Mama Mia!

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A day has passed and Miia slowly wakes up to see that Jack is still in bed with her, much to her relief.

"He doesn't know what we lamias are truly capable of... I worry when my mother gets here..." Miia says in her head. Eventually everyone wakes up and in preparation for the arrival of whom Papi dubbed "Miss Lamia", the house was cleaned up for the occasion.

"So she said she was going to come visit right?" Jack asks. "How long is she going to stay with us?"

"She said a few days." Miia replies.

"I'm not really in contact with my mother." Cerea says. "We centaurs may be proud but we are more often than not lone wolves. Once we leave to fend for ourselves, very rarely do we ever see each other again."

"For us harpies it's more or less the same thing." Papi adds.

"And when it comes to us mermaids, I descended from royalty and came up here to experience life." Mero says. "It doesn't mean I can't go back though, but I don't think I would be exactly welcomed with open arms."

"Mom calls us every now and then to see how we're doing." Christine pipes in. "She also calls Jack as well because well... You know what Suu uncovered."

"No need to bring that up again." Jack says as everyone finishes cleaning up the house. It's not long before the van that once carried Miia to her new home arrives, and she steels her nerves as she and Jack head out along with Christine and Gabriella to greet Miss Lamia.

"Try not to let your guard down around my mother." Miia says.

"Why?" Jack asks, and as the back door opens the group is absolutely surprised.

"Yahho Miia~" Miss Lamia says.

"Wait, THAT'S your mother?!" Jack asks in disbelief. Had it not been for the three scales on her cheek as opposed to Miia's two and her different hairstyle, Miss Lamia looked nearly identical to Miia herself, and she was wearing more traditional lamia garb that exposed herself more.

"Did you really have to dress like that mama?" Miia asks.

"Why, I just want to show off my proud culture!" Miss Lamia giggles. "And who is this young man? Is this the mister darling you've been speaking so much about?"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jack." Jack replies. "But yes, your daughter does like to call me darling." He chuckles.

"Well I'm just glad to see that my daughter is being treated well." Miss Lamia says.

"It was quite the honor to have your daughter come here, even if it was a mistake on the third party's end." Jack replies. "If not for that turn of events I probably would have never been able to meet her." He says as he goes to shake Miss Lamia's hand. "She really is a wonderful person- whoawhattheheck?!" He suddenly shouts as Miss Lamia grabs his wrist and places it on her very exposed chest and at the same time she places her other hand on his crotch, rubbing it sensually.

"Whoa whoa whoa mom what the hell are you doing?!" Miia shouts as her mother lets go and Jack stumbles back into Christine's arms.

"Are you okay?" Christine asks. "What the heck was that?"

"Is that some sort of greeting?" Gabriella asks.

"I was worried that he was a late bloomer, but it looks like that's not the case." Miss Lamia giggles. "Miia, you have really outdone yourself this time, finding such a wonderful man!"

"Huh?" Jack asks, but he trails off as he gets back on his feet.

"Now what are we all standing around here for? Care to give the grand tour of this house?" Miss Lamia asks.

"And as soon as I received that letter from my daughter I knew I had to go and meet this mister darling!" Miss Lamia gushes as she tells what led up to her coming over to visit. "I couldn't believe it, she had found herself a young man, and having just met him myself it's no wonder she was so attracted to him!"

"Mama... Do you really have to?" Miia asks.

"What? I can't gush about my daughter like this?" Miss Lamia giggles.

"Do you really not like it that much?" Jack asks quietly, but Miia shakes her head in response.

"It's just embarrassing." Miia replies.

"She was a bit of a loner growing up, so I'm glad she's made friends with both humans and extraspecies here!" Miss Lamia says.

"So do lamias have some sort of specialty or something like that?" Papi asks.

"Oh I'm glad you asked!" Miss Lamia replies. "I've brought some stuff from home, and since it's around noon I was expecting that you guys probably haven't eaten lunch yet."

"So we're going to experience some lamian culture right from the get go?" Gabriella asks.

"You betcha!" Miss Lamia says. "Mister darling, Miia, would you mind leading me to the kitchen?"

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