Its her again

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They all leave the room so I can have it to myself. I say to myself
Me- why'd you have to go? I should've held you longer..
I feel tears go down my cheek. They are warm. I walk out of the room and try to find my way out.. I start to feel dizzy. I put my hands on my head to hold my head. I trip over my own foot and when I see my face WAY to close to the ground, I close my eyes. I don't feel anything when I fall. I open my eyes. I was just surrounded by complete darkness. I am standing.. but how? I was JUST falling. Where am I and HOW did I get here? I turn around trying to look for anything but I don't see ANYTHING. It was just all dark. I face back to where I was first looking at. See a person, looking down. It's a.. girl. Her hair all messed up and she's shaking. It's not cold so I don't know why she's shaking. I slowly walk towards her.
Me- hello?
She doesn't move for a second. But then she put her hands on top of her hair, seeming like she wants to yank it.
Girl?- UGH!
She groans as she yells it moving around. Oh my god! What is wrong with her? Is she ok?! I walk towards her and put my hands on her shoulders. She completely stops.
Me- are you ok?
She slowly looks up at me as her hair uncovers her face. I make out who she was. SEV?!
Me- Sev?! Ok is this real or is that fake?! Sev.. is that really you?
Sev?- Mike? What are you doing here? And yes I'm me..
She looks away from me
Sev- you didn't believe me when I said I was so you might not believe me now either so...
I lift her head up and stare into her eyes. Yes, yes YES! This is her! I quickly pull her into a tight hug. This isn't fake.. it IS her
Sev- heh so you believe me?
I pull away from the hug and actually take a look at her. Her eyes were red from what seemed like she was crying so much. Her hair was messy from her putting her hands on it and messing it up. Was she scared as much as I am?
Me- if it's REALLY you, then say something that we both only know
Sev- I saw you shirtless heh
She says as she sniffs because she was just crying. I see her smile again. Her smile haha. It just makes me so happy and I found her!
Me- yes, YES! It is you!
She lets go of me. And looks sad again
Sev- i really didn't mean to leave you, Mike.. I was hearing things and I followed it to the roof. I looked down and I.. I fell. I'm so sorry. I saw-
Me- wait so all of that you said when you were as "El"... it was true?
Sev- yes, Mike I'd never just leave. I'd never just leave you
I hold her hands. Rubbing my thumb on the side of her hand to calm me down a little
Me- don't worry we are going to get you back. And I'll give you a another hug, I promise. We'll close the gate and all stick together and-
Sev- I don't... I don't want a hug, Mike
Me- you don't want to hug me?
Sev- no..?
She doesn't want a hug? I thought she felt the same way I do about her.. does she not like me anymore? Or has she ever really? I feel my heart start to race again and I feel my blood boiling
She cuts me off as she closes her eyes and pulls me to her by my shirt. She kisses me.. YES! That means she does love me back, right? I close my eyes as well slowly. She doesn't pull away for awhile so I start to kiss back. I put my hands on her neck and she puts her hands on my chest. Full of wanting this to last.  After awhile, we pull away for air. I put my head on her forehead.
Me- I missed you
Sev- I didn't want a hug because I'd rather kiss you... heh even though it's been like over night
I look at her seriously
Me- over night?
Sev- yeah I was only gone for the night and today but you guys found me late tonight
I pull away and look at her confused. She thinks she was only gone for one day?
Me- no? You were gone for two days
Sev- two days?
Me- yeah.. you don't know?
Sev- I left 2days ago?
Me- ..yeah. How long do you think you have been here?
Sev- well it's all dark so I have no idea..
Me- we are going to get you out. I gotta tell the rest of the party. And Sev?
Sev- yeah?
Me- I love you
I smile at her and I see her face light up with a smile too. We hug and let go slowly. She looks at me and I see her face blush. She's adorable when she blushes haha. Just her face is so sweet and adorable but so hot at the same time haha.
Sev- I..I love you too
My visions starts to get blurry
Me- Sev?
Sev- you have to go.. Mike promise me something?
I reach out my arms to feel where she's standing
Me- yeah?
I feel her hold my hands
Sev- please get me out of here. Don't rush this all takes time. Especially if me and El have to close the gate again. Don't leave each other
Me- I'll never stop until you get back. I promise
Sev- thank you.. you have to go now..
I close my eyes and I hug her. I soon can't feel her in my arms any more so I open my eyes. I don't see Sev with me anymore and I'm back in the halls of the lab. I see the exit door and I run out the lab. I see Lucas, Dustin, Will and El waiting for me with their bags and on the bikes

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