Jealousy, Names and Arcade

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Dustin is already changed and I stayed in the same outfit. We walk out the house and start walking the streets. We walk for awhile not far but some miles away. Then we come across the house I started off in where I stayed my first night with all this confusing. Dustin hit the door 3 times. We waited. Soon, Nancy opens the door.
Nancy- hey Dustin and 007
Me- ... where's El?
Nancy- she's calling her El now?
Dustin- yeah I taught her some stuff
Nancy- ohhh well she's downstairs with mike, Will, Lucas, And Jonathan..
I walk into the house pushing through Nancy. Walking to a door and opening it. I see stairs and walk down them. I see Mike very close to El. Was he going to hurt her? Was she aware? I didn't want to think much so I just levitate him near the table away from the fort El was under.
Mike- AH! Ah! El put me down!
El- it's not... me
I could tell El notices I'm here
Will- what's happening?!
Jonathan and Lucas see Mike floating too.
Mike- I don't know!
Everyone looks at El and she shakes her head to show it wasn't her.
Me- what was he doing to you, El?
Everyone looks at me on the last stair holding out my arm.
Lucas- DUDE! What is she doing?!
Will- at least she isn't hurting him, right?
Jonathan- 007, put Mike down
I didn't listen to Jonathan
El- put him down, 007
I look at El and gently put Mike on top of the table. Once I put him down, he sits up with his eyes widen
Mike- wtf?! Why did you do that?!
Me- were you hurting her?
El- no 007 he wasn't. He was going to kiss me but you stopped it
I see a flare in her eyes. What was she feeling? Why was that feeling in her eye? She stands up and walks to Mike's side
El- you were going to kiss me, right?
Mike- yes.... ha you're mad she stopped me. Aw you wanted me to kiss you
Will- ew gross
Lucas- get a room, you two
El's cheeks turn a little red.
Jonathan- ok since 007 is here, let's all talk then
Dustin comes down the stairs. Me and him walk to the center of the room.
Dustin- I taught her a couple new words, right 007?
I nod my head
Dustin- also what should we call her? We named 011= El. What about 007? I have some ideas
Will- which are?
Lucas- you're really gonna name her? She is not staying long so this is kinda useless
Jonathan- Lucas it's her choice too
I see Lucas' eyes roll. Was he getting possessed? Was he ok? Nancy walks down to this room we were all in
Will- what are your ideas of her name?
Dustin- Sev? Savvy? Or Savanna?
El- ha Sev
Jonathan- I like savanna
Nancy- hehe I like savvy
Will- savanna
Lucas- what about savage?
We all look at Lucas
Lucas- what? I always wanted to know someone named savage haha
Mike- Sev
Dustin- arg I can't chose haha. People raise your hand if you like "Sev"
El, Mike and Lucas raise their arms up
Dustin- raise for savvy
Only Nancy raised her arm
Nancy- aw darn
Dustin- Raise for savanna
Jonathan, Will and Dustin raise their arms
Lucas- a tie between Sev and Savanna
Nancy- how will we do a tie breaker?
El- people who didn't vote like 007
Me- oh I don't know this is something for me and I don't know my mind is blank right now so
Mike- I think Nancy is the tie breaker. She didn't vote for any of these two names yet so
Nancy- what? Don't put this pressure on me. I like both
Will- welp how do we know which one?
Jonathan- Lucas call Max
Lucas- WHAT?! Why?!
Jonathan- she's in your party too so she should have a vote
Dustin- but she's visiting, I'm sure she wouldn't be near the phone if Billy is around soooo
Will- true
El- soooo her name will be savanna but her nick name will be Sev
Mike- great idea
Nancy- that seems easy enough
Will- so now what?
Lucas- where do we take her?
Dustin- she can stay with me
Jonathan- are you sure you want to take this responsibility?
Nancy- taking care of a girl is hard ya know
Dustin- can't be so hard. Mike did it
Mike- hey!
Lucas- true dude
Mike- fine
El- will you take good care of her? Please
Dustin- yes El. You have my word
Will- so that's cleared. Does anyone want to go to the arcade?
Me- arcade?
Will- oh you will love it. It's the coolest game place ever
Me- AH! Game? No game
I run under the table, hiding my face
El- Will, she doesn't know what a real game is. Her idea of game is killing a animal. That's how she was tested and stuff
Dustin- don't worry our games are not like that
Lucas- only a few
Dustin- dude!
Will- but it's all not real
Mike- fine let's go. But we are taking bikes, who's she on with?
Lucas- not it
El- I'm already with you so
Will- doesn't matter
Dustin- she'll ride with me
Lucas- oooooh someone is crushinggggg
Dustin- no dude stop
Mike- hmmmm you know you offered to take her home with you
Nancy- haha aw well me and Jonathan are gonna take some pictures
Jonathan- we are?
Nancy- yeah cmon I'll be your model
Jonathan- ok ha. Guys please be safe
Will- got it
Mike- cmon let's go
We all go out of the house. Nancy and Jonathan drives off in the car. Lucas gets onto his bike. Mike and El go on Mike's bike. Will goes onto his. Dustin goes on his and waits for me to get on.
Me- how do I use it?
Dustin- you get on the seat and I'll ride.
Me- how do I get on?
Lucas- oh jeez this might take awhile
Will gets off his bike and goes to me.
Will- here
He holds my arm and helping me get on the bike. I only had little balance. I keep moving side to side.
Will- hold onto Dustin
He wraps my arms around Dustin's waist. The bike was still. Will goes back onto his bike
Mike- ready?
I nod my head.
We ride down streets and I see a building. Glowing with colors. And very loud noises
Will- this is it!
Dustin- cool games
We all mount off the bikes. But when I did, Dustin had to help me get off. We all walk to the building.
Lucas- this is called an "arcade"
Mike- everyone has their coins?
Everyone holds up bags of circled metals
Me- what are those?
Will- these are called coins.
El- Mike let's play something
Mike- ok let's go
They walk off. I guess I seem not fine to everyone else. I look down
Dustin- she'll be back
Lucas- hey guys I'm gonna play the motor cycle game
Lucas runs off
Will- ok
Me- she has him now... she doesn't need me
Dustin- well maybe she doesn't need you but she wants you around I'm sure
Will- she seems sad
Me- sad?
Dustin- when you're sad, your feelings get down. And you feel hurt but not physically. But some times your stomach hurts and you cry most times
Me- cry?
Will- water coming or falling down your face from your eyes for a reason
Dustin- yeah you can be mad and still cry
Will- or sad. And you seem sad that El isn't really around you much
Me- yes... is sad and "mad" a feeling?
Dustin- yeah
Me- I never was taught those feelings. We were never taught any emotion or feelings
Will- so you don't really feel anything?
Me- my whole life no... why? Do I need them?
Dustin- yes they build up of who you are
Will- they help you with decisions, actions, thoughts and show emotions
Me- well then I must learn all about feelings then
Dustin- well let's all play games first and then we'll all teach feelings
Will- wanna play that new dance champ game?
Dustin- yeah it seems cool
Me- dance?
Will- when you move your body with beats and with the music
Me- music?
Dustin- let's show her
Dustin and Will go up to a game and start "dancing" to the "game. They move their arms, body, legs, hands and feet around with the music. It is cool. I am amazed at this "dancing" thing. It's kind of like expressing feelings or emotions too. They stop dancing when the "music" finished.
Dustin- wooo I win! Haha
Will- darn I was so close too
Dustin- oh well
Me- that was very good seemed fffuunnn
Will- wanna try?
Me- I don't know how to.. maybe another time
Dustin- ok let's keep playing some games now
Will- yeah

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