A Improvision

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She looks down to think for awhile about this. I already know this is gonna be a lot to take in for her especially since we barely know each other
Max- alright. I'm in BUT one thing
Me- what?
Max- tell me EVERYTHING you do over here when we have our talks, alright? Also don't start liking anyone else like you like Mike
She completely stops as I look down as she mentioned his name.. I don't even think I could ever feel the same way the way I felt with Mike with anyone else so that definitely won't be a problem
Max- oh sorry..
Me- h.. how's he doing?
Max- actually... mike hasn't been the same. I can tell he misses you very much he isn't the same
Me- what do you mean? He's still Mike
I tilt my head to the left a little
Max- I don't know man but he's been super depressed.. he's not into the usual things he likes. When we all go to the diner, he doesn't come with us. Every time we visit his house, Nancy just says it's not the best time. But at school he pretends to be happy but I know he's sad and afraid inside
Poor Mike.. I really didn't mean to hurt him so much. Actually not at all, but I want him to be happy that he won't have to teach me everything
Me- do you guys talk about me? I don't mean to sound selfish or anything.. just ya know
She nods n gives me a little smile
Max- sometimes but it's always good things to make him smile. I learned some stuff about you every time they mention you. You seem like you were.. complicated heh. But you were always talked about good things, nothing bad
Me- can you um.. I don't mean to be asking a lot but can you remind him that I'm always there?
Max- of course!
She smiles
Me- I'll send you back. Where were you?
Max- at Will's house before going into the woods behind his house
Me- oh I know where that is. Alright, you ready?
Max- sure
Me- it doesn't hurt or anything so you'll be fine
Max- ok
I lift my left hand up to make my gold portal form in front of her. As soon as I see the forest near Will's house, she looks back at me and gives me a comforting smile. I needed that.. she carefully walks through and sets foot on the ground on the other side. As soon as she walks forward, I close the portal before anyone sees. Now for me to get out of this memory, I close my eyes to think of me in my room continuing my homework. I open my eyes again to see that I'm laying down on the floor on my stomach, reading this book I have to finish by tomorrow night. I hear footsteps come up the stairs and heading to my closed door. As the door opens, I look to see Melanie and Oliver standing at my door way, ready to tuck me to sleep.
Melanie- finished your homework?
Me- yea I just need to finish reading this book by tomorrow night
Oliver- you've been improving so much ya know, Savannah?
Me- yeah, I'm trying my best
Melanie- that's good. Well come on, get in bed
I look at them and smile because they are jus so nice. I put the book in my book bag after closing it. I walk over and get into my bed as they walk on the same side of the bed
Oliver- I'll be driving you to school tomorrow since Mel has to do something at the store early so
Me- oh ok. Did I mention you guys are great and I still thank you for everything?
They both laugh while Melanie puts the covers over my body up to my neck in bed
Melanie- about every night, sweetie. And we are so happy to have you here with us
Oliver- yup and you bring us joy
I smile at them and they hug each from the sides as Melanie has her head on Oliver's shoulders
Me- goodnight Mel and Olly
Melanie- goodnight my love
Oliver- night hunny
They both turn off my lamp that's on my side little table and close the door as they leave my room. I stare at my ceiling, missing everyone again. I'm glad that Max and I can get to know each other now that we will be talking. I'm upset we have to lie about it but it's to keep them safe.. Mel and Olly have been whispering things lately and I don't know what about. They are people who I won't invade their privacy jus like.. Mike. Gosh I miss him so much. I look at Melanie and Oliver's relationship. They told me they've been wanting a kid of their own but it was difficult since her side of the family tree skips a daughter to have children. It's complicated but I'm learning. I feel my eyes slowly close so I just see darkness for my dreams. I've been having nightmares ever since.. well yeah. So tonight, I jus want to close my eyes and sleep.

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