Wild Style Documentary

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"So you're telling me that Mero wants us to get together?" Jack asks.

"That's what she told me." Miia replies. "At least we all get to relax for the week, you know?"

"Definitely." Jack chuckles as everyone is either relaxing on the couches or preoccupied with the newest Wii game, a part of the Red Steel series.

"Ha! Die!" Papi shouts as she slashes down desert punks while gunning down cowboys.

"Looks like they're having fun." Miia chuckles. "Say, didn't you tell me you were going to teach me some snake kung fu?"

"I'm glad you reminded me." Jack chuckles back.

"Did you just say kung fu?" Cerea asks.

"Yeah, he does a lot of it." Christine replies. "I've learned snake fist from him."

"And I've learned leopard fist from him." Gabriella adds.

"Follow me, and I shall teach you a new way of the snake." Jack chuckles as he and Miia head into the basement where the main room has been turned into a training room complete with a punching bag, matted floor to cushion falls and just about anything else a martial artist could ever need. "It will take a while but eventually you will come to master snake fist. As you already have the physiology of a snake, I can imagine you will master it even quicker." True to Jack's word Miia quickly masters many techniques, including sense crippling strikes, joint locks besides strangles, the lamia even held her own against Jack!

"Hah! Eat this!" Miia shouts as she stuns Jack with a strike to the solar plexus before quickly wrapping her tail around his legs and pulling, quickly sending Jack to the ground! "You alright darling?"

"You learn quickly." Jack chuckles. "And that was only in the timespan of a few hours."

"I guess that's the advantage of being a snake." Miia laughs as Christine heads downstairs.

"Already trounced him?" Christine chuckles. "Let's see how you do against another snake fist fighter."

"Let's go." Miia says confidently as Christine steps back into a fighting stance while Miia prepares for a rough bout. Christine makes the first move, striking the lamia's armpits before landing a nasty kick that sends Miia reeling back. Once the lamia recovers she retaliates, blocking Christine's precision strikes and she manages to land one of her own right between Christine's eyes!

"Argh!" Christine shouts as she reels back, temporarily blinded.

"Now's my chance!" Miia shouts as she stuns Christine even further by striking her sides, finishing the fight with a mighty throw over her shoulder! Christine hits the ground hard, and Miia makes sure she stays down by wrapping her tail around her, and after a few seconds Christine taps out.

"Nice job." Jack chuckles as he helps Christine get back up. "She's trained under me for at most a few years, and she's gotten to be pretty darn good. You even managed to beat me."

"I may be no spitting cobra but I sure have the reflexes to take home gold." Miia says valiantly as the trio heads back upstairs where everyone has grouped around Papi, who's acting odd.

"What's going on?" Jack asks.

"Oh, it's good that you're here." Papi replies. "I think I'm about to lay an egg."

"You're what now?" Jack asks. Miia and company look ready to beat down Jack when Papi pipes up.

"Every few weeks I lay an egg, that's just what birds do." Papi replies.

"So it's unfertilized?" Miia asks and Papi nods in response.

"Geez you girls are scary, I thought you were going to gang up on him and beat him senseless!" Christine says.

"Well at least he didn't actually do it." Cerea replies.

"Do I really look like the kind of guy that would bang girls on sight?" Jack asks. Before the situation can get any more confusing everyone hears knocks on the door. "Is it Miss Smith?" As Jack opens the door though he's greeted by a short man who looks almost like him, except for the fact that he does not wear shades, but instead he wears nerdy glasses. In his hands is a giant camera one would use for filming professional stuff and behind him are a boom guy and a light guy. "Who are you?"

"I'm around filming documentaries." The short man replies. "These will help the entire world understand the world of extraspecies better and hopefully this will in turn lead to better relationships between the both of us."

"Really?" Jack asks. "What brought you here?"

"Many different extraspecies in one home means many different opportunities to capture how everyone gets along, you know?" The man replies.

"You make a good point." Gabriella says. "I guess we won't mind if you film us for a little bit."

"Yeah, I guess." Christine replies. "Just don't get creepy with the girls or you get the boot."

"Alright, I get it." The short man says as he begins his work.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Jack mumbles to himself.

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