Like Out Of A Tragic Action Movie

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Christine and Gabriella tail close behind to make sure Suu and Papi don't try anything stupid- well mostly just Papi- and that's when they look at Suu.

"I honestly don't think she's actually capable of harm... She's literally just a child in an adult's body." Christine mumbles.

"Yeah, I think if she's with the right people she'll grow up to be a good person... Er... Slime." Gabriella says. "I think Papi, birdbrained as she is, is still a good role model, especially under our watch."

"That's what I'd like to think as well." Christine replies, but suddenly a lifted hummer roars up the bridge at a ridiculous speed, and Christine can barely make out who's driving behind the heavily tinted windows- none other than the Forfive doppelganger that they had to deal with back at Akibahara!

"OH YEAH! THIS IS THE BEST!" The Forfive lookalike laughs as he continues to roar down the bridge as fast as he can- that is until one of the kids finds herself on the road at the most inopportune moment! "Oh shit! GET OUT OF THE WAY!"  He yells as he blasts the horn to try and get the kid's attention, and the kid realizes too late! Christine and Gabriella can look away and screw their eyes shut as they fear the inevitable, and a crashing noise is heard. When they finally look, a single pink mary jane shoe has been left on the road but when they go to look for the body there is no body, instead they see Suu, protecting the kid that was about to be run over.

"She used her body to take the impact!" Papi says in shock.

"Thank you for saving me!" The kid says in relief as she exits the safety of Suu's body to pick up her shoe, and the Forfive lookalike's hummer has gone straight through the side of the bridge, leaving a clear hole where it plowed through and is probably in the water. Suu then realizes that she just so happens to be on that same side of the bridge as it starts cracking and the slime gets off too late!

"Whoa!" Suu shouts as she starts falling and Papi just manages to grab her.

"Hold on!" Papi shouts. "If you fall into that river you'll die!" And much to Papi's horror she's slowly losing her grip. Just before Suu loses her grip, she looks up to Papi with a smile on her face, ready to accept her fate.

"Papi..." Suu begins. "Thank you." And with that Suu slips out of Papi's grip.

"No! Suu!" Papi shouts as Suu falls, but instead of hearing a splashing noise everyone hears a loud splat and when Papi looks down she sees that Suu landed on the hummer instead of the water.

"Never mind! I'm okay!" Suu chuckles as she reforms her body and leaps onto solid ground.

"At least she's alright." Christine says.

"Huh?! You're telling me we're keeping her?!" Miia's voice shouts as Christine turns away.

"Yes, we're keeping her." Christine replies. "As long as she doesn't cause too much havoc we'll be okay, she means no harm."

"I guess if she can learn the right things we'll be okay." Miia's voice says. "What were you and Gabriella doing outside anyway?"

"Papi got scared that you were going to kill Suu so she flew off." Christine replies. "We're heading back home now." And with that Christine and Gabriella follow Suu and Papi back home to a very relieved Jack.

"I'm just glad you guys are okay." Jack says. "If we learned anything from our past few days, don't let her fall into water."

"Yet she can take in water just fine." Christine replies. "She's an odd one indeed. Did we miss anything?"

"No, nothing to write home about." Jack says. "So where's Suu going to be sleeping? And does she even need food?"

"I'll eat anything." Suu suddenly replies.

"Wait it can talk?!" Miia asks.

"Seems like she's had that ability for a while." Christine replies. "Showed it when she saved a kid."

"She saved a kid?" Cerea asks.

"And nearly died." Papi replies. "I don't care what you guys say, she's staying with us."

"All right all right sheesh, I wasn't going to object or anything." Miia says. "You like her that much?" And Papi quickly nods her head in response before rushing into her room and preparing a kiddie pool. With the oddities out of the way Jack and Miia then start planning out a date with Christine and Cerea chuckling to themselves as they rest on the couch across from them.

"Those two are pretty cute aren't they?" Cerea asks.

"Yeah, they are, I don't think I've ever seen Jack this happy." Christine replies.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Cerea asks, confused.

"I've just never seen him that happy before." Christine says.

"That just pesters me." Cerea mumbles.

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