A High Speed Chase

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"Haah, that should do it for today." Christine chuckles as she emerges from the local mart with the groceries she needs for Jack and company. "Normally Jack would come with me for this kind of stuff, but hey, who am I to ask if he's been crippled for a month?" And with that she gets on her bike and starts making her way back home. She pedals at a mellow and steady pace so she doesn't tire herself out or accidentally lose grip on her groceries, but then she hears something off, something like the sound of trotting hooves. It's not long before the trotting gets louder and louder until finally Christine is rear ended and sent flying off her bike! Her groceries go everywhere, her bike gets completely totaled and she rolls into a pole.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!" A mature sounding voice shouts. "Art thou all right?!" Christine eventually looks up to see who crashed into her- a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, and she wears a white sleeveless button up of some sorts and a large skirt that does little to cover up the fact that her lower body is that of a horse. At her side is a sword in it's sheath and she stands tall and proud. "My dearest apologies, I should have been looking where I was going. Do you need a hand?"

"Yeah..." Christine mumbles as the centaur helps her up. "Who are you?"

"I am Centorea Shianus of the proud Shianus tribe!" The centaur says, starting to step on a soapbox. "I am a centaur, a proud race of creatures, and none shall look down upon me! And I believe you are my new master thanks to this fated encounter!"

"Okay, that's all I needed to know- wait master?" Christine chuckles as she looks at her groceries to make sure Centorea didn't smash them. Once Centorea realizes that she's starting to look like a weirdo she tones it down a little bit.

"I'm really sorry about that, what happened to that bike of yours?" Centorea asks.

"You totaled it when you ran into me." Christine replies.

"My dearest apologies!" Centorea says as Christine finishes picking up the last of her groceries. That's when she gets knocked over again, this time by a young lady running away from something, and this time her groceries are smashed up as well.

"Come on!" Christine shouts as she gets back up and sees the lady running off. "What's got her in such a rush?"

"I think that's why!" Centorea says as she sees a motorcycle roar by and snatch up the woman! "What the?! I cannot simply stand by as this happens! You, help me out!"

"Wait what?! Help you out?! Um, okay!" Christine says as she mounts Centorea, who is appropriately shocked.

"Nay nay nay, what art thou doing?!" Centorea shouts. "Only my chosen master whom I've sworn my life to can mount me like that!"

"Well, how else am I going to help you catch this kidnapper?" Christine asks. She makes enough of a point that Centorea decides to go along with it and give chase. The biker has some trouble keeping his hostage from trying to knock him off his ride and it's not long before Centorea and Christine catch up, and the centaur unsheathes her sword!

"Stop right there you lowlife of a kidnapper!" Centorea shouts as she points the blade at the biker's neck. Unfortunately with how fast she's galloping the biker becomes focused on her breasts and becomes way too distracted to look where he's going- more than enough time for Christine to successfully pull the woman off the bike and onto Centorea's back with her.

"I got her!" Christine shouts as the biker crashes into a bunch of paint cans that had been haphazardly placed. Unfortunately with two people on her back Centorea also slips up and crashes into another series of cardboard boxes and sending Christine and the lady flying! When Centorea finally recollects herself she notices that her sword is gone, and Christine and the lady are relatively unharmed.

"Well, that gets the job done. Now where is... My... Sword... Uh oh..." Centorea gulps as she realizes that the biker, now without a bike, has picked up Centorea's blade and is intent on decapitating her.

"You bitch of a mule!" The biker shouts. "Because of you and your giant boobs I just totaled my bike! Now I'm going to total you in return!"

"As if I'm going to let that happen!" Christine yells as she jumps in front of Centorea and takes a slash. The blade leaves a diagonal scar from the top right part of Christine's abdomen to her lower left, and Centorea can only look forth in horror at how selfless Christine was. "Forgive me... Jack..." Christine says in her head as she seals her fate.

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