Were Are You

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"That really hit the spot!" Miss Smith chuckles. "Thanks!"

"Yeah, no problem." Jack replies. "At least I've been getting better as we go."

"Yeah, at least." Miss Smith says. "That and I have proposed something interesting to the people who created the Interspecies Exchange Bill."

"And what's that?" Jack asks.

"Legalizing interspecies marriage, and you three will be the first test subjects." Miss Smith replies. "One of you, and only one of you has to get married to the other."

"You can't pull any random person to do that?" Christine asks.

"Sadly no." Miss Smith replies. "It's because I know you three will treat them well. You can't all go at once, so you have to decide who's getting married. I think I'll be expecting an answer by tomorrow." And with that Miss Smith leaves. Miia instantly sets her eyes on Jack, but so does Papi.

"Umm..." Jack stutters.

"So, are you going to marry me?" Miia asks.

"Or are you going to marry me?" Papi also asks, and Miia suddenly whips her head to see Papi.

"Hey! I thought you weren't interested in him!" Miia shouts. "What's got you so lovey dovey all of a sudden!"

"I'm not a dove!" Papi shouts back. "I want to get married to boss here!"

"Boss?" Jack asks. "Hey, take it easy you two, we don't need anything being ripped apart." That's when the group realizes that it's getting late and everyone should head to sleep. "Hey Cerea, is it okay if you sleep in the living room for now? Your moving in was very sudden and we couldn't quite get a room ready for you."

"It shall suffice for now." Cerea replies. "Besides this rug is super comfy." She chuckles.

"Oh, tonight's a full moon." Jack says as he looks outside. "Eh, nothing too important about it is there?" And with that everyone heads to sleep...

Miia slowly rouses herself from bed and realizes that she's super horny and wants nothing more than someone to elope with.

"Haah!" Miia moans out as she stretches out and slowly slithers out of her room in some sort of trance, and into Jack's room. It's not long before he wakes up to see Miia.

"Huh? What is it Miia? What- are you wearing?!" Jack suddenly shouts as he notices Miia in what appears to be an enticing nightdress of some sorts.

"You know, I can't help but think what would happen were my big fantasies to come true." Miia says. "I may as well make them true, with you~" She says as she slithers onto Jack's bed and traps him in her coils. "Snakes can go at it all night, I hope you have the stamina~"

"Oh shit she's in heat!" Jack says as she begins tightening her coils. She stops just short of causing him pain but now he has no way of getting out.

"I hope you're ready~" Miia says as she starts trying to kiss Jack, only for Papi to fly in and grab Miia, forcefully uncoiling her before dropping her on the floor.

"Papi?! Not you too!" Jack shouts, and it's not long before Christine and Gabriella rush into the room.

"What in the world are you doing Papi?!" Gabriella asks.

"Miia?!" Christine shouts and Cerea peeks in.

"What's going on with them?!" Jack asks Cerea.

"Tis a full moon! Extraspecies become slaves to their instincts when it's out!" Cerea replies. "I can only hold mine back for so long... You have to get away from us, I can feel my instincts getting the better of me!"

"Thanks for the warning!" Jack says as he, Christine and Gabriella do their best to evade the girls without resorting to rushing outside, all the while the three girls are chasing them.

"Let's try and cool them off!" Gabriella shouts.

"Do you think it'll work?" Christine asks.

"Only one way to find out!" Jack replies as the three make it to the fridge and start pulling out ice cubes to put in bags. Unfortunately the girls catch up!

"Found you!" The girls shout as they attempt to tackle their hosts to the ground, and Jack gets tackled to the ground.

"Gotcha!" Miia shouts. "Now to- wait... What's this wet stuff?" She mumbles as she looks at the palm of her hand and sees red. Then she looks at Jack and realizes he's in a puddle of red!

"Is that blood?!" Centorea shouts, and Jack looks at his hands before getting back up.

"Oh wait... It's ketchup." Jack mumbles before realizing he's only inches away from the girls. Before their instincts can kick in again Christine and Gabriella pull Jack away just in time and the chase continues until the girls split up and trap their hosts on the couches.

"Now to finish what Papi interrupted!" Miia giggles. Jack goes to call Miss Smith but Miia snatches up the phone. "I don't think we'll be needing that!"

"Or that!" Papi says as she tosses away Gabriella's phone.

"Or that!" Cerea says as she does the same with Christine's. Things looked very bleak as the girls began making moves on their hosts- they could very well be hosting a funeral instead of a wedding!

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