He can't see what's right in front of him

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Sev's POV
I listen to Dustin and get out of his head. Soon, El comes into my head. We go to the same dark room. I look down and I hear her running to me. She holds my shoulders but I still don't want to look at her
El- SEV! Sev, I'm here! I found you
I can tell she's smiling and happy. But I can't look at her. Me leaving that way, I feel bad but I didn't know I'd be stuck here. I knew something was off but the gate.... it opened again..
El- Sev?
Me- I'm so sorry, El! I didn't know I'd be stuck here. I didn't mean to open the gate again.
El- woah woah whoa Sev. This isn't your fault. No one could've known it would open again. I thought I for sure closed it.. but you came. I found you again. You're with us.. I'm happy I found you again
I look up to her. Her eyes has tears coming down.
Me- really?
El- yes I really am, Sev
Me- I'm glad I came back too
We hug. We pull away and she tries to make her stop crying.
El- now.. shall we close this damn gate once and for all haha
Me- El...
El- heh.. yeah?
Me- what if we can't do it? What if one of us don't make it? W..what if I don't make it? I can't go back to the upside down... again..
El- you won't I promise. We'll both get back. In one piece too. We got this.. that's why we are the strongest. We have each other and people who love and care for and about us. Alright?
Me- alright
I slowly nod
El- ok
Me- El? Can you do me a favor?
El- sure. What is it?
Me- can I see them?
El- huh?
Me- can I be you and see them?
El- like you as me?
Me- yeah... I want to give them all a hug.. I feel bad that you all are doing this
El- sure.. can you even do that?
Me- yes
El- ok then let's do it
Me and El close our eyes and hold each other's hands. I become to concentrate to get to be her and she's me for awhile. I open my eyes and I am in a dark and dusty place. I turn around and see Lucas, Dustin, Will and Mike. But they look kind of blurry. But I can tell who's who by now. I walk up to them but they walk back and have a terrified look in their eyes. They all hold onto each other.
Me- guys... it's me. Sev?
I blink a couple of time and my vision comes clearer. Lucas and Dustin's mouths drop and look in shock. Will's face turns into a sweet expression like he's happy but he looks as if he's gonna cry a little but he doesn't. I turn to Mike, who is walking towards me. He looks right at my eyes. Those eyes of his again. I miss them...
Mike- Sev..? Is that you?
I quickly nod my head, smiling because he sees it as me
Mike- but how? You're in El's body..
Me- I had to see you all again... I'm sorry I left I didn't know I was gonna get stuck in-
Mike cuts me off by hugging me. I was shock that he still hugs me even though I disappeared. He lays his head onto the crease of my neck. I lay my chin onto his shoulder
Dustin- this is ACTUALLY Sev?
I look at him as I hug Mike. I smile to all of them and then look at Mike. He holds my waist and I hold onto his arms.
Mike- I thought I lost you.. I didn't know where you went but I didn't stop looking for you
Me- heh.. I didn't want to get in your head so I went into Lucas's mind first and heard all of you talking on the walky. Then he was getting pain, so I went to Dustin's.. I'm sorry Mike
Mike- how do I know this is you?
He lets go of me and looks sad again
Me- It's me Mike.. I'm just in El's body to see you all
Will- Mike?
Mike- no.. no. No no this isn't you! El stop making me think this is real!
His voice squeaks a little at the end
Dustin- Mike that's really Sev
Mike- how do you know shit mouth?!
Dustin- hey! I'm just trying to help!
Lucas- guys!
Mike- El is only doing this because she knows she can't close the gate again! I'm sorry but you all can leave and I'll... I'll just have to find Sev myself
Will- Mike you can't do that without El. This IS Sev.
Mike- I don't believe it!
Mike holds his hands over his ears and walks around the room. Saying words to himself I couldn't hear.
Me- guys you know it's me, right?
