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I walk downstairs after I finish changing. I see Mike in different clothes, sitting on the couch. I notice he has a little box on the small table in front of him. I run up to him and hug him on the couch, making me on top of him. I have my arms around his neck as I'm on his lap/legs and he did a small yell from my actions. I hug tighter and when I pull away he has a very big smile on his face which makes me hug him again.
Mike- woah Sev! What's up with this?
I put my head on his neck and say quietly
Me- hug
I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I put my hands in his hair and massage it for awhile before pulling my face away from him, to look at him, he's smiling
Mike- you're really cute, ya know that?
I shake my head
Me- no you are
He puts each of my legs on either side of him, making me sit on him
Mike- impossible
Me- nope
I lean close to him and he does too. We lean until there's no space and his lips are on mines. I feel the same warmth, softness, and the best feeling with him. And only him. He puts his hand on my waist and puts small pressure on my waist, it feels nice but I make a small new noise out of nowhere making me also heat up. We both pull away slowly and put our foreheads on top of each other and look into each other's eyes. He truly has the best eyes to love. Our noses touching and I close my eyes to keep and remember this moment.
Mike- Sev?
Me- hm?
I feel something under my pants as I'm on top of Mike. I let out a shaky breath for some reason. What is happening?
Mike- as much as I love having this moment, we still gotta head to Will's house heh
Me- oh right..
I pull my face away from his and see he has a small smile
Mike- I kinda have something for you
Me- for me? What is it?
I tilt my head a little while mike looks like he's feeling different emotions which he's trying to figure out in his head
Me- Mike, are you ok?
I furrow my eyebrows and wait for his answer but he's still just staring at me. I soon realize the same feeling as I'm top of him. It's not going away either. Blood rushes to my face as I still don't know what's under me
Me- um Mike?
Mike- yeah?
Me- I..
Should I tell him? Does he even notice? I lean closer to his face but avoid his face as I look down at his chest, noticing I'm taking deep breaths making my chest rise up and down a little. I think Mike notices cause he then asks
Mike- Sev?
Me- sorry just.. feeling something again..
I still avoid looking at his face or his eyes that I'd get stuck looking at. I feel one of his hands move up my arm and he puts it under my chin to make me look at him but I force my head to not move. I can tell he looks more confused as he tries to keep making me look at him gently. Until he suddenly uses force to make my face look directly at his, making my breath stop and my eyes wide at his sudden action. He's never used force like that on me before
Mike- goddamn Sev..
He lets out a heavy but low breath, making me shiver a little. I still don't look into his eyes
Mike- you aren't looking at me. Why? What's wrong?
Me- nothing.. we should head out to Will's now
I was so close to just start moving out of his grip and stand up but he holds me down still by his hands on my waist, making my hair cover the sides of my face a little while I look down and closing my eyes so I won't look at him. My stomach is going crazy right now. Like I want to stay like this forever but I know we have to go
Mike- please.. I wanna see your beautiful eyes
What the? He's never been this way.. it's new but why? It's really making me feel the most weird
Me- I don't think I can look at you without this feeling, Mike..
Mike- Sev just look at me please
I slowly lift my gaze to his face, finally looking into his eyes. They have a different look into them. I've never seen it in him or anyone else really
Mike- jeez fuck
My eyes widen a little. It's like my stomach is hurting but not at the same time? I look down at his lips and I just want to have another kiss but I can't. I try to hold in some breath in
Me- please, we gotta go..
Mike- we have time
He says in a low but nice tone that makes me shiver again and it's not even cold. I look up above his eyes, to not look at him because if I do I might explode, not literally
Mike- I'm sorry but can I kiss you right now? I just feel
Me- you feel it too?
I look back at him again. He nods a couple of times. I feel this big rush and I put my hands on his neck and shoulder area slowly. Making him catch his breath. We both, I guess, had the same thought because we both leaned in fast and start to kiss. Soon it gets rough and he pulls me more to him, making no space between us. I still feel the thing beneath me and I move up a little. We kiss for awhile and he puts one hand on my neck. It's like sparks every time. It's getting so hot in here.  I can feel both of our heavy breaths as we move the same. I pull on his hair and he presses on my waist. After a couple minutes, we slowly pull away and try to catch our breaths. I put my hands on his shoulder as he hugs me and then we pull away
Mike- woah
Me- mhm
I feel my face get red
Mike- I just.. it just came over me, Sev. I'm sorry
Me- no, no it's good
He looks more happy with his big smile that appears, which makes me smile back
Mike- I wish I didn't have school, so I wouldn't leave
Me- oh right. School. Um can you let me go now? So I can get up
Mike- oh yeah right
He takes his hands off my waist. I still feel the thing under me. Should I tell him? Probably yea
Me- hey Mike?
