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A day after the slime was finally noticed...

"So Suu, what do you want to do?" Papi asks. The slime, Suu, cocks her head to one side, and then Papi looks at what's inside Suu's body. "Oh shoot that's not good. You need to get that out right now or else-"

"Hey, has anyone seen my- OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THE SLIME DOING?!" Miia screams as she sees her hairclips inside Suu's body.

"MY SWORD!" Cerea shouts as she realizes her sword is also in Suu's body. "Tell that slime to let those things go!"

"Her name's Suu!" Papi shouts back. "Don't mistreat her like that!"

"What's going on?" Jack asks as he, Christine and Gabriella emerge.

"Suu ate my hairclips!" Miia whines.

"Suu? Who's Suu?" Jack asks.

"That's what I named the slime." Papi replies. "And you will not mistreat Suu! Now will you give them their stuff back?" And Suu instantly complies, spitting out the things she engulfed.

"Eugh..." Miia mumbles as she tries to handle her slimy hairclips. "Now I have to wash these..." And with that done Suu slips on a raincoat and boots that she was given by Papi, the only clothes she could wear without them sliding off or getting messy.

"And my sword..." Cerea grumbles as she goes off to clean her blade. "Should we just do away with Suu?"

"I don't know honestly, I mean she's not after my darling so..." Miia says.

"Is darling all you can think about now?" Cerea asks.

"What? We're boyfriend and girlfriend after all! He said!" Miia replies.

"You guys haven't gone on an official date yet so how are you supposed to know let alone him?"

"Shut up Cerea, don't try and lecture a lamia on love!" Miia complains.

"I'll go break it up." Jack chuckles lightly as he goes to make sure Miia and Cerea don't go after one another.

"Alright, I'll keep... An eye... On those two... Where'd they go?" Christine asks.

"I think I saw Papi fly out the door with a bucket." Gabriella replies. "I don't think it was empty either."

"Oh no, we gotta catch her!" Christine says as she and Gabriella rush out to see Papi in flight with the bucket in her talons.

"Where do you think she's going?" Gabriella asks as they continue running.

"The heck do I know?" Christine replies as they try to keep up with Papi. Eventually the two reach a bridge and Papi dive bombs, making the sisters lose track of her. Christine and Gabriella stop running and begin searching around the bridge for any sign of Suu or Papi, and eventually the two find Suu next to the stream below the bridge, using her hair-like appendages to take in some extra water. "Suu? What are you doing that for?"

"I'm not sure..." Gabriella says. As soon as Suu decides to stop, her breasts expand and she takes on a more mature form. "Or maybe that's why... But where's Papi?"

"Catch me if you can suckers!" Papi's voice calls out as a group of kids chase after her with water guns. A group of two girls and three boys are chasing after the harpy, trying to squirt her, and then Papi stops next to Suu. "What are you two doing here?"

"We gave chase after you took off, what was all that for?" Christine asks.

"I thought you were going to abandon Suu, I don't want to abandon a friend!" Papi replies.

"But you ran off without your host knowing. Didn't you promise that you wouldn't run away again like that?" Christine asks. Papi tries to remember, but fails. "Birdbrain!" Christine shouts in her head, but then her attention is broken as she sees the three boys take the girls' water guns.

"Hey! Give those back!" The girls shout.

"Come get them if you can!" The boys laugh, but then Suu, still in her mature form struts over to the boys and taps them on the shoulder. The boys then proceed to gain heart eyes as they notice Suu's large breasts and when she hugs them, the boys are too distracted to notice that the girls have taken back the guns.

"Well, that's one way to do it." Gabriella chuckles as Papi laughs.

"That's how you do it!" Papi says as the girls aim their water guns at the boys, and Suu makes a finger gun with her hands. The water guns don't too so much as get some of the boys wet, but when Suu fires, she unleashes a torrent of water that soaks the boys to the bones.

"Gotcha!" Suu says.

"Wait... Did she just talk?" Gabriella asks.

"She probably learned how to talk from Papi." Christine replies. "She does mimic us after all." Then she notices Papi, Suu and the kids head up the bridge. "Uh guys, I don't think you should be playing up there!"

"Relax! I'll watch over them!" Papi calls out.

"I can't help but doubt that." Christine mumbles as she and Gabriella follow close behind.

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