Dustin- yeah cause I know
He gestures as when I was in his mind before
Lucas- mike she's right here. Listen to us
I feel my vision fading. I have to leave again
Me- guys?... not much time left until I get back to myself. Keep Mike calm and don't leave him. Don't leave each other.. I have to go back... bye
My eyes close shut and I open them seeing myself in the darkness again. Where's El? She must've gone back into her body
Mike's POV (when Sev turns as El)
I look down waiting for El to say something. We hear her gaps again but something was not the same. We all look up to see El. Her eyes were glowing purple. Purple? Why purple? She looks up at us with her purple glowing eyes. I turn to to Lucas and Dustin. They were in complete shock as I am. But they show it more with their eyes wide and mouth dropped. I see Will he seems like he's about to cry but he doesn't and he smiles a little. I look at El again. Weird.. it doesn't feel the same as El. The aura was.. strange in a way and different but it's so furmiliar. We all hold onto each other scared of what El looks like right now. She says
El?- guys... it's me. Sev?
She blinks a couple of times and her glowing eyes disappear. They are blue..ish grey? I walk up to her and look at her eyes. They look EXACTLY like Sev's eyes.
Me- Sev?.. is that you?
She shakes her head as a yes and smiles like she's happy to see us again. Wait but it's El's body
Me- but how? You're in El's body.
I realize.. I can tell it was her... right?
Sev?- I had to see you all again.. I'm sorry I left I didn't know I was gonna get stuck in-
I cut her off as I wrap my arms around her tight. Hug. I know it isn't her body but I miss her and how we hugged. I put my head onto the crease of her neck. She lays her head onto my shoulder.
Dustin- this is ACTUALLY Sev?
I can tell she looks at Lucas, Dustin and Will. She looks at me and I look at her. I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. I hold her by her waist and she holds onto my arms. It's weird that I'm holding El's body but it's actually Sev? I need to wrap my head around this..
Me- I thought I lost you.. I didn't know where you went but I didn't stop looking for you
Sev- heh.. I didn't want to get in your head so I went into Lucas's mind first and then heard all of you talking on the walky. And then he was getting pain, so I went to Dustin's.. I'm sorry Mike
Me- how do I know this is you?
I start wondering "how could this actually be Sev?" She's not here.. this is El tricking me I bet! I let go of her I realize this isn't Sev.. it can't be.
Sev- it's me Mike.. I'm just in El's body to see you all
Will- Mike?
Me- no.. no. No no it's not you! El stop making me think this is real!
Dustin- Mike that's really Sev
Me- how do you know shit mouth?!
Dustin- hey! I'm just trying to help!
Lucas- guys!
Me- El is only doing this because she knows she can't close the gate again! I'm sorry but you all can and I'll... I'll just have to find El Sev myself
Will- Mike you can't do that without El. This IS Sev
Me- I don't believe it!
I hold my hands up to my ears to block out my hearing and walk around the room. I whisper to myself "this isn't real" over and over again.
Sev- guys you know it's me, right?
Dustin- yeah cause I know
I see him gesture something to her and she seems like she knows what he's talking about.
Lucas- Mike she's right here listen to us..
Sev- guys?.. not much time left until I go back to myself. Keep Mike calm and don't leave him. Don't leave each other.. I have to go back... bye
I look up at her and she closes her eyes. El opens her eyes back. I walk up to her
Me- how could you?! Why would you mess with me like that?!
El- I didn't! That WAS Sev the whole time. I can't manipulate her eyes..
Will- Mike we can't do this without each other. We all have to help them close the gate.
Lucas- I'm sure damn well that you don't want to have those monsters take any of us now, don't you?!
Why is Lucas always yelling at me? He always bring this exact argument even when Will went missing and then El.
Me- you guys can get the hell out and let me do this!
Dustin- we are not leaving you and you know DAMN well of that!
Me- please guys.. I didn't keep an eye on her. If I didn't leave her side for long, she wouldn't have left and we wouldn't have to be back here.. so just go
El- Mike.. I know you're not great with patience. But you really need to wait for this. Things take time and everything doesn't happen straight away
Will- also you'd need El to help you. You don't know how or have any powers to get Sev back AND close the gate
Dustin- let us help you dude
They were right. I do need El for this. I don't have powers and I can't fight anything if anything does come to fight. Fuck! They won.. again.
Me- fine but can I just stay here for like one more minute? Please?
Will- yeah we'll wait outside
Lucas- sure dude. Just don't get taken either
Me- and sorry guys.. I just wanted her back but I need her body here with us. Her physical body so we can all group hug and stay together..
Dustin- it's alright.. we forgive you, right guys?
El- some what
Me- hey!
El- heheh

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