The Cleric & The Ranger at it🤭

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Steve- Joyce take Will, El, Nancy and Mike in your car while Jonathan will drive Dustin, Lucas and I in his car
Joyce- alright
My mom picks up El as a bridal style. Nancy holds Mike as if she was carrying a baby and his head was on her shoulder. Jonathan picks up Max over his shoulder. Steve does the same to Lucas over his shoulder. We all rush out the lab and run out of the woods. Some of us was with my mom in her car and the rest was with Jonathan in his car. Soon, we get to my house. My mom jobs as she is carrying El to the door to open it. Everyone gets out of the two cars and runs into my house after my mom unlocks the door and opens it for all of us. Jonathan and Steve go to Jonathan's room and put down Lucas and Max on his bed together. My mom puts El on my bed in my room. Nancy puts Mike on my moms bed in her room. I breathe heavily because we rushed over here so quickly. Dustin and I stay in the living room, worrying about our injured best friends.
Me- they're gonna be fine, right?
Dustin- yeah. Not too much blood so.. I just wanna know where is Sev and how did that "explosion" happen
Me- yeah same.. did they close the gate?
Dustin- I guess we will know when El wakes up to find out
Me- yeah..
I quickly without noticing close my eyes. After awhile, someone shakes my shoulder. I open my eyes and see my moms face smiling at me
Me- hmm?
Joyce- they are all awake and are fine. You can see any of them.. but not Mike yet. Nancy is talking to him first
Me- alright mom
I look to my right and not seeing Dustin where he was before I fell asleep. I walk to Jonathan's room to see Lucas and Max first. I see Jonathan, Steve and Dustin talking at the end of his bed where Lucas and Max were sitting up on.
Me- hey..
Lucas- hey Will
Dustin- hey you woke up heh
Me- are you two ok?
Max- just a little blood and we just got knocked out because of that explosion
Lucas- yeah
Me- let's four go see El. She's in my room
I walk out of the room to my room where El was laying down on my bed as Lucas, Dustin and Max follow me to the room. I sit down near El on the bed as she starts to wake up and sits up closer to the headboard of the bed. Jonathan, Steve, and my mom comes in the room and stand around El in bed. She holds her head cause of the pain I guess. Lucas and Dustin sit at the foot of the bed while Max goes on the opposite side from me near El.
El- what happened? Where's Sev?
She looks around and notice Mike isn't here
El- where's Mike?
Nancy comes into the room
Nancy- he just left back home
She says as she crosses her arms
El- oh..what happened?
We tell her how we all saw the explosion and we found Lucas, Max, Mike and her on the ground. Bleeding and knocked out.
El- so... she's not here, is she?
El has tears filling her eyes as she looks down and play with her hands as she's nervous. Jonathan and Steve leave the room to let us have it for right now
Me- we didn't see her...
El-..and Mike? How's he taking it?
Lucas- Nancy just talked to him in Joyce's room privately
Joyce- are you ok though? Any pain?
El-... I'm fine. My head hurts some what though but it's nothing to worry about
Nancy- so what was that explosion?
El-...Sev was in front of the gate. Thankfully it wasn't too big so she stayed stabling it while I get a green stuff to seal the gate. As I turned to go and put myself back with her, she opened a portal and she was telling me to give her the green glowy bottle. I kept refusing but soon I threw it to her so she can close the gate.... but as I ran through the fire she put around the portal so none of us can go through, I went through the portal. I was so close to cover her from the portal but as I touched her... I got knocked back
Max- yeah and she was very drained of  energy and she looked like how she felt  which was exhausted
Lucas- ..she sacrificed herself for us..
Me- she didn't honestly have to do that though
El looks over to me with a confused face
El- what do you mean? We would all be dealing with the monster that gate was going to create again
Lucas- exactly and you know that well Will so don't say shit like that especially if some of us are gonna have to deal with her being gone because some of us actually talked to Sev unlike you did
Lucas stands up to me
Me- what?!
I stand up and look up to him angry because he's taller and he's trying to get under my skin
Max- woah woah guys don't argue
Nancy and Max stands up and moves Lucas and me apart
Lucas- you never even said much to Sev to get to know her even well
Me- neither did you!
Lucas- well I know some stuff AND I can see how much she means to El, Mike, Dustin, Nancy and Joyce. And since all of them are like family and my best friends, then I'm gonna help make them be happy no matter what because that's what I do. If it means this much to them then I don't need to have a reason of actually talking to her much
Max- ok Lucas calm down please
She gets in front of him and puts her hands on his chest to calm him down. I glare at Lucas as Nancy and my mom hold me back but I don't want to admit that he has a great point because I'm the same way about my friends

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