Something To Sneeze At

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"Ah... Ah... Ah... AH-CHOO!!!" A super loud sneeze rocks the entire house some time in the morning, startling everyone awake.

"What the hell was that?!" Christine asks as she and Gabriella suddenly jolt awake.

"Sounded like it came from Jack's room." Gabriella replies.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... AH-CHOO!!!" Another super loud sneeze rocks the house.

"Yep, sounds like it." Christine says as she and Gabriella leave their bedroom and head out to see a very surprised Miia, Papi, Cerea and Rachnee.

"Wait that was honey?" Rachnee asks.

"Sure sounds like it." Miia replies as they slowly open the door to see Jack trying to cover his face with his blanket.

"Ugh... Someone make it stop..." Jack says, sounding like his nose has been completely clogged up. "My nose... I can't breathe through it at a-ah... Ah.. AH-CHOO!!!" He turns his head away just in time to avoid firing any snot at the girls.

"Bless you..." Miia says.

"Huh?" Jack asks as he uncovers his face to see the girls looking at him. "Ugh... Thanks... God I feel awful right now... I don't want to get up... I don't want to move..."

"What in the world was that?" A familiar voice calls out and everyone turns to Miss Smith. "I was driving down your street and then I heard this super loud sneeze."

"That was Jack." Papi says.

"Don't tell me, he's sick?" Miss Smith asks.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... AH-CHOO!!!" The agent ducks and covers her head out of instinct.

"That oughta do it..." Miss Smith mumbles. "Make sure you girls stay away from him, the last thing I want is for you girls to get sick, and then for this sickness to mutate and cause a mass pandemic."

"So are you going to leave us to take care of it?" Christine asks.

"I don't want to risk you girls getting sick either, I'll watch over him." Miss Smith replies.

"...Are you sure about that?" Christine asks. "What about MON?"

"They're taking over some of my work for this occasion." Miss Smith says. "Don't worry, he'll be back to full health in no time!"

A few hours later...

"And she's fast asleep on the couch..." Gabriella grumbles as she looks at Miss Smith, passed out. "I had a hunch that she was going to do that."

"So do we take care of him then?" Christine asks.

"Miss Smith did make a good point, irresponsible as she is." Cerea replies. "We can't risk getting sick."

"But that means we're all off the list for caretakers." Miia says. "And as much as I want to nurse my darling back to health, I'm not taking that risk either."

"What about Suu?" Papi asks. "She's a slime, and slimes can't get sick."

"You know, that could work, but remember, she can only mimic what we do." Cerea replies. "Go get Suu and we can teach her some stuff." And with that Papi fetches the slime, who proceeds to morph into a copy of Jack.

"I knew she could take in water and gain a more mature body, but I certainly wasn't prepared for this." Christine chuckles. "At least we can tell it's still Suu." She says as she notices the green and yellow antenna on the top of "Jack's" head.

"Now to teach Suu some remedies." Cerea says.

"Mmph... Keep it down will you?" Miss Smith mumbles.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... AH-CHOO!!!" Jack blows his nose and tosses out his twentieth tissue, having failed again at trying to unclog his nose. "It feels like someone put concrete in my nose or someone superglued it shut... Absolutely nothing is getting through..."

"Master?" A voice calls out.

"Who is it? You can't come in remember? I'm sick." Jack replies.

"I'm coming in anyway." The voice says, and Suu emerges.

"Suu?" Jack asks.

"Suu can't get sick." Suu replies. "So Suu will take care of you."

"Well, that's certainly the first time I've ever heard you talk on your own- ACHOO!" Jack gets cut off by a slightly less powerful sneeze. "What's in the bowl?"

"It's soup that Christine and Gabriella made." Suu says as she hands Jack the bowl of piping hot soup. It appears to be a classic chicken noodle soup with the addition of sliced cayenne peppers.

"Tell them I said thanks." Jack chuckles as he eats the soup. For the time being his nose unclogs  as he eats the soup, but a few minutes after he's finished eating it the clogs return.

"Is it working?" Cerea asks as she peeks in through the door and Suu shakes her head.

"I know he's trying his best to fight this sickness but at this point it might be best for him to sleep." Rachnee says.

"Much as I might not trust you, yeah, that might seem like it." Cerea replies. "Just don't do anything too crazy to him Suu." And with that Papi brings Suu's pool into Jack's room in case she has to stay with him for longer than normal. That's when Suu decides to stick her antenna on his head to see what's going on in his mind...

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