Not being left again

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Soon we make it back to Jonathan's house. Mike, Lukas, Dustin and Eleven make it there too. We all walk inside and I stare at a circle on the wall that was patched up I can tell.
Me- Eleven?...
Eleven- yes. I know what you are going to say and the answer is yes
Me- oh...
Eleven answers my thought which was, did a demogourgon come here and did the hole in the wall? What was it going after, though?
Mike- so, what do we do about her? We can't keep her
Nancy- I'm sure mom wouldn't mind
Mike- oh no! Not another girl in the house
Dustin- haha mike is getting all the ladies
Lukas- Dustin just shut up
Will- we could show her to my mom and she can find her a home
Me- I'm leaving?
Eleven- she doesn't want to leave me
Lukas- let her go with you and hopper
Eleven- I don't want to make him take care of two of us kind of girls.. I've done enough to him already and that'll be too dangerous in case anyone finds us
Jonathan- maybe we should tell my mom
Mike- yes please cause she can't stay with me, or El or Lukas or Will
Nancy- why can't she stay with us for awhile?
Mike- we already have our little sister and El comes over all the time
Will- wait, can she stay with Dustin?
Dustin- yeah me nor my mom wouldn't mind.
Nancy- is she ok with that?
They all turn to me...
Me- no... I'm sorry but I'm not leaving Eleven she's my only
Lukas- what the hell did she just say?
Eleven- uh?
Jonathan- she ok?
Will- did she try to say something?
Eleven- fight?
Lukas- fuck?
Dustin- Lukas!
Lukas- just a thought ya know
Nancy- fancy?
Jonathan- future?
Me- no I mean she's my only
Mike- are you trying to say she's your only friend?
I nod. Finally someone got it.
Eleven- yes that is true. I am your only friend because we were trapped in that hell of a place
Dustin- but she can make more
Me- not safe for more friends....
Eleven- remember she has powers like me but stronger though
Nancy- she can control it, right?
Me- yes...
Will- my mom should be home soon, so she can help
Me- I need to be with eleven.
Eleven- 007, you'll be ok. I'll always see you and they might make you go to our school
Me- no no I can't leave you again
I have a feeling in my stomach and it was weird. I couldn't leave Eleven again. I can't lose her again. She's the only person I really know.
Dustin- aw she doesn't want to leave her, it's like they are sisters
Me- there it is again! That word
Lukas- which one? There is shit load of words
Nancy- yo Lukas chill out with YOUR words
Lukas- sorryyyyy
Me- the "sister" word!
Nancy- do you have a sister?
Eleven- they would've known by the tests they ran on her. They would've known if she had one and said something about it
Dustin- then how come does she know that word?
Will- maybe when she was in the street, she was hearing people say it?
Jonathan- no I think she has a sister. Maybe her memory is just scrambled
Lukas- well sure she got powers but she sure is kinda hella dumb
Mike- el, do you know anyone that could be related to her from that place?
Eleven- no she was an only child. They found her abandoned in a building with burns and smoke
Nancy- she was in a fire? Poor girl
Nancy comes next to me. And I just look down
I remember that day.. the day they found me. I was fairly young for a mother to abandon her child. Not even full 2weeks old. I was left in that building. Grey and red was everywhere I could barely breathe. Then Papa found me and that's how I got into their bad system.
Me- no family...
Dustin- that's why she doesn't want to leave El
Jonathan- because she has no one else...
Will- but if she comes to school, she'll have friends
Mike- she's not normal. How would she even get in? She won't make much friends
Eleven- mike...
Lukas- she'll have to make other friends too. I think our party is too full anyways
Will- guys she's new at least try to be nice
Dustin- we should give her a chance
Mike- dude this is like having Max into our party. Remember that? Yeah she's in our party now but it took some time and "tests" she did to even get in the party
Eleven- why are you and Lukas so mean to her?
Mike- I'm not mean, just I don't want ANOTHER person in our party and more stuff happening
Lukas- yeah we all need a break. And when we were close to finally having a break, she shows up.
Eleven- well you guys took me in, why can't you do the same to her?
Nancy- El, I don't mind her staying with us, but maybe she would like to explore more than this town? I know a couple that would love to have a kid but they can't. I'm sure they'll take her in very nice and all  care for her but they don't live in Indiana
Me- not leaving here... please?
I really don't want to leave Eleven. She was the only person I have. No one would understand. I still don't understand most things. I only know words and barely some. I can't do this without her.
Jonathan- it might be better cause there is already so many people here in this little town
Mike- great she'll have a home and be far away because I don't need more shit happening
Will- mom should be coming any second, she'll figure this out
They all sit into the couch and chairs. I sit on the floor. Because I wanted to. I hear a "beep beep" noise come from outside. I hear the door starting to open and I look towards the wall with the patch.
Voice- Jonathan and Will can you guys help me with the gro
A short lady comes in the house with bags and was locking the door. And when she turned, she sees all the kids there. And she was shocked, she drops the bags.
Voice- oh my! Party? Why are you ALL here? I don't mind but
Jonathan- mom we have a problem but it might be your grown up situation that maybe you can hopefully solve
He says as he walks up to his "mom". She looks at Eleven.
Voice- is it with El?
Mike- no nothing is wrong with El
Lukas- we found another girl last night and none of us could care for her except Dustin but she doesn't want to leave El
Voice- who is it?
They all look my way and I close my eyes. Still on the floor but concentrating to levitate the bags with food. Soon they levitate and I put them back into the bags and on a table in the other room. I could feel all their eyes going wider and staring at me. I stand up and turn to them revealing the lady.

