Trust Issues

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After awhile we all meet up at a game.
Mike- how was it?
Lucas- I just played some motor cycle game and a couple of shooting games
Dustin- me and Will danced
Me- I watched it was very good
I sense something behind me. I turn back. Nothing is there. I look back at the group but no one was there. No one in sight of any humans.
Me- el? Dustin? Will? Mike? Lucas?
I call out for all of them. I see El. I walk up to her. She put me in here. What did she want?
El- Sev.... you don't have to stay. You'll learn how to get used to it. I know I'm the only one you know...
I stop her. I know what she was going to say.
Me- El... I'm alright. I understand you will be with Mike the whole time. I need to make new friends. You can go off. Don't care about me. I'm alright myself.
I take myself out of that place. Everything is back to normal. I look at El. I walk out of the arcade. She doesn't need me. I just needed her. I hear someone come up behind me and I can already tell who it is
Dustin- hey.. what happened? You alright?
Me- El.... she's gonna be with Mike.. all the time. She doesn't have time for me.
Dustin- oh.. well you don't really need her, right?
Me- I do. No one will understand anything from me. I need her to help me with all of this
Dustin- I could help. If you want
Me- no.. I guess I need to do this without help..
Dustin- some times it's alright to get help
Me- what if El doesn't like me anymore?
Dustin- hey it's alright I'm sure she still likes you. Get this off of your mind. Now let's go back
I nod. We go back to everyone
Will- everything alright?
Dustin- yeah now it is
Lucas- ohhhhhh I think they kissed
What is that word? "Kissed"?
Mike- ohhhhhh I'm sure they were making out
Will- ew haha
El- did you?
Dustin- what?! Noooo
Me- "kissed"?
Lucas- haha she doesn't know what kissing is
El- she doesn't know love. She can't feel it. She doesn't know happiness, sadness, anger, love, or anything
Mike- I'm sure Dustin can teach her all of that
Dustin- guys stop! I don't like her
Will- mhmm
Me- like?
Lucas- it's when
El quickly cuts him off
El- she doesn't need to know that stuff Lucas.
Mike- well she'll understand everything with Dustin
Dustin- you guys are so immature
Will- haha
El- we should be heading back to Mike's
Lucas- sure
Dustin- yes please
Mike- ok let's go
We get onto the bikes. Dustin and Will help me get on it again. Once we get to Mike's house we see the door already open.
Mike- didn't we close the door?
El- I think we did, right?
Will- you think someone is inside?
Lucas- I hope not and if so someone's ass is getting beat
Dustin- haha maybe Nancy and Jonathan came back
Me- it was me. I opened the door when we were about a block away. I knew we were close, so I opened it
Mike- okay?
Lucas- what if there is someone it in now though?
El- well
Me- I would've sensed if someone was inside.. but no one is inside it's alright
Will- ok
Will gets off his bike and heads towards the house
Lucas- how do we trust her?
El- I would've sensed it too
Mike- yeah and if El says she doesn't feel anything then nothing is inside
Dustin- so you listen only to El but not Sev?
Lucas- well we don't know her so
Mike- and we don't know if we can trust her
Will- I trust her and I'm sure no one is inside
El- let's just go inside
She gets off of Mike's bike and goes inside. Will helps me off the bike. The rest of the boys mounts off the bikes as well. We all go inside the house and head downstairs.
Mike- guys wanna play D&D?
Lucas- sure
Will- just not another 10hour game please. I gotta get home later
Dustin- awww
Me- "D&D"?
Will- it's a game we play and it's really fun
Lucas- so intense and whoever wins gets whatever prize
El- they can end up playing for the whole weekend
Mike- it has happened before
Me- wow..
I go under the fort and El sits next to me. I stay quiet and look down. The boys all sit on chairs around the table. They start playing. I was just in no thought. I can't think straight. I could feel El looking at me
El- hey...
Me- what?
El- about earlier.... I just wanted to say I didn't mean to sound like I wanted you to leave
Me- it's alright. I know you don't need me. You have Mike. Yes you are the only person I know. But maybe I need more people. Not just you. I see you have more people than just me. I'm not leaving but I can always escape in my head any time I want.
El- ..... I know but I think you should stay..
Me- you don't want me to leave?
El- no you're like family to me
Me- oh
El- you don't know what that really really mean right?
Me- not so much
El- haha well that's fine you will soon know
Me- good..  why didn't you come back? For... me?
The question goes into my mind. If she was alright all this time, why didn't she come back to get me? Didn't she want me to stay with her?
El- I... I don't know
Me- why?
El- I don't know I guess I just got caught up with this place that I didn't really think about the past much... or you
Me- so you didn't remember me?
El- I couldn't really. I was always in a mess. So much has happened... I guess I just couldn't go back
Me- oh alright

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