Mike- yeah?
Me- something is under me. Like ya know how yesterday was
His face drops, not literally, and turns red as ever
Mike- um.. yeah you should get up
Me- heh yeah
I start getting up quickly but I feel myself falling backwards off the couch and I hear Mike call my name. As I hit the floor, not that hard, I feel myself start laughing out of no where. I see Mike lean over to look at me as I feel my some of my hair cover my face
Mike- SEV! Are you ok?!
I still keep laughing. I laugh harder as I see Mike's face, looking all scared
Mike- you're... laughing?
I yell but laugh still. He looks very confused as I roll on my side. My stomach is starting to hurt from this much laughing so I put my hand over my stomach
Mike- yeah you did. You find this funny?
He kinda of tries to keep in his laughs in but I can tell he wants to laugh too
Me- definitely
He starts to join with me laughing. This feels great. His laugh is really nice. Mines probably isn't but I laugh anyway. Soon he gets up and holds a hand out for me to grab
Mike- cmon I still have something for you
I grab his hand and he pulls me up. We both sit down on the couch beside each other and he holds one hand with his one hand too
Mike- I took this from Nancy's room, it's her make up kit. I'm gonna just put lipstick on you, ok?
Me- lipstick?
Mike- it's for your lips to have color but it feels a little weird to have it on heh
Me- alright
He looks around in the box
Mike- hmm? What color?
He picks up a "lipstick" and opens the lid from it
Mike- this is a pink one to go with your outfit. Ok just relax your lips. Don't move while I put this on
I nod and he leans close to me with the stick thing, which is the "lipstick". I relax my lips but my mouth is open a little. He puts the soft looking part on my lips. It feels weird on my lips but it feels moist-ish. He spreads it along my lips. He moves the lipstick away from me and he also goes back to see my face. He smiles
Mike- that's good haha. Now do this
He looks like he just sucks in his lips into his mouth. I try to mirror his action and I press my lips together and feel the lipstick on my mouth
Me- there?
Mike- yup! Great! So ready to go?
Me- yes
Mike grabs his bag and we walk out the house. I walk to his bike while he closes his door to the house. He comes over to me and picks the bike off from the ground. He gets on the bike and I sit down on the tiny chair of the bike and hold onto Mike's waist as he starts riding down the streets. As we ride down the streets, I see the sun coming up higher. I let go of his waist and try to keep my balance so I won't fall. I lift my arms in the air as the wind hits my arms and my hair flies everywhere onto my face.
Mike- heh don't fall
As he says that, that moment of the wind hitting me and my hair flowing in the air goes away. I quickly lock my arms around Mike tightly and rest my head on his back. After awhile, we get to a house I recognized. It was where Joyce, Jonathan and Will lives. Mike and I get off his bike and walk to the front door. Mike knocks on the door a couple of times. I lay my head on Mike's shoulder. He looks at me
Mike- when we get inside you can sleep until Joyce goes to work. You have to go with her to work so you'll have a little more sleep, ok?
Me- where are you and Will gonna go?
Mike- I'll probably race him around the School's lot to pass time until school starts I guess. But don't worry we'll be back and we can maybe hang out with the party if you want
Me- that's alright. I think I'm gonna stay with Joyce today but you can go with the party
Mike- Huh? Are you sure?
Me- yeah.. I need to learn a lot to start school and if I want to catch up to all of you guys then I need to practice
Mike- you are going for a goal, eh? What's your motivation?
Me- motivation?
I lift my head off of his shoulder and look at him while he looks at me
Mike- something that makes you keep doing something to achieve it
Me- well I don't want to be by myself without you guys in school so I should catch up to you guys so I can learn what you guys know. I know it will be a lot because I'm 14 so I have a lot of learning and practice to do
Mike- it's ok you'll do fine. Don't worry so much about it
Me- ok.. yeah I'll try

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