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"Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is... Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!" "What the FUCK!"

Power dampener cuffs circled my wrists and I was picked up by the arm. "Don't answer questions." The officer ordered and I nodded, keeping my eyes forward. I walked forward with the officer and shouts of reporters filled my ears. I saw Randy in the crowd and he gave me a sorry yet horrified look. It has been two weeks since I was arrested for the murder of Quentin Beck, AKA Mysterio. The only evidence I have is the evidence Karen collected and stored into my database. "Peter. I would like a few moments with my client." Matt greeted and the officers let me go. "Good news. The charges have been dropped." I breathed out in relief and Matt quickly unlocked my cuffs. I rubbed my wrists and looked around. "They found that the video that was released to the public was tampered with. In five minutes, Karen's footage will be released as well as an official statement from the Police Chief and Mayor. Your name has been cleared and congratulations, you start college in a week." I pulled Matt into a hug and he patted my back before clearing his throat. "Thank you. I hope to not have to call you in again. You've been a saint." I praised and the man shook his head. "I knew you didn't do it."

I stepped into my house and breathed in the smell of wood. "Welcome home Peter." Karen greeted and I grinned. "Thank you Karen. Messages?" A holographic image popped up in front of me and I read through the text messages. "You have incoming cars. SHIELD." I groaned and quickly closed out the hologram. "Check perimeter for anything unordinary." I ordered and opened my door. Agent Hill got out of her SUV and walked up to me. "Parker." I stepped back and let her in. The other agents set up perimeter around my property. "I thought after Mysterio, I had seen the last of SHIELD for awhile." I commented, closing my front door. "Well you're close to seeing us all the time. I heard the charges were dropped." She sat at my bar and I hummed, crossing my arms. "Yeah, the footage was tampered with. Why are you here Agent Hill?" She set her hands out in front of her. "Nick has requested that I ask you to become an agent." I eyed her and tried to see through her bluff. "I did just lose my job. Why, I fucked up that entire mission?" Agent Hill smiled softly and tapped her wrist. Footage of me taking the drones, my eyes closed popped up. "Because you are talented Peter. Without Tony as your shadow, anyone as your shadow, you are talented. You protected the city from a maniac with alien tech. You fought against two super soliders and a mutant in Berlin. You survived through ongoing abuse with a mutate that the X-Men has had on their hit list for months. We want you to be an Agent. You'll go through our academy, you'll get to keep your suit, we'll teach you how to use a gun and you'll get fifteen thousand a month, starting."

My eyebrows shot up and I eyed the web shooters on my wrists. "One condition, I keep protecting my city." Hill grinned and held her hand out, which I shook. "Welcome to SHIELD Parker. First order of business, get dressed there is a Mysterio debriefing at the Avengers Compound and you're needed there." I looked at my raggedy clothes, the ones I was wearing when I got back two week earlier. "I'll meet you there. I need to shower." She stood up and patted me on the solider. "See you there." She left my house and I pulled out my hearing aids, making a quick retreat to my room.

I sped down the familiar road to the compound and got there in no time. I parked my bike and pulled my helmet off. I set it on the bike seat and walked into the compound. "Welcome back Peter. Would you like me to tell the Avengers you're home?" Friday greeted and I shook my head. "Not necessary." The elevator stopped and I sauntered out, eyeing the room. I've become incredibly guarded after Mysterio. He betrayed me, made me feel like I had another mentor after I lost Tony. And then he turned around and tried to kill me. I spent two weeks in prison because of him. "Peter?" Steve asked in disbelief and the entire team turned, some people's eyes lighting up, others not so much. "Hello. Maria here yet?" The female popped her head around the group and I smiled softly. "Okay let's get this debriefing over with."

I walked to the fridge and pulled it open, grabbing a beer and popping off the cap. I chugged half of it before sighing and closing my eyes. "You're leading the debriefing? No offense kid but you weren't exactly there." I shot an incredulous look at Maria and she smiled. "Fury locked them out from the news. They don't know." I pinched my nose in annoyance. "Of course he did. He did a lot of questionable things." I muttered unhappily and I lifted my eyes to look at each person. "The debriefing has to come from me. I'm the one that made him capable of attacking on a large scale, I'm the one who took him down and I'm the one who served prison time because I was accused of his murder. I also lost my job but that's besides the point." I shrugged and took a sip of the beer. "I was called into Italy because they weren't sure it was an Avenger level threat. I went undercover with the graduating senior class at Midtown. I helped deal with damage control while the first Europe attack occurred. We moved to Prague, where the second one was supposed to happen.

"Quentin Beck, claimed to be a man from another world, he was really just a man angry with Tony for naming his hologram tech BARF and firing him. Thanks for that one man. Anyway, we took down the monster, Beck and I went out for a drink. We were talking and he said he wanted to take a look at Karen. I let him and he stole her. He used her to upgrade his hologram tech and with the use of drones, he launched another attack in London. I hadn't known until I went to Berlin to talk to Fury. There, Quentin went to go kill me and I was hit by a train. I woke up in the Netherlands and Happy picked me up in Stark's private jet. I created a new suit and went to London to shut him down. Except it wasn't as easy I had previously thought. He tried to shoot me and in turn one of the drones shot him. Karen shut everything down and Quentin used an edited video to frame me for his murder. He also blasted my identity to the entire world. I was arrested after a week back home and I spent two weeks in a federal prison awaiting trial. The charges were dropped this morning." I finished and looked to Maria, seeing if I missed anything.

"What happened to Karen? Is she usable?" Tony questioned and I nodded, a bored look adorning my face. "I did some upgrades and she's a bit shaken, but she is okay." I tapped my hearing aid and Karen's voice went through my watch. "Nice to hear from you again Mr. Stark." Maria stood up and stood next to me. "Parker will be joining our SHIELD academy while he undergoes higher education. I expect you all to play nice and if things go the way Fury wants them to, Parker will be your team leader." She winked at me and I choked on my beer. "I didn't sign up for that one."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now