Revenge Of The Pervert

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Just when Jack thought that the wretched director and his two guys would scamper off after having sent them out the door the three get back up with a burning vengeance.


"Whoever said it was yours?!" Gabriella shouts. "If you still won't leave then we'll make you leave!"

"Like you two girls can do anything to us!" The boom guy laughs as he picks up whatever is left of his boom and wields it like a spear while the light guy uses whatever is left of his light and uses it like a crude hammer of some sort.

"Oh we'll show you!" Christine yells. "Cerea, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed a sword?"

"I wouldn't mind at all, just don't let it get broken." Cerea replies as she hands Christine the sword she is carrying, and she unsheathes it, prepared to dice up the perverted and conning director and his cohorts to bits.

"You girls get the other guys, I'll handle mister camera savvy here." Jack snarls as he shapes his hands into the claws of a tiger.

"Now I get to see my darling's mighty tiger claw in action!" Miia giggles to herself as Christine and Gabriella charge the boom and light guys.

"Take this!" Gabriella shouts as she engages the light guy. Gabriella's leopard fist is similar to the snake fist that Christine and Miia have learned but the only difference is that Gabriella is much more relentless, attacking much more often, and relying very little on joint locks. Instead Gabriella relies on brute force as she lands strikes to the eyes, neck, armpits- any weak points she can find before brutalizing the light guy.

"OW!" The light guy screams as Gabriella performs a double kick and knocks him out cold.

"That should deal with you!" Gabriella shouts before she ducks, just avoiding a spear to the neck, and the boom guy leaves himself open.

"How about THIS?!" Christine yells as she performs a mighty slash and manages to split the boom in half before performing another slash, this time cutting off the boom guy's pants and humiliating him before knocking him out with the pommel of her blade. The only person left was the director, and he was engaged in an intense, but losing battle against Jack.

"You're going to regret coming here!" Jack shouts as he claws at the director, who puts his arms up to defend. Once he's too busy guarding his face Jack then proceeds to go low and sweep him to the ground. Finally Jack pounces and mounts the director, claws ready to shred him up, but instead he gets up in the director's face and lets out an inhuman roar before knocking him out with a well placed punch. "That should deal with them for now."

"Are you sure you're not secretly an extraspecies?" Miia asks. "That roar was like nothing I've ever heard from a human."

"I get a little beastly when it comes to fighting with this style." Jack chuckles. "I try to hold back when I use this style but this guy just pushed me over the edge." That's when Miss Smith emerges and sees the three unconscious people.

"What happened here?" Miss Smith asks.

"These guys tried to perv on our homestays. Gabriella, Christine and I have swiftly dealt with them." Jack replies as Christine hands Cerea's sword back. The three slowly regain their senses and then they see the trio and Miss Smith looking down on them.

"What happened?" The director mumbles as he looks up to see Jack, the man that beat him up. Jack then proceeds to growl at him and the director and his cohorts immediately scream before they scram, and all of them have a heavy smell of feces trailing them. The only evidence that they left behind were their broken devices, Miia's old skin, the broken remains of the harpy egg and a business card.

"You didn't actually smash Papi's egg did you?" Miia asks.

"No, of course not. I used one of the store bought eggs." Jack replies as Miss Smith looks at the card.

"Guys! I think Papi's going to lay her egg!" Cerea says, and everyone drops what they're doing to make sure everything goes well.

"So the director turned out to be a scammer?" Jack asks.

"It would seem like it according to the card we picked up. These credentials are all fake." Miss Smith replies. "We'll look into it."

"Much appreciated." Jack says.

"Say what's for dinner?" Miss Smith asks.

"Miia's cooking tonight actually." Jack replies. "Say Papi, where did you put your egg?"

"I left it in the fridge since it was unfertilized." Papi says.

"Well that's a silly place to put it." Jack chuckles. "What if someone... Mistook it... For a store bought egg..." Jack then goes pale as he remembers that Miia is cooking, and it's not long before everyone else, save for Papi, pales upon realization.

"So wait... The egg that I just grabbed from the fridge and is now in the pot..." Miia says.

"What are you guys so worried about?" Papi asks, wondering why everyone looks ready to pass out.

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