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I stand up and walk to Dustin
Dustin- hey
Me- what time will we leave?
Dustin- well we mostly stay up playing games here
Me- we are not going back to your home tonight?
Dustin- why? Do you want to? Do you feel ok?
Lucas- ohhhh she wants to go to Dustin's houseeee
Will- ohhhh I bet they will
Will turns around wrapping his arms around himself and starts making noises.
Mike- hahaha
Dustin- quit it guys jeez
Me- alright then
Lucas- she seems upset she isn't going home with Dustinnnnn
Will- ohhh
Mike- they won't be cuter than me and El, right? Haha
Lucas- dude shut up. No one was talking about you and El
Dustin- ooooh burn mike must burn haha
Mike- shut up shit mouth Dustin
El- hey! Stop arguing
Will- oh! The mage has SPOKEN
Me- Mage?
Lucas- it's what she is in our party
Mike- which you won't be apart of
A blaze in my stomach rumbled. I clutch my fists. Feel like smoke coming out of my ears and nose.
I slam my hands on the table and furrow my eyebrows at them
Lucas- well damn
Mike- cause you don't belong here! You've been in there probably your whole LIFE! So it's gonna take more than a few lessons and a dictionary to help you understand everything! Ok?
El seemed pretty shocked at Mike's behavior towards me
Will- dude you like El because she didn't belong here! She wasn't like every girl here, besides Max, she was different. So why can't you accept Sev like that too?
Lucas- Will, Mike has a point! It's gonna take more than little lessons for her to be apart of this world. She may never understand!
Dustin- guys it will be us to help her with everything for her TO understand! Of course she's different! Of course she's been through so much and isn't normal! But neither is El and we all accepted her! Mike you love El for almost the same reasons as Sev! Yeah Lucas didn't like El when she first got here but we all turned to like El.
This is not right.
Me- ... I know I'm different. I know I am a monster. But I was not asked to be this way. I never wanted to hurt anything or anyone. I was forced to and if I didn't, let's just say many would die. Yes sure maybe it will take a long time for me to understand and get used to. But I really need your help for you guys to like me. You all seem nice and cool but you guys do not like me because of how I am. I want you guys to like me so I can change and I could be a little less different if you guys can help...
Will- that's the most she's ever said...
Dustin- guys we will all help each other in a heart beat if any of us needed it. Right now she needs the help too
Lucas- look Dustin I don't understand how you like this girl.
El- she knows no emotion or feelings or her own opinions. She was never taught. Neither was I but you guys all helped me with that. Please, we should help her
Mike- WHY EL?! WHY should WE?!
El- because if not, me and her are both going to leave this town.
The room goes silent
El- She's like family to me. We both went through horrible things. She's gone through way worse. I'm sure she's still confused about you all. She doesn't know about human bodies. She only knows how to use her powers. All her life she's been trying to control it and use it. Like she said, she didn't sign up for any of it. She was born into it... what choice did she really have? And plus they saved her as well. So she couldn't hurt them because she had to be there because they saved her! So if she doesn't stay then neither will I...
Me- you don't have to, El...
Mike- El, cmon you can't be serious?! You promised you'd never leave me again!
Lucas- El don't leave please
Dustin- see! This is why we need Sev to stay.
Will- Mike and Lucas, you guys have to apologize and say she can stay. Or other wise, Mike will lose El.. again. And Max will be the only girl when she comes back
El- so do you want her to stay or leave?
Lucas- Mike you kind of have no choice
Mike- fine! She stays! And so will you, El
Dustin- good now who wants to help her feel emotions?
Will- I think her "traumatized" feelings are already there sooo
Lucas- I think she already has her love emotion which Dustin can happily show her huhhhhhhhhh
Dustin- ew stop no Lucas jeez
Will- awwwwwwwwwwwww my ship
Me- will you all teach me different emotions?
Mike- I'm sure Dustin will love to teach you about the fuck feelings haha
Lucas- woahhhhhh
Me- fuck?
El- no no no no no Mike! Really?!
Mike- what?
Will- ew haha
Lucas- look El I'm sure Dustin was already gonna fuck her but
El- he better not
Everyone looks at Dustin
Dustin- jeez no, ok?! I don't like her
Mike- whatever ya say lover boy
Dustin- fine then why haven't you banged El, yet? Huh?!
Mike- ... cause
Dustin- cause what, Mike?
Mike- .....
Dustin- that's what I thought
Will- okayyyy can we continue playing please? It was getting good
Lucas- sure yeah cmon
Mike- I'll be right back...
Mike was leaving up the stairs until El calls his name
El- Mike? ..... where are you going?
Mike- I need air...
El- I'll come with you
Mike- no I'll be fine don't worry. Only awhile
El- .. ok..
Mike leaves to go outside. El looks down and sits under the fort. The boys play the games again. I walk to El
Me- are you ok?
El- no... Mike. He didn't answer why me and him haven't done more than kiss. I know all about that stuff because Nancy told me. Her and Jonathan have Love I see it. I want that love with Mike. Maybe? I don't know
Me- I know I don't know anything about that "love" feeling. But I can see how you are with Mike. I don't know... although you always smile around him. You told me you like like Mike but does he still like like you?
I could tell she was in deep thought. Did I say something that she did not want to hear? Should I fix it?
Me- ....

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