Nicely Wrapped Up

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"Now that you're here we have to get you a new room." Jack says to Rachnera. "Fortunately we had some workers expand the house for us. Are you comfortable with the dark?"

"I thrive in darkness." Rachnera replies. "If you speak of a room in the basement, I guess I won't mind."

"As long as you say that Rachnee." Jack says as he leads the arachne girl downstairs past the training room and into one of two bedrooms. As nobody sleeps downstairs yet both rooms are very sparse with the only things in the rooms being beds, nightstands and bookshelves.

"Hm, pretty barren for a bedroom." Rachnee says.

"Christine intended to leave it that way." Jack replies. "She says that life is like a canvas that you paint your story on. As you continue to live with us this room will be filled with what makes you, you."

"That's a very interesting spin on things." Rachnee says. "Is she an artist?"

"She had contractors fighting over her." Jack replies. "That's how good she was."

"Well color me impressed." Rachnee chuckles. "what do you do?"

"I'm a martial artist." Jack replies as he demonstrates some of his moves on a punching bag. "I'm renowned for my fighting skills."

"I see." Rachnee says. "Can you dodge this?" She asks as she throws a line of webbing. Jack just barely dodges the strand before the arachne throws another one- and as soon as it catches him she quickly wraps him up with webbing. "You did a pretty good job dodging the first strand. I applaud you."

"It was the second one I had to watch I guess." Jack chuckles as Rachnee unties him from the webbing and she proceeds to eat it to replenish her stores. "Does that taste good?"

"It's very bland no matter what I eat, but I have to if I'm going to keep on producing webs." Rachnee replies.

"Makes sense." Jack says as the two head upstairs where Gabriella, Papi and Suu are going at it on the Wii playing as Kirby and his friends. As of now the trio are shooting at what appears to be a gigantic penguin robot that uses hovering technology to move at blurring speeds.

"Alright it's about to launch a bomb, let loose!" Gabriella says as the three fire charged shots and begin breaking off parts of the robot.

"Just a little more!" Papi says as the weak point is exposed and one shot from Suu knocks out the robot. The girls are about to do a victory dance when the robot suddenly gets up and starts trying to whack them with it's hammer.

"The hammer! Shoot the hammer!" Gabriella says as the three focus fire on the hammer, and this time the robot gets completely destroyed as the hammer flattens the robot's head and it explodes. "That did it!"

"Do you guys have other games that are more... Entertaining than this?" Rachnee asks. "Even spinning webs all the time gets boring eventually."

"We're looking into some new games yes." Jack chuckles. "We only have this game system around so Gabby and the others can keep entertained. More often than not we have our own ways of keeping ourselves entertained."

"I guess that makes sense but that doesn't warrant not getting games that are more fit for your interests." Rachee chuckles back. "What DO you do besides all of that training?"

"I am a martial arts instructor for MON." Jack replies. "Whenever I'm not doing that... You know I just came to realize there's not much I really do besides that."

"Don't tell me you're after my darling too!" Miia whines.

"Don't worry, I'm not after your honey." Rachnee giggles.

"Wait... Honey?" Jack asks.

"You're a lovable person as are your two human roomates." Rachnee replies. "But in all honestly you're not my type."

"No offense taken, you do you." Jack chuckles.

"At least you're considerate." Rachnee says. "I'm surprised that you DON'T have a girlfriend yet." Jack then winces, something that the Arachne notices. "...Did I say something wrong?" Rachnee asks. Christine then notices Jack's current state and slowly walks over.

"Jack's come out of some terrible relationships. In some cases the girl and her so called "ex" nearly beat him to death." Christine replies, and the realization hits the arachne like a truck.

"Oh my gosh..." Rachnee says. "I'm... I'm so sorry for all of that."

"Now you know how huh?" Jack replies. "Not only that, I've had worse in my past. I guess when I'm ready I'll tell one of you... And then they're probably going to tell it to the others." He shakes his head to snap himself out of it before he smiles again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rachnee asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jack replies as he heads into the bathroom, leaving Rachnee and Christine looking at one another.

"I know he's had a rough past, but I think it's worse than he's letting us think it is." Christine says.

"Are you very close to him?" Rachnee asks.

"He's like a brother to me and Gabriella." Christine replies.

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