Beyond Extraspecies

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Even when Vicky eventually departed and left for her home, the strange occurrences that were first noted by Rachnera and then noticed by everyone still continued. It was very clear that something was in their house, and it did not seem like it was human nor extraspecies.

"There are no cases where an extraspecies girl has managed to turn herself invisible." Cerea says. "At least no known cases, but by then they probably would have used some sort of infrared vision to catch them."

"That's what I'd like to hope is what's going on..." Jack mumbles. "I'm scared senseless of ghosts..."

"Me too." Miia says as she clings to Jack.

Incident 1

"Oh yeah! That's the spot!" Papi shouts as she and Suu shoot away at a gigantic scorpion in one of the games that they're playing.

"Watch out!" Suu shouts as they dodge the scorpion's pinchers. After a few more seconds of constant shooting the scorpion is destroyed, but as they go to celebrate the CD holder suddenly floats up in front of their faces before it launches itself at them, and the two just barely manage to dodge.

"Whoa..." Papi says, struggling to understand what just happened. "Did you just SEE that?!"

"I saw that all right!" Suu replies. "That thing just flew right at us!" And after a through check of the whole living room there was no reason for the cartridge to go flying.

"...Should we continue playing?" Papi asks.

"Maybe it'll help us forget." Suu replies.

"What just happened? I heard a crashing noise." Gabriella asks as she walks over.

"This just floated all by itself and flung itself at us." Suu replies.

"There's no way." Gabriella says. "You two must be-" Gabriella gets cut off as the cartridge then flies up and bonks her in the head. "Okay you two are not joking..."

Incident 2

Cerea and Rachnee are in the basement, with the former training herself with what Jack has downstairs and Rachnee relaxing on her web hammock.

"So, how long have you been training?" Rachnee asks.

"As long as I can remember." Cerea replies as Christine heads downstairs to check up on them.

"Well, you've certainly put yourself through the works." Christine chuckles as she notices a heavy barbell on the ground. Cerea then looks down and her eyes go wide.

"I can't even lift that kind of weight..." Cerea says.

"Wait what? Why is it right next to your feet then?" Christine asks.

"It wasn't..." Cerea mumbles, and then before their eyes the barbell is lifted and it appears as if an invisible person is working out with it before it drops to the ground with a loud clank. "What in the-"

"We all saw that..." Christine says.

"I... I have no words..." Rachnee trails off, not sure what to make of what she just saw.

Incident 3

Jack, Miia and Mero are all relaxing on the former's bed, not having a care in the world.

"So, got any plans for another date?" Miia asks. "I enjoyed that last one."

"Hmm..." Jack muses to himself as he cocks his head to the side and thinks. "We've already done an aquarium, we've done a museum, we've done a fancy restaurant..."

"The food there was absolutely spectacular." Miia giggles.

"Yes it was." Jack chuckles. "I mean there are so many choices and-" The three get cut off by a loud crashing noise coming from the kitchen. "What the hell was that?!"

"We have to check it out, that did not sound normal!" Mero says as she gets on her wheelchair and the three head out to the kitchen to see multiple pots and pans all over the floor. "They were in the cabinets just a few minutes before... And there's nobody around!"

"Did anyone here do this?" Jack calls out, and as the others emerge, they have no idea what happened either as they look at the pots and pans with just as much shock. "You have no idea either?"

"Not at all." Cerea replies.

"Clearly there's something going on in this house that we can't explain." Jack says. "Should we call Miss Smith and see if she can find anything?"

"That would be a good idea." Miia replies, and it's not long before the agent herself arrives.

"So what am I here for?" Miss Smith asks.

"Well, lately we've been having some strange activity and we thought to ask you to see if you can find anything." Jack replies.

"All right... Where do I start?" Miss Smith asks, and everyone jumps as they hear crashing noises coming from the basement.

"Downstairs!" Jack replies as everyone save for Mero makes their way downstairs and sure enough a series of weights that had been neatly placed in a corner are now sprawled all over the place, and Miia looks around.

"Let me see if that trick mom taught me works." Miia says as her eyes glow. She looks around for a few seconds before she turns to Jack with nothing.

"What was that?" Suu asks.

"Pit vision. Mom helped me "unlock" this trick. Allows me to see heat trails." Miia replies.

"Looks like a haunting of some sort." Miss Smith mumbles. "There's no way those weights could have been moved like that. You'll have to be careful."

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