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"Thank god I made sure these rooms were somewhat soundproof..." Jack says in his head as he gently peels away Miia's old skin. As he peels though Miia lets out a series of moans and gasps not unlike if she were to be pleasuring herself... Eventually the most that Jack has left is the tip of Miia's tail, and it constantly moves around as if Miia doesn't want Jack to get the skin there just yet.

"Darling..." Miia trails off.

"It's that super sensitive part isn't it?" Jack asks. "Well, just try and bear with it okay?" He adds as he gently grabs the tip of Miia's tail and begins slowly peeling away. Miia then resorts to putting her face in her pillow in an attempt to muffle her cries. "Just a little more and that should be it..." Meanwhile with Christine, Gabriella and Papi...

"Miia and Jack are sure taking their time..." Gabriella says.

"I mean he is trying to make sure she's alright." Christine replies. "I mean it's not like they're-" She, Gabriella and Papi immediately jump as they hear Miia let out what sounded like a cry of pleasure that can be heard throughout the whole house. "What are Jack and Miia doing?!"

"I'm not sure if I want to know." Papi says as she continues eating her bacon.

"Are you okay Miia? Can I continue?" Jack asks carefully, allowing Miia time to recover from what appeared to be an orgasm.

"Yes... You can continue..." Miia replies. "That's the last of that isn't it?"

"Yeah." Jack says. "Now turn over so I can get the rest." As he says this though, Miia gently covers his eyes with her tail. "Hey... How am I going to see where I'm grabbing though?"

"I guess I'll guide your hand..." Miia replies as she lifts up her skirt and gently removes the little triangle piece that would be her panties before she guides Jack's hand to get the rest of the old skin.

"It's soft..." Jack says in his head as he gently peels away the old skin and Miia shudders and gasps, her hand practically shaking as she guides his. "Miia?"

"No... Keep going..." Miia replies. "This feels too good..."

"Well... I guess I can see why you would want to do this alone... Does it feel that good?" Jack asks.

"Especially if someone else does it..." Miia replies as she continues guiding Jack's hand around. Eventually Jack peels off the old skin surrounding Miia's lady parts, and Miia immediately puts her hands around that area- while still holding Jack's hand... Both Jack and Miia realize that the latter has made a big mistake and Jack instantly pulls his hand away before it can register any feeling. Once Miia is sure that all the old skin has been peeled off she places that little triangle back into place and pushes down her skirt before uncovering Jack's eyes. "I'm really sorry about that."

"Well, at least it's done." Jack says. "Let's head out and join the others shall we?"

"Yeah, just don't mention that you helped out with all of this." Miia replies, and once her door opens Christine looks at Jack and Miia quizzically.

"What were you two doing?" Christine asks.

"It was nothing, I was just comforting Miia." Jack replies.

"Yeah, what he said." Miia says, playing along.

"So what was all of that moaning and crying out then?" Gabriella asks.

"I was crying into his shoulder. It just dried off really quickly." Miia replies. The sisters look at each other with doubt. "I'm serious, he was just comforting me and trying to make me happy again."

"By using his hands?" Papi asks, and Jack and Miia immediately pale as they look away from one another. Jack nearly falls over before Miia catches him with her tail and wraps it around his waist to keep him on his feet as his crutches lay on the floor.

"Umm..." Miia trails off again, not sure how to explain.

"Uhh..." Jack also trails off, in a similar situation. "Should we just say it?"

"I guess we have no choice." Miia replies.

"Wait... Did you-" Christine gets cut off.

"I was helping her molt since she couldn't use her hands." Jack quickly says.

"Yeah, that's what was going on." Miia adds just as quickly. Once the three see Miia's bandaged hands, they put two and two together and chuckle to themselves.

"Man how wrong we were to assume that!" Christine chuckles awkwardly. "I'm really sorry you two."

"It's alright, it happens to the best of us." Jack says as Gabriella picks up his crutches and Miia lets go of Jack as soon as he can support himself with them again. With that Jack and Miia join the table for a rather late breakfast, and since the three had started without them they were among the first to finish eating, and Gabriella and Papi immediately make a beeline for the Wii that they had bought from Akibahara. "At least things are becoming normal."

"At least." Miia chuckles as they decide to relax on the couches.

"I'm going to go shopping, you four make sure you don't make a mess in here all right?" Christine calls out as she walks out.

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