Why You Little-

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Attempted documentary 1: Mero

"Alright, today we will be observing perhaps one of the most elegant member of the extraspecies group, the majestic mermaid!" The short man says. "Please refer to me as "director" for the remainder of the interview."

"I shall make a note of it." Mero says as she prepares to enter her pool.

"So what is it like living in this household? Is there anything that may hinder you?" The director asks. "I imagine having a fish tail can limit things."

"Aside from the wheelchair there's really nothing that hinders me. If I need to head down to the basement for some reason I can always be carried down there, not that I need to be down there all that often." Mero replies.

"What do you think of your host?" The director asks as he pivots his camera around to capture the rest of Mero's room.

"He is a wonderful person to be around, he treats me like a princess." Mero replies.

"A princess? Do you happen to have a dress for the occasion?" The director asks.

"Oh you implied if we were dating! No we are not dating sadly as he has his eyes on someone else." Mero replies.

"So you wear that swimsuit whenever you're home?" The director asks, starting to get a nosebleed.

"Um... Are you okay- whoops!" Mero suddenly yelps as her straps slip, nearly exposing her chest, and the director instantly zooms in on whatever part of her chest he can zoom in on- just as Jack and Miia decide to check up and see how things are going.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Jack and Miia scream.

"I think my hand slipped! My apologies!" The director replies as he turns off the camera.

Attempted documentary 2: Centorea

"This room is very pragmatic, is it a way you live?" The director asks, filming Cerea's room.

"It is more or less a lifestyle that I have chosen for myself yes." Cerea replies. "Here you have my armor and here you have my weapons."

"The centaurs were a proud warrior race is that right? That can be the only explanation for these." The director says.

"You've assumed correctly." Cerea replies. "These clothes are designed so that if I suddenly have to suit up I don't have to worry about lost mobility."

"So wait... Does that mean..." The director trails off.

"Yes." Cerea says bluntly. "Don't get any- HEY!"

"Whoops!" The director shouts as he suddenly slips, grabbing Cerea's chest to stop his fall. "They're so soft!" The director says in his head.

"Just what art thou doing?!" Cerea shouts.

"Hey, what's going on?" Christine asks as she walks in. "Is everything going okay here?"

"I accidentally slipped, my apologies." The director replies.

"That did not seem like an accident..." Cerea mumbles in her head.

Documentary 3: Miia

"So this is your room?" The director asks as he pans his camera around. Once only a bed, wardrobe and bookshelf Miia has personalized her room, repainting the walls a bright pink, replacing the drab beige carpeting with red and putting a work desk in the free space she had and then proceeded to place some of Jack's gifts on it.

"Yeah, I've really come a long way." Miia chuckles. "My darling is such a wonderful person!"

"I can tell, you seem to really cherish him." The director replies. "I actually spoke with the mermaid and she told me that the male host had eyes for someone else. Would that someone be you?"

"We haven't gone out on an official date yet, but we'll get there at some point." Miia says.

"Say, what is that?" The director asks, pointing at a bag full of a papery stuff.

"Umm... That's my old skin." Miia replies, blushing.

"Do you know what that can do for the world?" The director asks. "People can use that stuff to create miracle treatments! Would it be okay if I donated this for you?"

"Um... I guess." Miia replies. "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Attempted documentary 4: Papi

"So this is your room?" The director asks.

"Um... Would you mind leaving? I think I'm about to lay an egg." Papi replies.

"This could be very informational!" The director says, but Suu slides in and decides to put one of her hair antennae on his head.

"This is perfect! I have the information I need to make millions!" Suu suddenly says as everyone walks in, having heard Suu. The director immediately shuts off his camera and turns to Suu.

"Just what do you think you're doing? I'm here to strengthen bonds-" The director gets cut off.

"I only came here to perv and make money off of you guys!" Suu says.

"Suu can read minds?!" Papi asks in shock.

"Ah shut up!" The director shouts, and Jack emerges.

"Hey, give back Miia's old skin." Jack snarls. "In turn, I guess you can have this harpy egg." He chuckles sinisterly as he tosses it.

"No! That egg is worth millions!" The director shouts as he tries to catch the egg, but when he catches it Jack's foot rockets into his face and he gets sent flying down the hall and out the door!

"And you too! Get out of here!" Jack yells as he punches the light and boom guys out the door as well. "If you wanted eggs so bad they're having a sale at the supermarket you cheating bastard!"

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