Strange Presence

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When Jack woke up that morning, he first opened his eyes to see Miia sleeping next to him, but then he felt something in his way as he went to roll out of his bed. When he turned his head he saw none other than Vicky, also cuddled up with him.

"What the?" Jack mumbles, rousing Miia.

"Huh? Darling? What's the..." Miia trails off as she realizes that her mother is in bed with her and Jack. "Mama?! What are you doing in our bed?!"

"I thought you promised your daughter not to try and go after Jack! How uncouth!" Cerea says as Vicky is suspended in the air by Rachnee's webbing.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself." Vicky says awkwardly.

"I also felt something moving under the covers, but I thought it was just Miia moving her tail around so I paid it no mind." Jack says. "No wonder I felt funny for that little bit... Are you sure you didn't try and do something to me?"

"I may or may not have used my hands, at least until you noticed..." Vicky chuckles.

"Seriously mama!" Miia whines. "You have to stop making moves on my darling!"

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Vicky says. "Now can you please let me-" Something suddenly snaps the webbing holding Vicky up and she crashes to the ground. "-down? Who cut the strings? Was it you?"

"I didn't do anything." Rachnee replies. "But there's no way my webbing can just snap like that! I've never had that happen!"

"Unless something did it on purpose..." Miia mumbles as she unties her mother.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Papi calls out, and everyone heads to the kitchen to see a dish floating in the air!

"What in the?! Is that dish floating?!" Miia shouts, and she just barely manages to dodge the dish as it goes flying at her face, instead smashing against a wall. "That could not have been done by any of us!"

"You tell me!" Jack says as he goes to clean up the broken dish. Despite that strange event happening the group decides to continue on with the rest of the day like normal- with Vicky still trying to pull sly moves on Jack and Miia trying to do the same while at the same time trying to stop her mom. "At this rate I'll never get anything done."

"Come on mom! Please stop trying to take my darling!" Miia whines. "Some mother you are! I should blast you with that cold spray again!"

"Do I need to separate you two from Jack?" Christine asks. "It's starting to get kind of annoying."

"I agree." Gabriella adds. "I'm starting to get tired of all the arguing."

"Whoa... Little harsh coming from you two." Jack says to the sisters. Eventually Rachnera decides to tie everyone involved save for Jack, and Christine, Gabriella, Miia and Vicky all find themselves hanging from a thread.

"Hey! What did I do?!" Christine shouts.

"Let me down!" Gabriella also yells.

"This is so unlike them..." Jack mumbles. "Are you two okay?"

"Of course we're okay!" Christine shouts.

"Doesn't quite sound like it." Jack says as he grabs some water and splashes the two in the face with it. This seems to work to some degree as the sisters comically shake their heads as if they were dizzy and look at Jack.

"What? Wait why am I hanging?" Christine asks.

"You started acting all brash and all that rap." Jack replies. "You don't remember?"

"Not one thing..." Gabriella says and Rachnee gently lets them down.

"That is odd." Rachnee mumbles. "Now that I think of it there have been some strange occurrences. I've sometimes seen strange shadows in the basement, and human looking ones too."

"I don't recall this house being haunted though." Jack says. "If we had any other extraspecies in the house besides Suu, then we would have already encountered them."

"This wasn't here when Suu was around." Suu pipes in. "Especially not this late. Suu would have found them already."

"Her saying that makes it all the creepier... What is in this house?" Miia asks. "Even after we've gone through every nook and cranny beforehand, there was no way we could have missed anything." She says as she hugs Jack's arm. "Please protect me darling!"

"Whatever the threat may be I shall not hesitate to cut it down with my blade!" Cerea says as she unsheathes her sword, prepared to slash at any strange thing that moves. After a few minutes of standing around though, nothing happens and everyone disarms.

"Was it a one time thing?" Papi asks.

"I highly doubt it." Mero replies. "If Rachnera is correct, this has been happening long before we were made aware of it. What made you not say anything?"

"I thought it was a trick of the eyes." Rachnera says. "Let's try not to let this thing mess with us all right?"

"We'll try I guess." Jack replies as everyone resumes their normal morning routines.

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