Nancy- this is 007...
Me- please don't make me apart from Eleven. She's all I have and the only person I know...
I try to convince her to make me stay. Maybe I can't survive alone without her.
Voice- well 007, my name is Joyce. Will's and Jonathan's mom. I understand why you don't want to leave El. It's like she's all you have and she's all you care about
I look down. Cause I don't want her to look in my eyes and really understand.
Lukas- we need to find her a home
Eleven- jeez Lukas why are you being so demanding and rude to her?
Dustin- maybe cause max had to go away to visit family far away
Will- aww Lukas missing his girl
Will says in a girly voice and pushing him around.
Lukas- quit it! And no it's not
He cross his arms and looks away
Mike- well El isn't leaving
Eleven- Mike...
Mike- no! You are not leaving again. I can't stay and wait for you to come back again. It's not easy and NOT fair
Dustin- look Mike it's their decision
Nancy- she knows what's best for her
Mike- no she doesn't
Eleven- Mike yes I do. I'm not leaving but I need to help her
Lukas- she's helpless
I am getting frustrated, why they were wanting Eleven to leave me. I guess they could tell I am getting frustrated because they all start to look at me.
Will- I think she's not liking this..
Jonathan- she better not destroy anything
When I hear Jonathan say that. I stop getting frustrating and realize I shouldn't do anything.
Eleven- 007, I'll always see you if you do leave
Mike- which she is
Joyce- so why does she have to leave?
Lukas- cause a lot of crap has been happening ever since El came. And as soon as everything was start to go normal, she comes up
Dustin- but it isn't her fault she landed there. And plus I'm sure she'll like our little crazy town
Joyce- well it's her choice if she wants to leave
Me- Not leaving
Eleven- 007, you should stay with Dustin. He's the only one who can let you stay at the his house
I see her looking bad at Mike and Lukas. They both look away
Me- leaving you?
Eleven- he's not too far away from Mike's place. And I'm mostly at his house so
Nancy- we'll all help too. I'll give you some of my old outfits
Jonathan- wait how old is she?
Joyce- she looks older than El so
Will- well it's getting dark out. And I'm sure you guys have to leave
Mike- yeah cmon El
Eleven- fine.. 007 you'll be fine I'll see you tomorrow
Me- you're leaving now?

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