Epilogue: The Bells Are Ringing

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"Well, it's finally come down to this." Jack chuckles in his head as he makes sure that nobody is spying on him. He is in his room, looking around his drawers until he finally finds it: a small, blue velvet box. He's already called Miss Smith ahead of time, both doing their best to keep it a secret from Miia, and the other girls haven't been told anything either asides from a surprise. That's when Miss Smith calls Jack and he quickly answers.

"So, when are you doing it?" Miss Smith asks.

"Try to keep it down, I made sure nobody was spying but with Suu I can't be too sure." Jack whispers as Miss Smith keeps her voice down. "I'm planning on doing it at some point soon. I'm going to take Miia out for a walk first."

"I'll be sure to meet you guys there. Is it at the local park?" Miss Smith asks.

"Yep. See you there." Jack chuckles as he hangs up and pockets the box for now. The girls are curious as to why Jack is in such a good mood today as they notice him sport what is perhaps the biggest grin on his face that they have ever seen.

"Maybe he's glad that the ghost is gone?" Cerea asks.

"I doubt that..." Lala replies.

"So Miia, wanna go for a walk?" Jack asks. "It's a wonderful day outside and I thought we should head to the park."

"All right, why not?" Miia giggles as everyone follows the two outside. As the group reaches the park Papi, Suu and Gabriella instantly make their way towards the playscape where they immerse themselves in the various games the children make up while the more stoic of the bunch, Cerea, Rachnee, Lala and Christine more specifically, decide to rest on the benches. Mero soon joins them as Jack and Miia continue walking around and taking in the sights.

"It's so beautiful outside, I wish it could stay like this forever." Miia says.

"You know, there's something even more beautiful than that." Jack replies. "If you get my drift." He adds with a wink, making Miia blush.

"You're just too smooth." Miia giggles as they run into Miss Smith.

"How's Lala been doing?" Miss Smith asks.

"She's handling things pretty well, helped us get rid of the ghost in our house." Jack replies. He then shoots the agent a knowing smirk and she returns it, expecting something interesting to happen.

"What's going on?" Miia asks.

"Oh nothing really." Miss Smith replies as Jack and Miia continue on their little stroll. Eventually Jack and Miia make a good couple of rounds around the park, and that has given him more than enough time to steel his nerves and make sure he doesn't stumble over his words.

"Miia, there's something that I want to say." Jack says.

"What is it?" Miia asks, not sure why Jack is smiling so much. That's when he picks up his pace and stands in front of her, where the rest of their group, including Miss Smith is watching.

"Miia, we've been dating for so long, and I've enjoyed every bit of it." Jack begins. "I've made so many memories with you, and you are such a precious woman. Had it not been that fateful day I probably would have never met you in the way we did." He continues, discreetly fishing the box out of his pocket. "I think it's about time we took that step forward, and really show the world just how much we love another."

"Jack, you couldn't possibly!" Miia says, tears in her eyes as Jack goes down on one knee. It's then that Miia knows exactly what Jack is going to do next.

"Miia, will you marry me?" Jack asks as he pulls out the box and displays the ring. He gently slips the ring on Miia's finger, and he doesn't even get to put down the box as he gets his response.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" Miia cries out as she glomps Jack, knocking the both of them to the ground in pure joy.

"I love you Miia." Jack chuckles as Miia wraps her lower body around him not unlike the many other times she's done it.

"I love you too, darling." Miia says as they share a long, passionate kiss.

The End

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