On Instinct

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The morning after, Miia, Papi and Cerea all found themselves passed out on the floor with blankets draped over them.

"Ugh... What in the world happened?" Miia mumbles as she gets up.

"Wow... Why do I feel so tired?" Papi says as she gets up and Cerea does more or less the same. That's when they look to see Jack, Christine and Gabriella with various places lightly bandaged up.

"What happened to you?" Cerea asks.

"Well it was a full moon last night and your instincts took over." Jack replies. "You girls almost killed us."

"Sorry..." Miia says sheepishly before her eyes go wide and she hugs Jack. "Please don't tell me that you think I'm a crazy lamia now!" She cries into Jack's chest.

"Will you still play with me after what I did? I understand if you don't, please don't abandon me!" Papi cries out as she hugs Gabriella.

"I'm a terrible servant to my master..." Cerea mumbles as she slumps in front of Christine. "Please forgive me for my heinous actions..."

"Girls, it's alright, we all forgive you." Jack chuckles lightly as he gently rubs Miia's back and gently runs his hand through her hair. "It was your instincts, you had no control over it."

"Just make sure you guys go to bed earlier on full moons so your instincts don't suddenly go into overdrive." Christine says.

"Of course." Cerea chuckles as she stands tall and proud. That's when Miss Smith emerges and sees the bandages on the hosts.

"What happened to you?!" Miss Smith asks. "Did you get attacked?!"

"The full moon happened." Gabriella replies. "We didn't realize what was going on until Cerea told us. Could you have told us before you left?"

"I'm really sorry, but I forgot..." Miss Smith says sheepishly. "Anyways I'm here for a few things."

"Let me guess, is one of them for breakfast?" Jack asks.

"You sure read my mind." Miss Smith chuckles. "What are you going to cook for us?"

"Actually, Miia is going to whip something up since all three of us got quite the bruising." Jack replies. Miia is already in the kitchen boiling some eggs for a quick breakfast and Miss Smith then looks at Cerea.

"We need to get that homestay application in." Miss Smith says as she works with Cerea for a few minutes. "You guys haven't really found a room for her yet have you?"

"She's sleeping in the living room until we can expand the house."

"Let me and the other agents help out with that." Miss Smith chuckles. "Workers should come in eventually. Now for the last part."

"And what's the last part?" Jack asks.

"Have one of you decided on who's going to marry who yet?" Miss Smith asks right back.

"Well, none of us are dating yet and we only recently got to know our homestays." Jack replies and Miss Smith seems to deflate.

"Aww..." Miss Smith says. "Past relationships still getting to you?"

"I guess." Jack replies.

"Breakfast is ready guys!" Miia calls out as everyone heads to the table and looks at their plates. Miia has gone for something fairly simple as she has boiled some eggs for about five minutes, and in that time frame she sliced up some bread to go along with said boiled eggs. "This may be no lamian cuisine but still simple enough for me to whip up."

"But to answer your question Miss Smith, I have considered marrying Miia somewhere down the line." Jack says to Miss Smith, and Miia completely freezes, a piece of bread just stopping at her lips.

"Wait... Am I hearing things? Or did you just say you were going to consider marrying me at some point?" Miia asks.

"The thing is I don't know you well enough." Jack replies. "Let's date and then we'll see how things turn out, is that fine with you? I guess I'll start things." Jack says as he inches over to Miia, who is sitting next to him. "Will you go out with me?" Jack gets his answer as Miia kisses him full out on the lips.

"I would love to!" Miia says. "I'm hoping that our relationship builds from here!"

"I'm hoping so too." Jack chuckles as Miss Smith claps for them.

"I can't wait for the day those bells ring!" Miss Smith says happily.

"So wait, what do people do for a date?" Miia asks. "I've never been on one so this is pretty new to me."

"Don't worry, I'll have something planned out. I just need to recover first." Jack replies. "But from here on out we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Yay! Now darling will be mine for sure!" Miia cheers as Gabriella and Christine chuckle to themselves.

"I hope things go better for Jack this time." Christine says to Gabriella.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Gabriella replies.

"I'm hoping as well." Miss Smith says. "Jack truly is a wonderful person. It's only fair he deserves an equally wonderful loved one."

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