Sunrise and Feelings

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He lets go of my hand. My heart drops. I guess my face did as well because he looks at me with worry and sadness
Mike- you ok?
Me- I don't know. This is new and I don't know what's happening to me...
Mike- well we will help you and if you have any questions, just ask.
Me- ok. Then what just happened?
Mike- when?
Me- you let go of my hand... Why?
Mike- look.. El will kill me if I ended things with her or the reason why I'd end things with her. But I don't have the strongest feelings for her like THAT THAT anymore. Like I care about her and I don't want her to leave but I don't know.... we don't do anything more than kiss because... I don't know if I want to take it farther.. with her.....
Me- she doesn't know any of this? Why not?
Mike- maybe she might be hurt..
Me- maybe? I don't know much of this but any relationship wether it's family, loved one or friendship they all need a few same things. Honesty and trust. And I think you should tell the truth.
Mike- do you... want.. me to do this?
Me- what? No I'm just saying what maybe is right. You don't want to keep lying to her about this
Mike- Sev... are you... jealous?
Me- what?
Mike- you're acting like you DON'T want me to be with El...
Me- no El is like my family I wouldn't hurt her..
Mike- right.. well I'll heat up the um soup Will made for you before you passed out heh
Mike walks upstairs. I sit there waiting and thinking. Jealous? No El is like my family. I wouldn't hurt her for anything. I just want everything to be honest. Mike comes back down awhile later. With a bowl. He sets it down on the table. I go to the table and sit on a chair in front of the table.
Mike- here... maybe this will make your stomach at ease with everything. Maybe you're hungry from all this time
Me- hungry?
Mike- just eat
I pick up the spoon and start eating the soup. It was good so I start eating faster. Mike stops my hand
Mike- woah chill down
Me- it's good
Mike- don't eat it so fast
Me- ohh ok
I continue eating and Mike sits on the sofa. After I was done I go to him and sit next to him
Me- that was very good
Mike- yeah...
Me- you alright?
Mike- just thinking
Me- about?
Mike- stuff..
Me- El?
Mike- are you like reading my mind?!
Me- no.. I can... but I wouldn't want to invade your privacy
Mike- well thank you.
Me- but it is about El, isn't it?
Mike- a little.. what are you thinking about?
Me- I'm thinking about you thinking of El haha
Mike- hey look you laughed
Me- it just came to me I guess and I also had a good demonstrator
Mike- haha I know I am the best
I look at him with a blank face
Mike- what? Haha
Me- what time is it?
Mike- about 2am. Why?
Me- oh wow
Mike- why? You gonna sneak out?
Me- sneak out? Why?
Mike- I don't know? To be normal and do what kids our age do. Do crazy shit basically
Me- oh heh no not today. Today has been long..
Mike- yeah.. Maybe... maybe I will tell El. You're right.. it would be wrong to lie and keep this from her. I'll do it when she wakes up.
Me- by the way, if you hurt her I hurt your face
Mike- shit! But you just wanted me to do this! Wtf?!
Me- haha I'm kidding jeez
Mike- YOU HAVE HUMOR NOW?! Oh god that thing really messed you up and we were all missing out on you haha
Me- now I just feel normal with words only but still me and but with powers..
Mike- what else powers do you have? I already know you can levitate things because you levitated me, remember?
Me- yeah well jeez I thought you were gonna hurt her so
Mike- anything else?
Me- I can bend things like El too. Hm? I can start water, wind and fire. I can mind read. I can manipulate things. I can talk to people through mind link. A lot of different stuff
Mike- wow you can like start actual water
Me- yes
Mike- air and fire?! That's cool!
Me- yeah but not cool when you have to constantly kill things and try to create something new
Mike- I know it was bad to El but how worse was it for you?
Me- well for El, they never physically hurt her. But for me, they hurt me a lot. At some points they wouldn't feed me for a week every once in awhile. They would make me try to reach into the upside down and... let's just say that every time if I failed, someone died...
Mike- oh wow.. I'm sorry.
Me- yeah me too...
Mike- well is this your natural hair or?
Me- yes
Mike- it's brown, straight and a little wavy. I like it heh
I could feel my face getting red again. I knew words better but I feel like my mind is still the same.
Mike- have you ever got a compliment?
Me- not like that.. no
Mike- nothing about what you look like?
Me- no... nothing good anyway
Mike- oh wow. Well you are very.... pretty
He looks down at his now folded hands.
Me- pretty? Ok that word I think is of when... ugh I don't know how to explain it
Mike- you don't need to... Just know that it's a very good thing
Me- oh.. ok
Mike- well I'm gonna head up to my room.
Me- alone?
Mike- What? Wanna come?
Me- ok
I sit up and walk up the stairs with Mike. We walk up another flight of stairs into his "room". He opens the door revealing his blue room with a lot of toys, games and pictures.
Me- nice room
Mike- thanks I'll just get some clothes from my closet and we can continue talking or whatever
Me- ok
I sit on his bed and he goes to his "closet". Gets clothes and changes in the closet. When he walks back out he looks at me. I am laying down. Facing the ceiling.
Mike- you ok?
Me- yeah... just.... Wondering
Mike- well since there is no point of sleeping now, wanna play a game?
Me- sure. But of course you have to teach me
Mike- alright but I will beat you haha
Me- maybe
We start playing this "board game". He teaches me how to play. He reads the instructions and sets out the game. We start playing for about a 3more hours. I feel light coming into the room. I look out at the window. The curtain is closed so I walk up to it and open it. I see a huge bright light. I stare at it but squinting my eyes because it burns a little.
Mike- you've never seen the sun rise?
Mike says in a low soft almost concerning voice. I shake my head no
Mike- hmm? Oh! Come with me
He stands up and I look back to him
Me- where are we going?
Mike- trust me you'll love it
He smiles and reaches out for my hand. I hold his hand and he takes me out of the room. He pulls down a ladder from the ceiling.
Mike- climb but be careful
Me- ok?
I am very puzzled at what Mike is going to show me. I honestly just want to stay there and see the light start coming up more. As soon as I get to the top of the ladder. I wait for Mike to come up too. When he finally comes up, he walks me to the ledge of the roof. Sitting down, he tells me to sit down as well. I look at the light and sit down next to him. The big light is... rising. It makes the sky turned from dark to light.
Me- this is... beautiful
I stare amazed at the wonder of this light. I can feel the sense of Mike looking at me. After awhile it gets weird, so I turn to him
Me- may I help you?
Mike- oh.. no. Just your face was glowing as the sun light was hitting your face
Me- sun?
Mike- that's the big light thing in the sky. It keeps us alive. And is beautiful at sunrises.
Me- oh.. it was hitting my face? Is it mad at me?
Mike laughs
Mike- no I mean the glare of the sun was on your face
Me- ohhh.. is that a good thing? Or should I be burning?
Mike- it's a... great thing
I notice Mike is looking at me a little more differently. Almost like earlier when we were holding hands, but now it seems like more.
Me- Mike heh why are you looking at me that way?
Mike- I... can't but.. it seems so right to me. Ugh sorry I can't
He looks towards at the light.
Me- Mike...
Mike- sorry..
I come closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder. My head is in the crease of his neck.
Mike- .. Savanna?
Me- yes?
Mike- don't try to change no matter what any body says. Can you promise me that?
Me- promise?
Mike- a promise is something special you keep. And if you break it, that person will be mad and some times if you break a promise... you may break that person's heart..
Me- ok.. I promise. But why? What if I want to change myself?
Mike- why would you? Just.. don't change. Heh you are you. And no one can ever be you. We are all different.
Me- Oh..
My heart is pounding again. I feel.. safe again

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