Electrifying Sights

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A day had passed since Miia moved in with the trio, and today was going to be an interesting sort of day as Miss Smith decided to pay a visit as Jack was preparing breakfast.

"Hello there Jack." Miss Smith says as she walks in.

"Ah Miss Smith, hello." Jack replies as he continues whipping up breakfast. "How are things going?"

"Pretty good thanks for asking." Miss Smith says. "How are things with Miia?"

"She's getting along very well." Jack replies. "So what is this interspecies exchange bill you were talking about, like what are the details? You kind left before I could ask about it."

"I apologize for that." Miss Smith says. "Well, in a nutshell humans cannot harm extraspecies and vice versa, the host family must provide the necessities for their extraspecies exchange and stuff like that, and humans may not have sex with extraspecies and vice versa. That last part is a very murky situation and we wouldn't know what to do really."

"I see." Jack replies. "What would happen were this bill to be violated?"

"At the very least, jail time and deportation of the extraspecies involved." Miss Smith says. "You haven't done it have you?"

"No, of course not. I'm not a jerk." Jack replies.

"Lamias like Miia are very... Forward when it comes to adult activities like those so I was just curious." Miss Smith says.

"Is that the only reason you came?" Jack asks.

"Well that and I forgot to eat breakfast..." Miss Smith says sheepishly. Fortunately for her Jack doesn't even bat an eye as he continues making breakfast, and he decides to make a separate plate just for her. "Oh? Thanks!"

"Breakfast is a very important meal, it would be foolish to miss it." Jack chuckles as Miia, Christine and Gabriella emerge from their rooms to get their fill for the morning.

"What are you doing here Miss Smith?" Miia asks.

"I think she's mooching off of Jack." Gabriella replies, causing both Jack and Miss Smith to spit out their drinks in surprise.

"Mooching? That's a little extreme Gabby!" Jack says.

"That definitely took me by surprise!" Miss Smith says.

"Gabby, you can't just say stuff like that out of the blue." Christine chuckles, playfully rubbing Gabriella's head and ruffling her hair.

"Hey! Christine cut that out!" Gabriella whines.

"So are we going out anywhere today Jack?" Miia asks.

"Gabriella's always wanted to go out to see what goes on in Akibahara, I guess we could make it a group outing." Jack replies.

"Ah, that takes care of the next thing I was going to say." Miss Smith chuckles. "As a host you can't just leave extraspecies at home all the time. Make them feel like a part of the family like you would a human exchange student. I'm glad you're getting along so well with Miia."

"Gabriella was a little scared at first, but she's grown used to her now." Jack chuckles back and Gabriella tries to hide her red face. Miss Smith finishes her breakfast early and takes her leave to do whatever duties she's been tasked with while the four finish at a later time and prepare to head out to Akibahara. The trio changes into their normal outfits while Miia decides to glamour herself with a fancy outfit she had prepared for the day. Jack, Christine and Gabriella wait around and when Miia finally emerges she shows off her fancy outfit consisting of a red top paired a denim skirt, a white denim jacket and a red beret. a black belt accented with gold rings is secured around her waist and she has two golden bracelets on her right arm.

"How do I look?" Miia asks.

"You look beautiful!" Gabriella and Christine say. Jack on the other hand is at a loss for words, and Miia giggles.

"Hello? Earth to Jack?" Miia giggles as she waves her hand in front of Jack's face to snap him out of his daze.

"Oh, sorry about that." Jack says. "By the way you look gorgeous! Anyways, shall we head out to Akibahara?"

"It's quite a walk but I won't mind." Miia replies as the three make their way to Tokyo. "So did you guys get this home because of your status?"

"Not really, we just got lucky." Jack chuckles. "I mean we were very well known in America but that was just about it. Here in Japan we're practically common folk, well unless there are some people here that already know of us."

"Makes sense." Miia says as the four reach Tokyo and begin to search for the electric town that is Akibahara. The four do end up getting some odd looks thanks to Miia, but they are more than willing to point out directions to the electric town, and as soon as they see the bright neon lights and the banners for the greatest mangas and animes, the four revel as they realize they are in Akibahara.

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