Spectral Bounty

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"Well, that was pretty fun!" Miia chuckles as she and Jack emerge from an arcade, the same arcade they first went to in Akibahara.

"And at least there was nobody to ruin it." Jack chuckles back as they continue to walk around. The arcade had recently added a brand new floor full of various photo sections and a whole area where various costumes fit for all species were scattered, complete with changing room for the more demanding outfits. The two had gone through many different time periods and they were all shown in the various photos they had taken: One wild western wanted poster, a 1900s wanted poster that had them dressed as gangsters and a third wanted poster that had them dressed as pirates.

"Wow, we're wanted in so many different times." Miia giggles. "We must be Bonnie and Clyde immortalized!"

"It would seem like it." Jack says and before they know it they've burst into full out laughter. "It didn't help that we were playing all of those shooting games before we got to the top floor."

"I think we went through just about all the games we were interested in." Miia replies as she takes a look at the wanted posters they had made before putting them away. As they continue to walk around though they see a girl just off in the distance, on the sidewalk across from them. She has long white hair and she wears a white dress paired with a black coat not unlike the trench coat Jack wears, but longer. She also appears to wear bits of black armor in the form of gauntlets, a corset and boots, and perhaps the most distinguishing feature about her is the fact that her skin is a pale blue, her eyes are yellow with black sclera and on her back is a scythe. A car passes by and the girl seems to vanish, but then Jack senses an odd presence. "Darling? What's wrong?"

"I think we have a stalker..." Jack mumbles. The two then continue walking until Jack is sure someone is behind him, and he reacts! "Take this!" He shouts as he throws a backfist, hitting whoever was behind them. As he and Miia turn around they notice that it was the same girl that he saw before, only her head has popped off, and it is currently rolling away! "Uh oh!"

"OH MY GOD HER HEAD JUST CAME OFF!" Miia screams as Jack manages to catch the head and he walks back before putting it back on her body.

"Thank you." The extraspecies girl replies. "But I am just fine carrying it under my arm." She says as she takes her head off again and does so. By then Miia is so frightened that she passes out. "...Is she not able to handle this?"

"Horror in general." Jack says. "Why have you approached me though? Shall we head back to my house and see if things can be explained?"

"So wait... What is she again?" Cerea asks.

"She's a dullahan." Christine replies. "I could tell right away by the fact that she can detach her head."

"We are irish after all." Gabriella says. "They're known to be harbingers of death."

"So wait... If she's here..." Miia says upon realization. "Is someone going to die?!"

"Though that is my purpose, nobody here is near the brink of death, yet." The dullahan replies. "Worry not, I rarely if ever sharpen my tool of choice here." It does very little to ease everyone's worries as Papi rushes into her room, presumably to call Miss Smith. "But you three have escaped death many times... How is it possible?"

"I have no idea." Jack says.

"But still since you have not lived out your full natural life, you will be safe, for now." The dullahan replies, and before everyone can freak out, Miss Smith arrives.

"I got a call here, what is... Lala? What are you doing here?" Miss Smith asks.

"Wait Lala? That's her name?" Christine asks.

"Do not laugh you mortal!" Lala shouts and Christine reels back.

"Geez! I didn't think you would take that much offense!" Christine says, surprised.

"So why are you here? And not with your host family?" Miss Smith asks.

"I took interest in these three. They had escaped death so many times." Lala replies in a scarily dark tone. "Plus my host family had nobody near-"

"Did you really think we would allow you to be with a host family like that?" Miss Smith asks in a very calm voice, a threatening aura surrounding her. "You do know that if you hurt a human there will be dire consequences, even worse so if you murdered one." The dullahan instantly backs off and hides behind Jack.

"I guess I'll stay here then... To observe these three..." Lala replies sheepishly.

"Then I think that solves both of our problems here." Miss Smith says. "Don't run off again all right?"

"Well... That was sudden..." Jack mumbles to Christine and Gabriella.

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