face..."

"...I'll follow you home, is that okay?" Miss Smith asks warily, worried that Jack may not be completely calm.

"Y-Yeah." Jack replies between deep breaths. Once he completely calms down the now group of five people head back to their home as the SWAT continues to make sure the area is secured.

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