Fairy Tail Battle

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"I'll show that fish stick bitch that darling belongs to me and only me." Miia grumbles to herself as she prepares to duke it out with the new mermaid resident.

Round one, fight!

"So looks like that new wheelchair won't come in for a few days." Jack says to Mero as everyone crashes in the living room. "At the very least your room is on the same floor as ours so that should save us the trouble."

"At the very least." Mero replies.

"Well you don't have to carry her all the time." Miia says. "I'm sure she can do just fine."

"She does have a point." Mero giggles. "I understand that you may treat me like a princess but even a princess can do stuff on her own."

"Score one for Miia!" Miia cheers in her head as Jack sets Mero on the couch before rubbing his hands on himself.

"You're kinda slimy- not Suu slimy but just enough that I noticed." Jack says.

"Oh that's so I don't dry out." Mero replies.

"She's even wearing her bikini!" Miia growls in her head. "I'll flip that mermaid on her head with this one!" And with that Miia slithers off under the impression of using the restroom. She then locates the thermostat and "accidentally" turns it way down. By the time she's done the deed Miia is already starting to slow down in movement, her cold blood becoming much colder than normal, but when she looks at Mero, she's barely affected.

"Whoa, why is it so cold all of a sudden?" Jack asks. "Miia, you wouldn't happen to have bumped the thermostat did you?"

"I think I did, my bad." Miia replies through chattering teeth as she goes to readjust the thermostat. Once it's back to normal Miia is still cold and she slithers over to Jack with bambi eyes.

"All right, you can go ahead." Jack chuckles as Mia gently wraps her lower body around him and she warms herself up using his body heat.

"How are you not cold Mero?" Miia asks more politely, knowing she's been defeated this time. "You're in a bikini let alone!"

"When you spend practically your whole life under the sea, you become used to cold temperatures. I'm sure if you trained hard enough though you could also build resistance." Mero replies.

Mero wins. Round two, fight!

Jack, Christine and Gabriella all find themselves swimming around in Mero's pool alongside the mermaid as they all get to know her better.

"So what did you do when you were bored?" Jack asks Mero.

"Oh I rarely if ever was bored." Mero replies. "I had tons of stuff to do in the ocean. I did a lot of sightseeing, I did some research, and I ended doing my fair share of swimming away from sharks who thought me more as a delicacy!"

"How did you chase them off? I hear mako sharks are the fastest among their family." Jack asks.

"I had my ways." Mero replies. "So let's say I'm a shark right?" She says, diving into the water. "So I get chased by a shark, and what I do is I surface to bring them out of the water." She adds, and much to the trio's surprise they can understand her clearly despite her being submerged in water.

"The things mermaids are capable of." Jack chuckles to himself as Mero surfaces.

"So I usually leap out of the water before the shark can, and by the time the shark surfaces I'm more than ready. What I do then is I whack them upside the head with my tail, and that usually makes them think twice before trying to eat a mermaid like me!" Mero says.

"Reminds me of Miia, she can do the same exact thing with hers." Jack chuckles. Miia then emerges, sporting a bikini of her own.

"Hey guys! Can I join?" Miia asks, but then Suu follows close behind looking rather dehydrated. Jack then looks at Mero, who's already more than wet before looking at Suu, and the slime charges!

"Mero get down!" Jack shouts as he swims over and tackles Mero into the water and Suu resorts to drinking some water directly from the pool to rehydrate herself instead.

"Don't tell me he's trying to make a move on her!" Miia growls. "I'm heading in!"

"Miia what are you-" Christine responds too late as Miia dives in, failing to realize how cold the water is. Once Miia realizes this she realizes that her body is becoming slower and slower, and it's not long before she becomes completely paralyzed by the cold. The last thing she sees before her eyes close are Jack and Mero, rushing down to make sure she doesn't drown.

Mero wins. Flawless victory!

"Ugh... What on earth?" Miia mumbles as she finds herself on the side of the pool with Jack and Mero looking over her worriedly.

"Are you okay?!" Mero asks. "That was very reckless of you to dive in like that! You could have drowned!"

"At least I'm okay... Right?" Miia replies as she sits up.

"Umm Jack, you wouldn't mind if I spoke with Miia in private?" Mero asks.

"Um, sure." Jack replies as he, Gabriella and Christine head out to get changed.

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